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25-Dec-2006, 07:10 AM
what in the hell happened to that

25-Dec-2006, 11:29 AM
i think carter & the stars are up for it, but i *think* anderson's pregnant &/or the studios have cold feet about it. can see it languishing in developement hell for some time yet...

25-Dec-2006, 11:32 AM
I'd welcome an X-Files 2, it was a good show and the movie was pretty good as well ... although perhaps do something that isn't about aliens, or not all about aliens anyway ... that stuff gets a little old after 9 seasons and a movie. :D

X-Files 2 would surely do a bomb at the box office, as in, LOADS of cash after being away so long from our screens...

25-Dec-2006, 01:27 PM
I'd welcome an X-Files 2, it was a good show and the movie was pretty good as well ... although perhaps do something that isn't about aliens, or not all about aliens anyway ... that stuff gets a little old after 9 seasons and a movie. :D

X-Files 2 would surely do a bomb at the box office, as in, LOADS of cash after being away so long from our screens...

I know what you mean. I love the x-files but when they shifted the focus on alien conspiracies it got to get old after a while. I liked how they did the earlier episodes.
What is your favoriate episode? I do not remember the title but mine was the fast food worker that ate peoples brains or something. He looked like a normal kid but at home when he took off the fake eyes, hair, ears and teath he was quite frightening.

25-Dec-2006, 03:34 PM
What is your favoriate episode?

The one with those aliens. :D

25-Dec-2006, 03:45 PM
The one with those aliens. :D

That isw a lot of episodes cap:D The alien episode I like is how the reporter tells a story of his friendship with one of those aliens and how aliens like baseball and how all the baseball greats were actually aliens (babe ruth etc...)

25-Dec-2006, 04:25 PM
yeah the earlier ones were they were just individual cases like the flukeworm man and stuff, those were cool didnt even watch the last season though it just whent so far away from were it started it wasnt like watching the same show, a bit too "24-ey" for my tastes.

25-Dec-2006, 05:30 PM
lol, how was it ever like 24?! :lol:

24 started after X-Files had finished. :p

Aye, I too liked the earlier seasons better, the latter seasons were peaks and troughs, a bit too much of the alien conspiracy stuff, and it's annoying when a whole season is basically clouded under one story. Like (I think it was season 5 of) Buffy with that blonde evil woman - it dragged on for the whole season and she was crap in that role, so the whole season was spoiled by that on-going garbage...

Where was I? Oh yeah, earlier seasons of X-Files - excellent. I can't really remember the episodes all that well, but the season 6 episode with Bruce Campbell was awesome just because it was Brucey, erm ... the one with the in-bred mountain people - that was f*cking disgusting, but an excellent episode - also, the Tooms stuff, creepy stuff.

I remember I wasn't quite a teenager at the point (I think) and my Dad was saying "no way are you watching that episode" but I just said "pfft, I SO WILL" - and I did, and loved it. Wasn't scared at all! :D

25-Dec-2006, 07:28 PM
my favourites are the one where the aliens turn out to be victims of japanese war criminal experiments (nisei/731), the ones with all of the smallpox jabs in the filing cabinets in those tunnels (paperclip/little green men) the black oil one in russia (tunguska) and the one where mulder switches bodies with that fat area 51 dude. the season 3 finale was superb too, shame the season 4 starter was crap.

was a total sucker for the grand overarching conspiracy ones, although i did like the monster of the week ones too. me and thu missus bought all of them from chinaaaa for £60 ;) sessioned the lot in about 3 months :D

thought the lone gunmen spinoff was a bit weak though.

25-Dec-2006, 07:45 PM
Right aliens are visiting Earth abducting people. The US government funds a organisation to work with them and shoot them dead if any of them crash. There's black oil that posesses people. There's clones tending Bee hives, Theres pox crop fields. It wasn't aliens after all it was a huge government conspiracy to cover up real problems. It is aliens after all. Theres some rebel aliens out to stop them by burning people involved. Theres some alien spaceship in Africa that contains the answers to the universe. They are makiing Starchildren. Some ghosts took Mulders sister. It wasn't aliens after all, it was super soldiers. Oh, it was aliens all along.
Did anyone get that?
Thought not.
Carter made it up as it went along.

25-Dec-2006, 08:06 PM
so waht?, it was all just like lost then?:p

26-Dec-2006, 08:22 AM
When Babylon 5 was made, the writer went in with many contingency plans should actors leave or die or whatever - thats a good plan and one that made the show work well for four seasons. When Enterprise was made the temporal cold war story was made up in the first episode and the writers decided to add more stuff to it leading to a big cop out ending to kickstart season 4. When Lost was made the original plan was to have Jack killed and Kate take the lead - plans changed I really think the writers are making everything up as they go along and the end revelation will be messy, we might not even get a revelation at all, just the castaways leaving the island.

26-Dec-2006, 08:26 AM
its just x files meets the stand meets the lord of the flys in my opinion.:bored:

26-Dec-2006, 09:46 AM
What are people complaining about ... ALL these sorts of shows are made up as they go along. At most the writers have an endpoint they seek to reach, or they have particular parts along the line - now they just need to "fill in the gaps" (Smith did the same with Clerks 2 according to him on the DVD).

It's stupid to expect the writers to have the whole story mapped out, especially when more than one person writes the show, Carter is like Russell T. Davis - writes the caps on either end and supervises the rest - a whole bunch of people who write a few episodes each, or even just one. Go on - try have an intricate, pre-planned arc of immense detail and scope before you've even secured your budget, locations, directors and a whole myriad of things. :rockbrow:

If that sounds grumpily grumpily groo, then too bad, I just woke up. :|

26-Dec-2006, 10:45 AM
well with doctor who, x files et al i think they have a vague sub-thread to the seasons plotting and rough arcs for the characters planned out, but they also take on board stories that arent entirely relevant.

so they both plan it and they dont. the thing that made the x files overarching plot seemed a bit arbitrary sometimes was the fact that they would exhaust a sub plot too quickly and then have to build upon something else and make that the centre of the x files universe, it all got a bit knackering and vague after a while.

"Lost" is TOTALLY made up as it goes along though, you can tell.

26-Dec-2006, 12:09 PM
pfft, Lost is totally not made up willy nilly, it's the same mix of "as it goes" and "pre planned ideas" like every other show in the same vein.

What's with all the "Lost" playa hatin'...sheesh! :rolleyes:

And that's a rhetorical question.

Like Kevin Smith said - it's a question of key points and then filling in the gaps. It's almost always like that, you can't build a house without foundations. :smug bastard smiley:

26-Dec-2006, 06:15 PM
"Lost" is TOTALLY made up as it goes along though, you can tell.

Agreed. I mean you can watch one episode and be totally 'lost' again by the next.

26-Dec-2006, 09:53 PM
What are people complaining about ... ALL these sorts of shows are made up as they go along.

i just keep bringing it up cus i know it pisses you off, there i got my fix, happy boxing day folks:p :lol:

pfft, Lost is totally not made up willy nilly, it's the same mix of "as it goes" and "pre planned ideas" like every other show in the same vein.

What's with all the "Lost" playa hatin'...sheesh! :rolleyes:

And that's a rhetorical question.

Like Kevin Smith said - it's a question of key points and then filling in the gaps. It's almost always like that, you can't build a house without foundations. :smug bastard smiley:

and im gonna make like randal did on the lord of the rings.

"heres season 1 of lost....stuck on an island....stuck on an island, **** a bear ...stuck on an island...."

"heres season 2 of lost....stuck on an island...stuck on an island...more people.....still stuck on an island"

"season 3 of lost..."


27-Dec-2006, 10:02 AM
I must admit, your Randal of Lost is funny ... the LOTR piss take was excellent too, and I think those flicks are awesome - have all the extended 4-disc monsters lined up present and correct on those thar DVD shelves. :cool: