View Full Version : Taking Freedom of Speech a little too far on Christmas?

25-Dec-2006, 02:07 PM

I wouldn't consider it Freedom of Speech though when he took it there, more like a terrorist act since he could have hurt others and he did destroyed public property.

But what really gets me about this, it seems he didn't respect the rights of others for wanting the change, but he SURE wanted everyone to respect his.

F**king hypercrite. Merry Christmas! :D

:dead: Dawg

25-Dec-2006, 03:48 PM
I thought it was just the religious nuts who lit themselves on fire...?

25-Dec-2006, 03:57 PM
Being a fool is an equal-opportunity type of thing. :D

:dead: Dawg

BTW- Some of the 'Smiles' icons don't seem to work, maybe it is just on my end?

25-Dec-2006, 05:40 PM
lol, what a dick.

I'm an athiest, but I still called it Xmas and Easter holidays when I was at school. :rolleyes:

If he wanted to burn himself over an anti-religious-people issue, how about religious folk saying no to euthanasia or stem cell research, which plenty of people are in favour of and can benefit people. Essentially, religious folk influencing legislation that would benefit agnostics and athiests. How is that fair?

But the name of a break from school? What a dick. :rolleyes:

25-Dec-2006, 05:59 PM
People setting themselves on fire has been common the past year. He sounds like a stupid fool.

26-Dec-2006, 02:00 AM
For me, it's a joke that someone would take it that far to change such a minor thing. Obviously no concept of the word 'life'. I would have let him burn and roasted my chestnuts on him. :D

26-Dec-2006, 05:03 AM
I'm never quite sure what to make of people lighting themselves on fire...

If I'd been there I'd have wished him a Merry Christmas just to add insult to him being a dumbass

26-Dec-2006, 11:25 AM
That's gotta be the worst kind of protesting, if you ask me. I mean... Protesting should demonstrate that alot of people are against this act. But if it's just one guy? It won't have any bigger impact if he just waves a sign around than if he lights himself on fire.

26-Dec-2006, 01:22 PM
I thought it was just the religious nuts who lit themselves on fire...?

To many Athiests, it is a religon. Trust me on this, they have the same closed minded religious outlook that there is no God and we shouldn't mention him as the other nuts have of mentioning him.

Just the other side of the coin I guess.


I'm never quite sure what to make of people lighting themselves on fire...

If I'd been there I'd have wished him a Merry Christmas just to add insult to him being a dumbass

If I'd been there then I'd be waving a hot dog on a stick at him yelling "GO FER IT"..:evil:


26-Dec-2006, 03:01 PM
Marie, I know what you're saying and believe me, I make sure to bring that up every chance I get to athiests who try to preach their religion at me.

26-Dec-2006, 05:10 PM
Now you see, this is the thing - not all religious folks are nuts and force it on people and likewise not all Athiests are nuts and force it on people. I'm athiest, but I don't cram it down people's throats.

When in a conversation then I make my opinion clear as we're all doing so, I don't say my answer is the be-all and end-all ... because it's not an answer it's my opinion.

What I hate is humans who think the human race is the be-all and end-all of everything. That's one of the main reasons why I don't swallow the whole "God" thing. It's too easy an answer for me, and it is an answer that is in man's own image.

Basically, the why of everything is so unbelievably far beyond our comprehension we should just take the scientific discoveries as they come, because science seeks for explanations based on actual tangible findings.

To me, the Bible, being written years and years after the events happened - and the whole 'the word of man is fallible' thing - is basically a giant game of Chinese Whispers.

There may very well have been a bloke called Jesus ... but he was probably just a really cool bloke, or a really cool bloke who could perform magic tricks - and I don't mean that in an offensive way. A cool bloke who could wow people with things they'd never seen before, while at the same time dispensing his cool, chilled out take on life and how it should be lead.

I think, if he did exist, he was kind of an aspirational - yet wholly human like everyone else - character. Maybe he partly self-inspired the stories about where he came from and all that jazz.

Anyway, point being, science is digging up fossils and dinosaurs and carbon dating stuff and a whole myriad of things I can't even begin to fathom. Science has thrust us beyond our atmosphere and now we're in the middle of discovering the mysteries of Mars - that's as far as our knowledge expands, so to assume the answer is simply "some bloke called God did everything" and then the end ... like I said, I don't buy that. The human race is a mere blip on the radar - that's one of the reasons that I don't buy that we, mankind is ultimately responsible for global warming - don't waste and make a mess, but seriously ... us, doing all that? It's already proven that methane is doing a huge amount of damage - that's why New Zealand didn't make it's emissions quota thingymabob...

Anyway, getting off onto a whole other issue - basically, mankind isn't the be-all and end-all of everything. To slap a human face on it and have mere mortals write a whole book and lifestyle around it ... that doesn't sound at all right to me...

Now ... the final yards of this epic response...:lol:

This all said - if you're Christian, great - good for you. If you're not cramming it down my throat or imposing your beliefs on something that ultimately affects my life (I think the whole anti-euthanasia thing is incredibly selfish - if I want to be "turned off" after becoming a vegetable from a car wreck, I want that choice for me and me alone ... etc) ... er, yeah, if you ain't opposing my existence then fine and dandy.

In fact, here's one way how I analyse my difference to those of faith - those who have faith, have faith. I don't. They have something bigger than themselves to seek refuge in, they have somewhere to go in times of need, they have faith to get them through hard times ... ... I don't. In hard times it's me versus the problem (yes, with family, but not a whole faith and community worldwide etc) and that's it.

So you could say, in a way, I'm on the cruddy end...

Also - the whole Christmas break thing - who cares, Xmas to me is about being with family - that's it. I don't celebrate the Jesus bit, I celebrate my interpretation of a wider event in this, the present day. They're Christmas lights ... not friggin' *winter lights* ... yuck.

Where was I? Did I make sense? Long and rambly, but it states my position and theories and ideas and ahhhhhh ... my brain exploded!!! :D

26-Dec-2006, 05:43 PM
MinionZombie, if I were in England right now, I'd make love to you. No, but seriously. Great post. I agree with everything you said.

I can get a bit frustrated when discussing stuff with christians, mostly because I have had bad experiences with christians. The ones I know pretty much have their faith set in stone and look down on those that don't. Like this one time I remember, I told this girl I didn't believe in God. Her response?

"Oh... Wow... I've never met anyone who didn't believe in God before." in a general "I feel sorry for you" tone. I wanted to tell her to **** off, but I didn't. Heh.

Generally, I don't really like to get bogged down in any set code of religious thought. Wether it be christian, muslim or buddhist, I say the ones who are dead convinced and want to keep convincing others should loosen their strains just a little bit.

Buddhists, man... Creep me out. *picks nose*

26-Dec-2006, 05:52 PM
Also - the whole Christmas break thing - who cares, Xmas to me is about being with family - that's it. I don't celebrate the Jesus bit, I celebrate my interpretation of a wider event in this, the present day. They're Christmas lights ... not friggin' *winter lights* ... yuck.

I invented my own holiday to solve that probelm....

Gib lat tribute!....

I got pictures as soon as I upload them....

26-Dec-2006, 11:00 PM

27-Dec-2006, 03:31 PM
No matter your religius beliefs, lighting yourself on fire is just stupid!!!

This guys a fvckin idiot!

27-Dec-2006, 04:45 PM
No matter your religius beliefs, lighting yourself on fire is just stupid!!!

This guys a fvckin idiot!

Haha. That summed it up perfectly.