View Full Version : Found a site talking about zombie books:

25-Dec-2006, 03:54 PM

Basically for Librarians, including some books from those here and I even found mine! Cool!

Here is the description given for my book:

Project Phoenix: Dead Rising by Darrin Patterson

Writers Club Press, July, 2000)

ISBN: 0595100082

Available: New and used.

Project Phoenix is a zombie book along the older vein of the non-talking hungry dead. It is about a military experiment that goes wrong that causes the dead to rise and attack the living. The dead return in a small Midwestern town and unleash much mayhem. There is a lot of reading here, and it almost seems that the book could have been split into two tighter books. This story doesn't cover new ground in the zombie genre and wouldn't be considered a core zombie book it is more for those who have read most of the others and need another zombie story for the fix. For libraries there are better titles to spend your colelction development money on in the zombie subgenre. Movie tie in: Return of the Living Dead. Contains violence and gore.

:dead: Dawg

25-Dec-2006, 04:37 PM

25-Dec-2006, 06:19 PM
A few of those look ok...

26-Dec-2006, 01:14 PM

Well... sort of ouch, but it wasn't too bad of a review.

Oh well.

:dead: Dawg