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View Full Version : well ,the christmas doctor who, what do you reckon?

25-Dec-2006, 07:04 PM
i gotta say it was better than i expected, better than the last christmas one, but it was kinda lame that he had to kill all the bad guys like usual they should have kept the enemies on as a premanent bad guy like the darleks and cybermen.
so now we gotta wait till next year for the next series but theres still torchwood and that new spin-off starting on new years day to check out.

i hear the master is in the torchwood finale.

and for those who aint seen it yet i gonna spoil it but its good and the preview at the end seems to show this is gonna be a serie to look forward to.
what do you guys think we'll see, aside from darleks which allways come back, i hear they arent bringing back the cybermen this time round, i preffered them to the darleks myself.

25-Dec-2006, 07:18 PM
I enjoyed it, not the greatest but not the worst either. Quite fun, and like I said in the shoutbox like literally a minute ago, hehe, I liked it when he said "b'ave". :D

Better than last year's, you get a new Doctor and you spend an hour waiting for him to do something! They got that mix right this time around. :)

25-Dec-2006, 09:53 PM
I would love to see the new dr who series. I have not watched Dr. Who in a decade or more. I hear that it was an awesome episode.

26-Dec-2006, 01:20 AM
Enjoyed it immensely, again not the best story I've seen but a total rollercoaster nonetheless. Catherine Tate was surprisingly good, I feared her comedy might have been a little too overpowering for Doctor Who but in the end she was great. As for the new series preview at the end; Daleks, Sontarans and... Shakespeare? Damn the BBC are pushing the boat out big time, it looked mighty good.

Gosh, the Doctor's new sidekick sure looks tasty.

i hear the master is in the torchwood finale.

You're kidding!!!

26-Dec-2006, 01:42 AM
nah, its probably a fanboys wishful thinking, but the torchwood trailer for next week says the rift opens and starts sucking people from random timezones to torchwood and one of those aliens looks suspiciously vincent price-like:shifty: .

26-Dec-2006, 03:09 AM
Torchwood has surprised me also. The one about the fairies was (silly but) pretty f**king good!

26-Dec-2006, 08:20 AM
i liked the texas chainsaw one were it turned out to be just "local colour" commiting cannibalistic murders.

26-Dec-2006, 09:56 AM
lol, indeed, the "local people" one was good.

Overall it's been a pretty good show, but some of the writing is f*cking abominable. The characterisation in some episodes is completely piss poor, I thought they were supposed to be a super-secret "beyond the police" agency. Meanwhile it's like five people, four of which constantly smuggle things out of the building, one keeps things secret inside without people knowing and then there's Jack - the only guy who gets sh*t done and makes the decisions they should all be making, the tough decisions.

Meanwhile the "staff" act like a bunch of teenagers who's parents have gone on holiday. The Cyberwoman episode was particularly poorly written. So much potential for a great episode, a bit Night of the Living Dead - but as if the zombies were one Cyberwoman inside the house with the survivors ... that make sense?

Anyway, it's been a bit up and down. Last week's with the people from the 1950s was really well written, some woman wrote it, no idea of the name, but she did a marvellous job. It was serious, it actually felt like an adult show - which is what this is supposed to be, not one of those 11pm Hollyoaks "specials" where they slip in a "sh*t" and "bugger" and one "f*ck" and show a bit of cleavage...so yeah, that 1950s one, well written with emotional depth - especially for Jack's character and the guy from the 50's whose situation mirrored Jack's. The final scene with those two both in was so well captured ...

So Torchwood - when it's good, it's good. When it's not good ... baby, it ain't good. More please ... but put a bit more effort into the writing first...

26-Dec-2006, 10:55 AM
ah that xmas doctor who was alright! i found the "her name was rose..." bits a bit cheesy, but ah well!.
the "its only beautiful if someones here to see it" bit was cool too.

next year's series looks good, i just hope its a bit darker and less mushy & sentimental. the black dalek!!!

torchwood has been a bit naff so far, a couple decent episodes, but the direction & writing are sometimes a bit flat. the finale looks cool though...

26-Dec-2006, 09:48 PM
was it just me or was that darlek growling?

27-Dec-2006, 01:23 AM
Maybe it was possessed? :lol:

Nah, if it was possessed then strange little symbols would appear all over it's bodywork. Maybe he was just pissed?

27-Dec-2006, 01:32 AM
well it was one of those that was meant to "think like the humans do" so you never know.

28-Dec-2006, 02:05 PM
i think it was just a reverse zoom.

28-Dec-2006, 05:40 PM
What's a contra-zoom gotta do with what type of Dalek it was? :confused:

28-Dec-2006, 06:45 PM
the dalek may have looked like it was growing, an impression given by the way the subject's (dalek) size was seemingly increasing as the foreground shrunk.

visualise it

29-Dec-2006, 02:41 AM
i said GROWLING ,y'know like "grrr"?

29-Dec-2006, 10:06 AM
i said GROWLING ,y'know like "grrr"?
lol, everybody's stoned! We've got no idea what's goin' on! :D

29-Dec-2006, 10:18 AM
kuh kuh...i think christmas took its toll... *bleeds from ears*

29-Dec-2006, 11:51 AM
as a not so wise man once said "hhrraaagbler, choo cant just, hammmer nail and hammer and expect it too grow, im sick of these vulcan idiots, im outta here".

...or something like that:lol:

29-Dec-2006, 06:56 PM
It was overall alright. Nothing too outstanding but it did beat last year's regeneration episode with the Doctor flat on his ass for 90% of the episode. Looking forward to season 3 to be certain.

Torchwood is a mixed bag with me. Has some alright episodes but some fairly inconsistant writing. I suppose it is still finding its legs for the most part. I really think they need to drop the salty language and sexual encounters as they feel really forced like saying "L00k at m3! I r teh 3Dgy! W3 say f00k!" As a Doc Who spin off they just need to bite the bullet and fall back on quality over these so-called adult elements being pranced around the show. It still beats a lot of the American programming I scan through while waiting for the episodes to be ready.

30-Dec-2006, 01:07 AM
I really think they need to drop the salty language and sexual encounters as they feel really forced like saying "L00k at m3! I r teh 3Dgy! W3 say f00k!".


30-Dec-2006, 03:36 AM
Speaking of Daleks.

New York site to serve as site of next 'Doctor Who' Daleks battle
UPI News Service, 12/27/2006

"The next time the "Doctor" from the BBC drama "Doctor Who" does battle with his archenemies the Daleks, he will do so in New York.

Set in New York during the 1930s, the upcoming episode of the series will not only have the famed Doctor facing his nemesis' most devious plan but also will mark the beginning of a series of celebrity guest appearances, the BBC said.

"This time, their plan is the most audacious Dalek scheme yet! Even the Doctor finds himself out of his depth," series writer Russell T. Davies told the BBC.

Set to appear on the series in upcoming episodes is actress Miranda Raison from "Spooks," "The League of Gentleman" star Mark Gatiss and regular TV actress Anne Reid.

Other good news for the sci-fi TV series is that its current incarnation of its fictional lead, Scottish actor David Tennant, was recently voted as the best version of the Doctor in the series' fan magazine.

The BBC reported that by garnering 28 percent of the 4,000 total votes, Tennant narrowly beat former "Doctor" Tom Baker for the honor."

30-Dec-2006, 10:13 AM
will mark the beginning of a series of celebrity guest appearances

Does anyone else feel uneasy with that?

And Tennant is great as the Doc. While Eccleston was a part of the whole triumphant return, I really do think Tennant is better. Eccleston's a bit too thuggy and too menacing. It's like his default is anger and then easy going is a chore.

With Tennant, easy going is his default, but he can easily switch to anger - which makes it all the more powerful when he does, because he's generally a jovial chap, so when he's mad ... eek ... you've gone and done something very naughty indeed. :shifty: