View Full Version : Christmas Cheer to all!

26-Dec-2006, 12:06 PM
Hope everyone had a good christmas, hope you all got drunk and ate turkey until you couldn't handle anymore! so what did ya all do?

myself, i got very drunk and posted a message on here to the staff :rockbrow: and attended a few parties and got a few good presents lol... had christmas dinner at mine then spent the night at my girlfriends house. as for presents, nothing spectacular... deoderant giftsets, clothes.. a couple of DVD's.. (interactive bullseye off my granparents :shifty: )

biggest part of my day though was when i got down on one knee, and asked my beautiful girlfriend of 4 years if she would marry me, and she said yes, ive attached a picture of the ring ive given her from the website, it cost me £2,290.00 ($4,485.65 USD) and she's worth every penny. i need to get a new digi camera but when i do i'll take some pics!

again, hope you all had a good christmas!

26-Dec-2006, 12:17 PM
And may I be the first to say congratulations! :)

That's a very nice ring as well. :thumbsup:

I had a quiet one (lol, how many millions and millions of people say that every year do you think? :p), didn't eat as much as I did last year, but last year I almost fell out of my chair I was so stuffed, so I paced myself this year. Laughed my ass off at the Vicar of Dibley, groaned at Little Britain Abroad and jiggled my nuts around balling with laughter at the Clerks 2 DVD ... then ate a load of chocolate and played charades - which I found out I'm actually pretty good at. :D

Tomorrow I'm off out for the first day filming for I Am Zombie Man 2, everybody wish the weather to be good for me! :)

Ho ho ho, merry xmas everyone ... and now, the final week of 2006 ... it's been a good year ... and I very much enjoyed writing "2006" on things.

26-Dec-2006, 12:32 PM
Rings smings! I bought my girlfriend tickets to go and see the Goodies! Now there's romance!

Congrats Andy!

26-Dec-2006, 10:39 PM
I want one of those *sigh* Congrats.

i sat at home, cleaned all weekend. The only gift i recieved was a vaccum cleaner and 80$. i decided not to go to a friends house for family gatherings kinda depress me. Too much drama:D

27-Dec-2006, 04:31 PM
My Christmas ruled. It was just family stuff, but I like my immediate family. I didnt have to see any dumass aunts etc so it was great, plus I got some cool stuff. Nothing super expensive or anything, but I dont care about that.
No yelling, no snotty comments.

29-Dec-2006, 02:27 AM
I made a huge Christmas dinner...we opened presents!
I got alot of wonderful presents alot of special presents...one present was a pic of my granddaughter and me w/poem made me cry alot!
Hubby bought me a portable DVD player now I can watch my zombie movies in bed!! Also, a new digital camera and I am driving everybody crazy taking candid pics of them..lolll!
I spent my day with my family which was very special as always!

10-Jan-2007, 03:06 AM
with a ring like that...well....lets just say its gonna be one hell of a honey moon ;)
