View Full Version : its official, autumn the zombie novel starts shooting as a movie in '07

27-Dec-2006, 02:16 AM
the only thing i know right now is that it IS official, straight out of moodys mouth that its shooting in '07.

if all 4 books get made we could be looking at a dead movie series to rival the romero movies:)


27-Dec-2006, 02:24 AM
I wish I could say I am familiar with Moody's work but alas, I am not. I shall look forward to this movie nonetheless.

27-Dec-2006, 02:50 AM
you can download the first novel for free as a pdf off the site.


27-Dec-2006, 03:05 AM
Pretty cool... I haven't read the novel yet but it looks good.

27-Dec-2006, 03:45 AM
Cheers for the download link, I'll start it next week.

27-Dec-2006, 04:59 AM
heh, i its only like 250 pages or something i read it in one sitting in about 2 and a half hours.

27-Dec-2006, 06:11 AM
That's some damn fast reading. I can polish a book off like that in say about a 5-7 hour sitting. At the moment though, I got another book on the go as well as trying to get my own finished plus hardcore Oblivion sessions to fit in inbetween.

Oh yeah, and posting stuff here. :D

27-Dec-2006, 10:41 AM
Sweet as, I read the first book and it was rather spiffing, I always thought it'd make a great movie - now we're getting that awesome dream! :)

27-Dec-2006, 12:12 PM
I've only read the first one and most of Echoes.

Hopefully this one gets made good.

Echoes would also make a good TV show as well.

27-Dec-2006, 01:24 PM
and now is time for a tv shows for The walking dead comics, World War Z (plus with movie) and a new cinema trilogy with the books Reign of the dead :P

27-Dec-2006, 01:32 PM
believe me if you love the walking dead ,and who doesnt, youll love autumn, and if you thought the first was good wait till you read the second, its easily better than ANY zombie flick, and the opening section of book 3 is awesome trapped in a bunker with paranoid military behind a secure area against the deadly virus in the air and 10,000 zombies beating at the bunker door.

16-Jan-2007, 06:18 PM
Any details yet like where or when its set? Ive read the free autumn section and it was damn good. Its good that every once in a while a romero fan will hit it big and finally something to be proud of pops out covered in a mass of swaying limbs. My card is ****ed so I cant buy off the net but always wanted the second book but screw that I get the next best thing, movie version :mad: HPOTD scores again..TZD and now this. If there was a god Id thank him or crotch punch him.. one of the above. ;)

16-Jan-2007, 09:53 PM
This isn't a retarded gorefest/nerd superhero novel is it?

16-Jan-2007, 09:55 PM
why the hell are people always trying to rival Romero's work?

it's an american standard,he is way to much noticed as the icon the grandaddy of the zombie genre!!!

there's going to always be some fuuuck nose who thinks he can steal all the kudo's,Romero is like how people think about the beatles "sure great bands will come and go" but they have something special that can never be taken away just like the king!!!

in conclusion Romero will always be the genre's inventor so fuuck O' Bannon,Snyder and all those other shiiit stains who try to take the crown because i know the die hards will not let it happen!!!:mad:

p.s. kiss my hairy beanbag!!!:D

16-Jan-2007, 10:12 PM
No it isnt..Autumn is just the tale of a group of survivors in a zombie apocolaypse. Well written and you can get the first 250 pages free from the site..No Supeheroes. Set in england, for some reason had a day of the triffids feel.

17-Jan-2007, 10:01 AM
Indeed, Autumn is a great zombie story and I most definitely look forward to seeing it as a film. Whilst I was reading it, it leapt out at me as something that could make a really good movie.

17-Jan-2007, 10:14 AM
why the hell are people always trying to rival Romero's work?

trust me this is NOTHING like romeros work, in a few aspects, mostly cus is written not shot on film it exceeds the dead films....maybe.
the idea is that all across england (and maybe the world) peoples throats tear open adn they chocke on there own blood and drop dead, the few survivors do what they can in the after math and a large group meets at a community cnetre and basically sit in shock, till a few days later most of the bodies get up and start walking again, no graoning ,no running just walking till they hit something and then turning in a nother direction.
as the books go on the get increasing ly violent though and the people just try to run to survive, theres no "supermen", not one paragraph spent "describing how a particular gun could do a 'headshot' " they just run for there lives trying to cope under the stress abnd the characters seem more real than the ones in the walking dead comics.
plus theres people in containement suits who werent "immune" to what was ans still is in the air which adds another layer to it, but i aint gonna go too into that or id spoil it, needless to say it aint another romero rip-off, its easily the best zombie novel ive ever read and cant wait for the 5th book in the series.

17-Jan-2007, 05:16 PM
Sounds exciting!

Keep us updated.

:skull: :skull: :skull:

17-Jan-2007, 08:55 PM
believe me if you love the walking dead ,and who doesnt, youll love autumn, and if you thought the first was good wait till you read the second, its easily better than ANY zombie flick, and the opening section of book 3 is awesome trapped in a bunker with paranoid military behind a secure area against the deadly virus in the air and 10,000 zombies beating at the bunker door.

WOW! Great! Thnx :)
I can't wait

18-Jan-2007, 03:17 AM
I downloaded the PDF. If it sucks, I'm coming for you.

18-Jan-2007, 11:14 AM
Wow ... that's an in-depth review...:rockbrow:

18-Jan-2007, 11:53 PM
and now is time for a tv shows for The walking dead comics, World War Z (plus with movie) and a new cinema trilogy with the books Reign of the dead :P

How about Brian Keene's The Rising? That would make a decent flick as well!

:dead: Dawg