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View Full Version : Got me a Wii

28-Dec-2006, 03:18 AM
I walked in to Best Buy this morning and to my surprise, there were about 20 Wii units sitting on the floor in the videogame section. I quickly snatched one up along with their last copy of Zelda. My friend and I each a Mii character and played each other in some bowling and tennis. Zelda is a masterpiece, I can tell after just 4 hours of play. I'm definitely happy with my purchase. I gonna put my friend code in my sig if anyone wants to add me.

28-Dec-2006, 03:27 AM
Oh I didnt think Zelda got good till after/during the water temple.... then I felt much happier about it...

Ill add you to my friend list shortly...

That does surprise me that best buy had that many....cause Ive been looking for an extra nunchuck for lke forever!!... Did they have extra nunchucks...

28-Dec-2006, 03:29 AM
man i still cant wait to get one, but there still sold out over here *lack of a grumble smiley*

28-Dec-2006, 06:25 AM
I've seen quite a few of them scattered out but I know some stores are having problems.

As for my Wii, I've only played it for about 6 hours in total. I will play it in depth soon but I'm just too wrapped up in other things right now.

*cough* Oblivion
*cough* Gears Of War
*cough* THP8


30-Dec-2006, 02:21 AM
the wal-mart here keeps getting wii's returned. Something about the controllers not being very functional. I dunno, what do you all think of it?

30-Dec-2006, 03:54 AM
a lot of people on the net dont get you point the wii mote at the black bar as the centre NOT the centre of you tv screen and then they bitch about it not working right:rolleyes:

30-Dec-2006, 07:16 AM
Haven't had any problems with my Wii remote yet, been working like a charm. Got a new TV today too, all my 360 games look so much better:


I have a pretty crappy camera, and it made the screenshot look over exposed for some reason, but you get the point.

18-Jan-2007, 08:41 PM
thought i'd add to this instead of starting a new thread, my mate bought his wii round today, have to say, pretty impressive after a proper go on it, even if the graphics arent all that. love wii sports & wii play (which i believe isnt out in america). zelda looked like zelda. but the game that really won me over was rayman : rabid rabbids. oh. my. god.

a game where you have to hit a rabbit on the head with a hammer as many times as you can? hell yes.
the best was the level where a rabbit, blinded due to a plunger stuck on his face, is attracted to the sound of a bicycle horn & bell you have. using these, you guide him towards cacti, campfires, rakes, beartraps, car batteries etc. classic.

impressive stuff! a very sadistic & nasty considering that game's a 3+ and wii sports was 7+ due to the boxing game!

18-Jan-2007, 09:00 PM
aye its a decent console, i still prefer my 360 myself, but you cant doubt its fun as hell.:cool:

19-Jan-2007, 02:05 AM
Congrats on the tv. Now when the heck do we get online play, and when are they coming out with the usb to ethernet adapter?!?! I'll be damned if I can't find an extra nunchuk. I found an extra wii-mote, and this useless standard controller, but no nunchuks. 3 of the local stores said they had never had one in, ever!

19-Jan-2007, 11:56 AM
the local gamestation oer here is full ov em:p

19-Jan-2007, 12:58 PM
Apparently they are all over the place in Japan as well.

20-Jan-2007, 02:05 AM
the local gamestation oer here is full ov em:p

Apparently they are all over the place in Japan as well.

The Wii? I know for a fact that the PS3 is easily available, I was in a gamestop about 3 hours ago that said they have had 6 of the 60 gig P$3s for 3 days and haven't sold any yet, but they cant keep the Wii's in the store more than a couple hours.

All reports I have read also state the same thing, that the stores are having problems selling their P$3s, but can not keep the Wii on the shelves, especially in Japan where Nintendo is currently (and has been for the past year or more) dominating the market between Wii and DS sales.

The funniest thing somebody said to me was "The Wii sucks, you have to move to play games" and when I asked him if he has actually played it his response was "No and I'm not going to argue about it because it sucks" so I just replied "You can't say something sucks if you have never tried it, but I won't argue about that." This came from a guy who was about 6ft tall and about 400 pounds, so I guess the Wii is not for him. It's too bad so many people are turned off by Nintendo's past few years that they are unwilling to every try the Wii. It is a lot of fun to play, especially now that Wario Ware: Smooth Moves is out, that game ups the fun quite a bit.

20-Jan-2007, 02:34 AM
I am only referring to nunchuk controllers. I can't find one. No two player madden :(

20-Jan-2007, 04:04 AM
How is the new Zelda? I loved Ocarina of Time, but when I saw the "cartoon" look of Wind Waker(or whatever it was called) I was totally turned off by it.

20-Jan-2007, 01:54 PM
The new Zelda (Twilight Princess) is cool, but I've only played about 30 minutes into it. Using the wiimote to aim the slingshot is pretty cool. Grafics wise, it is a port of a gamecube game, so dont expect to be blown away by them.

20-Jan-2007, 06:44 PM
yeah it's alright. nothing mind blowing. and the look of the game is perhaps a bit more photorealistic than wind waker (that looked TOTALLY stupid)

20-Jan-2007, 07:29 PM
I'm in the final dungeon on Zelda, and I can easily say its my favorite in the series. It brings a huge sense of wonder and and excitement that are lacking in 95% of games today. The game is simply fun to play from beginning to end, and the Wii controller is implemented nearly flawlessly. If I had to rank the top 5 Zelda games, it would go something like this(I never did get around to playing Zelda II for NES, is it any good?):

5. The Legend of Zelda
4. Minish Cap
3. Oracle of Ages/Seasons
2. Ocarina of Time
1. Twilight Princess

I loved the look of Wind Waker, it was like you were playing a Disney cartoon. The dungeons weren't very good, and the fetch quests annoyed me.

20-Jan-2007, 08:11 PM
really?, its one of my favourites, heres my top 5.

1: oracle of ages/seasons
2:wind waker
3: ocarina of time
4:links awakening
5:the minish cap.

20-Jan-2007, 08:22 PM
(I never did get around to playing Zelda II for NES, is it any good?

Side scrolling trash, almost universally hated.

I have only played 4 Zelda games so if I had to rank...

Ocarina of Time
A Link to the Past
Twilight Princess

Ocarina because of it being the first huge world Zelda. The SNES Link to the Past cannot be touched on the fun factor.

20-Jan-2007, 09:36 PM
A Link to the Past is my favorite. Zelda 2 was nothing like any other Zelda game from the series.

*update as of 1/22/07*

Link to the Past is available on VC
