View Full Version : Hamster! ... on yer bike!

28-Dec-2006, 05:42 PM


It's an incredible recovery, it really is. I can't wait to see how they rip the piss out of him on Top Gear, I wonder if they really will have him test drive a sofa. :lol:

Apparently Clarkson has been really kind and careful around him, which is kinda funny to hear, Clarkson doesn't sound like the caring or careful or concerned type ... more the "POWERRRRRR!!!" type. :D

Just over 4 weeks till new Top Gear, wooooo!

(Capn - *high five*)

28-Dec-2006, 06:35 PM
*high fives MZ, jumps on couch and does a willy waggle*

Indeed, the Hamster's recovery has been incredible and to see him on Johnathan Ross the other night laughing and joking was nothing short of pure joy. I heard a rumour that when Hammy was in hospital, Clarkson held his hand and (allegedly) began to cry. Later he began to speak into his ear to rouse him, saying stuff like "you're a crap driver" to which Hammy opened one eye and said "at least I don't cry like a little fanny!" Or something like that.

The new series is (ahem) well anticipated to say the very least and I for one will get the beers in come late Jan.

*plays air guitar to the Top Gear theme* :D

Edit: I know it's Hammy's thread but I just thought I'd big-up Clarksy with this little clip. Classic. :lol:


29-Dec-2006, 02:46 AM
huh. they really are a special breed top gear fans:lol: