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29-Dec-2006, 07:59 AM
Saddam Hussien transferred from US to Iraqi Custody
(to promptly escape and vanish?)

29-Dec-2006, 08:19 AM
thats the first thought i had as well,lol.

it does seem to be too peaceful i reckon. somethings gonna happen i think.

29-Dec-2006, 07:58 PM
Tricky posted this last month



30-Dec-2006, 02:33 AM
Saddam has assumed room temperature.
That didn't take very long.

30-Dec-2006, 03:50 AM
I wonder how much his brown underpants will be worth on e-bay? :D

30-Dec-2006, 04:01 AM
i knew soeone would have to do the cartman "dead people crap there pants thing:lol:

30-Dec-2006, 12:05 PM
Saddam has assumed room temperature.
That didn't take very long.

May God have mercy on his soul.

30-Dec-2006, 12:24 PM
i feel uneasy celebrating anyone's death, but sod it, the world just got lighter.

good riddance

30-Dec-2006, 01:53 PM
I too don't like 'celebrating' the death of a human - but Saddam was not a human being. He was pure, unadulterated filth - evil. Our world's better off without him. The farce of the trial just dragged his foul image all over our screens, we're better off without him.

Bring back the death penalty for the lowest of the low I say - rather than wasting money keeping hideous excuses for human beings alive, execute them and rid our world of their foul presence.

I turned on the TV before bed to flick about and saw the news saying he'd be executed within the hour ... but I was tired and couldn't be bothered staying up to get the official world when it happened. I'd forgotten about it until now, I've been too busy watching Jackass Number Two. :lol:

30-Dec-2006, 02:02 PM
In a way its weird that he's gone,he's dominated the news around the world for as far back as i can remember,ive never known a newspaper not have an article about saddam in it,all through the 90's to present!he deserved all he got,but i personally think he should have been made to answer to all the charges,not just the first few,before the execution took place.Not that there was any doubt of his guilt,but just so everybody he ever crapped on got a chance to have their case heard

30-Dec-2006, 06:39 PM
In before someone reminds us all that it was really the fault of the US... :rockbrow:

30-Dec-2006, 07:29 PM
In before someone reminds us all that it was really the fault of the US... :rockbrow:

lol, now that you mention it, the US did supply him with weapons and bombs back in the day. Haha, funny isn't it?

Anyway, I'm with Tricky on this one. I personally don't support death penalty, but I'm not strictly against it either. Still, there was still so much information they could have gained from this guy if they didn't kill him. It feels wierd that he's... just gone too. As Tricky said, he's dominated the media for over a decade now.

30-Dec-2006, 08:19 PM
lol, now that you mention it, the US did supply him with weapons and bombs back in the day. Haha, funny isn't it?

Actually, no, we supported him with agricultural tools and chemicals which he then used to create the weapons he used to gas the Iranians and the Kurds. We can be blamed for that about as much as the company that makes steel can be blamed for that steel being turned into a knife that was when used to kill someone.

But I posted that knowing someone would say it's our fault sooner or later.

30-Dec-2006, 08:24 PM
agricultural tools? what kind of tractor can be used to make VX nerve gas?

call me cynical...but whatever they sold him, they probably knew what he really wanted it for...

30-Dec-2006, 08:45 PM
Cyanide was originally developed by Germany to use as a delousing agent... but they realized it could also kill people too. What IG Farben developed to kill pests (Zylklon B) became used to implement the final solution.

You can make a variety of deadly chemical agents by visiting Home Depot or a pool cleaning supply store. Ammonia and bleach when mixed form a sort of low-power nerve gas. What we sold or traded to Saddam was agricultural chemicals and equipment, like pesticide. What exactly, I don't know. The actual equipment he used to manufacture the WMDs were purchased through the Russians or Chinese I believe.

"But America has more WMDs than anyone else on the planet!!!"

Right, and the last time we used them was... when?

30-Dec-2006, 09:01 PM
i hear you, but i still think they knew what such potentially ambiguous items would be used for. in any case, have a gander at this;

mustard/nerve gas use in iraq

what was sold to the iraqi govt in the 80s/90s

US depleted uranium contaminating iraqi civilians

again, i don't think america are the evil bad guys or anything, but these are some of the facts...