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View Full Version : general horror forum (Ultraviolet - UK TV series)

30-Dec-2006, 09:50 AM
Is there a general horror forum here?

I watched the whole Ultraviolet tv series, 2000/1? yesterday, (the British vampire series), relax, just six episodes, but good!

Pity it didn't get a second series, I heard the creator, Joe Ahearne, once say that if a second series had gone ahead, one of the main characters would have been killed off.

I liked these vampires because you so little of them, but you really feared them, the classic case of the less you see, the better they are.

And the secret organisation had carbon bullets for their guns, which had mini tv screens connected to them (vampires don't show on video or audio machines).

Well, I could go on about the personal interactions (not sex!) between the characters, but I want to know if anyone else seen this and what they thought.


30-Dec-2006, 10:19 AM
man i hated that show, it was one of those lesser budget sci-fi channel style shows that was on like itv 2 or something, not one i can recommend, but to each his own, least it wasnt as bad as that show "hex" now thats some god aweful television.

30-Dec-2006, 11:17 AM
Films/TV/Music/online videos are discussed in the Media Discussion Forum (where this thread now resides).

Zombie films are discussed in Dead Discussion.

General Discussion is for things like politics and general bits and pieces. Games Discussion for Games, Filmmakers Forum for filmmaking related stuff and so forth.

30-Dec-2006, 10:51 PM
Is the Ultraviolet show the same as that sh*tty movie with Mila Jovovich?

31-Dec-2006, 06:46 AM
hell no... that movie sucked. The TV series was shown on Channel 4 for 6 weeks and was just so cool. Imagine The X files but with better acting and more realistic vampires.

Ultraviolet is about a secret government agency that fights Vampires (although the word is never mentioned, they are either called Leeches or Code 5 (Roman Number 5 is V. Makes sense now!!)) and have connections to the Vatican. They carry weapons such as Guns with Cameras on them, Gas Grenades containing allicin (Chemical found in Garlic) and Ultraviolet Lamps. The bite marks from a vampire can only be detected through UV light and the bites that a person recieves from a Code 5 can make the victim very suggestable.

How can you tell that I liked this show???