View Full Version : time magazine call the ps3 a flop

01-Jan-2007, 10:33 AM
NYT not impressed with PS3

Sony's new console "just isn't that great" according to The New York Times; online service, emphasis of power over entertainment cited as flaws.

By Tim Surette, GameSpot
Posted Nov 20, 2006 8:26 pm GMT

Hundreds of thousands of PlayStation 3s have now shipped out of Sony's warehouses and are now where they belong--in gamers' hands. Word of mouth is beginning to spread as first impressions are surfacing, and according to The New York Times, the final product does not quite match the hype.

The paper's Seth Schiesel opens his experience with the PS3 with this statement to Sony Corp.'s CEO: "Howard Stringer, you have a problem. Your company's new video game system just isn't that great."

Schiesel claims to have spent more than 30 hours with a retail PS3 and played more than a dozen games. After his marathon of gaming, he says that although the PS3 is "the world's most powerful game console," it is "surprisingly clunky to use and simply does not provide many basic functions that users have come to expect, especially online."

The high-profile newspaper goes on to point out several other problems with the console, including controllers that need to be synched up to each PS3 it is used with through a USB cable (versus Microsoft's truly universal Xbox 360 controller), lack of custom soundtracks, lack of a unified friends list, and no background downloading. In Sony's defense, the fact that the PS3 is a connected console means that system updates can be added later, like they have been with the Xbox 360.

There are a few positive notes, but the review is overwhelmingly negative. Schiesel, who lauded the Xbox 360's ease of use when that console launched, feels as though the PS3 is largely "unfinished" with some features that feel "tacked-on."

"Sony can't be happy with this review," Newsweek technology editor N'Gai Croal told GameSpot. "Fortunately, there's nothing like a Tickle Me Elmo-type shortage to keep potential customers salivating, regardless of what the Old Gray Lady has to say."

Only time will tell whether this and any other poor reviews of the PS3 will do anything to deter gamers from buying the much-hyped console, or possibly convince them to buy a machine from one of Sony's rivals.

One analyst thinks it's inevitable supply shortages will maximize the Xbox 360's chances this holiday season. In a memo sent to investors today, Colin Sebastian of Lazard Capital Markets said, "Retailers are likely to encourage consumers unable to find PS3 or Wii consoles to consider purchasing an Xbox 360."

Sony was unavailable for comment as of press time.

and heres the link cus the fanboys of all 3 major consoles are going at it, as usual on gamespot.


ive said it before and ill say it again, sony really arent gonna start the year off so hot, but i feel bad if it fails for the people who shelled out all the cash on one, cus if it does fail you aint gonna get the same money back for it in a shop so you gonna lose moolah no matter what.
now i love my ps2 but i really am not impressed by the ps3, now ive had a go on one (a freind of mine whent to the u.s just to get one) its basically the same as a 360 but the whole controller deal was tacked on at the end so they should have just put more work in than rush it out for christmas then i might have considered bying one, but without square enix making games for them exclusively, what with 3 new final fnatasy's coming out for nintendo and the next dragon quest, the sequel to the 8th game on the ps2 is not coming out on the ps3 but the wii instead, so sony really looks like its gonna lose a lot of its japanese market, but its still got a big fanbase in america and britain so they may still make it if they just try and sell games, and drop all this blu ray rubbish.

01-Jan-2007, 02:31 PM
The word of mouth is nil re: PS3. People can't stop talking about the Wii, and can't start talking about the PS3.

01-Jan-2007, 08:23 PM
I've played the PS3 at Best Buy. Nothing special. I actually thought the graphics were complete shiv, as it was right next to a 360 booth so I could compare.

I know PS3 is still new... but the graphics are pretty much PS2 quality. I remember as soon as I saw 360 I thought "Holy crap, this is a step up" from launch. Didn't think anything like that with this.

01-Jan-2007, 10:05 PM
[I]NYT not impressed with PS3

what with 3 new final fnatasy's coming out for nintendo and the next dragon quest, the sequel to the 8th game on the ps2 is not coming out on the ps3 but the wii instead, so sony really looks like its gonna lose a lot of its japanese market, but its still got a big fanbase in america and britain so they may still make it if they just try and sell games, and drop all this blu ray rubbish.

Dragon Quest 9 is only on the Nintendo DS, there is a Dragon Quest game coming out on the Wii, but it is not 9, it is called Dragon Quest Swords with a huge subtitle that im too lazy to type.

Anyway, I really don't see Sony doing very well with the PS3, it is much too expensive and doesn't provide anything new yet. Hopefully it doesn't kill Sony as a game company as the Playstation and Playstation 2 both had a lot of great games, but at the same time I do hope that it knocks them down a few notches so they aren't so arrogant about their crap systems. They forced in a BluRay drive and that drove up the costs of their machine. Why would I buy BluRay disk for $40 when HDDVD is so much cheaper and almost the same quality, especially since BluRay has not reached its theoretical limits (which would make it much better than HDDVD) and is hardly why Sony says it is.

Honestly, I don't see HDDVD or BluRay replacing regular DVD's anytime soon. It's too expensive and doesn't provide something needed by the general public, right now it is just a niche market. The general public will not adopt another format change so soon unless they are forced to do so, like they were with the sudden DVD dominance over VHS. It took less than 10 years for DVD's to destroy the VHS market, but the HD stuff isn't a must have yet. So until it becomes the standard, I don't see it taking over and unless BluRay wins that war I don't see the PS3 becoming the "Must have" gaming device that Sony wants it to be.

Right now DVD's are fine as they are. I really don't care to see the a$$hairs on a frog 30 feet away from the center of the action on the screen just because it's "High Def!".

01-Jan-2007, 10:36 PM
Xbox ? PS3 ? Wii ?

I'm a PC gamer. Leave the Playstations for my 6 year old.

01-Jan-2007, 10:54 PM
Well I aint shelling out 500 notes for one, that's for sure. I'm happy with my 360 and Wii thank you very much. Sony have no big guns to save them anymore except Metal Gear Solid 4 and Gran Turismo 5 and let's face it, both of those games are as cold as last night's custard now.

03-Jan-2007, 05:15 AM
I have all three "next" gen systems, and by far, the PS3 is the best. R:FOM and Full Auto 2: Battlelines are just insane. Sure it has a hefty price.. But if you want to play, you got to pay.

Just wait until MotorStorm and Twisted Metal comes out. People will be changing their tunes. Naughty Dog and Insomniac are going to develop crazy PS3 exclusives too.

Xbox 360 comes in a close second, but the Wii is a distant last. Since I got my PS3, i've played Excite Truck for about an hour, total. Thus far, the Wii has been a total disappointment, merely a step up from my Gamecube.

The bottom line is: Don't believe the hype. The PS3 kicks and until you experience it: ZIP IT. Haters will always hate if they can't afford one...

03-Jan-2007, 06:21 AM
excuse me but are you telling us to ,quote, "zip it" because we dont particulary care for a games console, i mean excuse me, but i thought this was a free speech kind of internet, and if youve only played a console for an hour on one game how can you say if its crap or not.

03-Jan-2007, 04:47 PM
Yes I want to buy a $600 console with controlers exclusive to each PS3, with numerous bugs and who's lost nearly all graphical comparisons with a console already out for a year. Did the PS2 lose graphical comparisons to the Dreamcast?

03-Jan-2007, 05:02 PM
*high fives exatreides*

preach it man!:cool:

03-Jan-2007, 06:45 PM
excuse me but are you telling us to ,quote, "zip it" because we dont particulary care for a games console, i mean excuse me, but i thought this was a free speech kind of internet, and if youve only played a console for an hour on one game how can you say if its crap or not.

The PS3 is the future of console gaming. The xbox 360 has GWAR and the Halo series. Nothing else is exclusive. Sony hasn't even started to crank out exclusives for the PS3 yet, and there will be plenty.

Basically, it comes down to content. Free online vs. xbox live (which I love, by the way), but Sony's is free. One point Sony.

Secondly, 1080p blu-ray. Play Full Auto 2: Battlelines and then play that silly little Burnout game on the 360. Again, one point Sony.

Third, Resistance: Fall of Man. Hands down, the best FPS ever developed for a console. This has all the makings of Halo killer. But until that order is delivered, we'll have to see a couple sequels. One point, Sony.

One more before I go. My PS3 plays computer games too. While everyone else waits for FEAR, i've been playing it since Friday. Sony's open source approach towards the PS3 is THE FUTURE of console gaming and will continue to blur the line between console and PC. For YD linux 5.0, Sony TWO points.

See what I mean? At the end of the day, all the xbox fans are just holding on to a year old, aged system. All talk and no cock, baby.

But I still say, "Hey D! Hit the lights."

03-Jan-2007, 07:25 PM
360 is also 1080P. Yes you may have a blue ray player, Sony's way of shoving a format down your throat. You can also buy a HD DVD add on for your 360. Key word "Also" you don't have to get it.

Resistance fall of man revived a 8.6
Madden got a 7.9
and Marval ultimate allience got a 8.2

Three games on the PS3 top list have a score everything else is TBA

for the 360
Gears of War has a 9.6
Oblivion 9.5
Rainbow six vegas 9.1
Call of duty 3 8.8
Star trek Legacy 7.2
Saints row 8.3

Call of duty on the 360... 8.8
Call of Duty 3 on PS3 8.2

With such a superior gaming system, and with such open source capabilities. Why has the Wii which released later then PS3 sold roughly twice as many units. Why was it reported on Attack of the show last night, that stores are having to remind people that they have PS3's while Wii's and 360's are selling so well?

Case in point. The Sega saturn was more powerfull in numerous aspects to the Sony Playstation, but due to its higher price tag and developers difficulty programing for the console. Don't belive me? do a search on Youtube for Shenmue Sega saturn. While it doesn't look as good as the Dreamcast or Xbox version, the system could still make a quite delious game for a 32bit system.

However, which system won the 32 bit war? and Why? Developers could pump out more games for a cheaper price, and people could buy the system for a lower price.

Also, the Nintendo 64 was twice as powerfull as the Sega Saturn and the Pllaystation 1. Did it win the console war of that generation or did the weakest system of the three win?

Playstation 1 won.
The playstartion 3 will lose. Look at history, look even further back to 3do.

03-Jan-2007, 09:19 PM
Basically, it comes down to content. Free online vs. xbox live (which I love, by the way), but Sony's is free. One point Sony.

Wasn't PS2's online play free, also? From what I heard from my friends that had it: It was utter shiv.

Guys, we've got a fanboy on our hands!

03-Jan-2007, 09:20 PM
I have all three "next" gen systems, and by far, the PS3 is the best. R:FOM and Full Auto 2: Battlelines are just insane. Sure it has a hefty price.. But if you want to play, you got to pay.

Just wait until MotorStorm and Twisted Metal comes out. People will be changing their tunes. Naughty Dog and Insomniac are going to develop crazy PS3 exclusives too.

Xbox 360 comes in a close second, but the Wii is a distant last. Since I got my PS3, i've played Excite Truck for about an hour, total. Thus far, the Wii has been a total disappointment, merely a step up from my Gamecube.

The bottom line is: Don't believe the hype. The PS3 kicks and until you experience it: ZIP IT. Haters will always hate if they can't afford one...

Twisted Metal, eh? So we can expect ANOTHER game that's been released 50 million ****ing times, just with better graphics now (which are still rated inferiorly to the 360's, read the reviews). That's fantastic. Also, from what I've read on here the controllers can ONLY be used on your own PS3? How is that good, just remind me again because my memory seems to be failing me.

Sony's slipping simple as that, they're losing business and are being outsold by Nintendo nearly threefold (I don't count the 360 in competitive sales, as it's been out for far longer and will always have a higher sales number). They really shouldn't have been so cocky after the success of their first two systems.

Also as I recall most of the hype WAS for the PS3. And I'm more than happy not to believe the hype.

03-Jan-2007, 09:35 PM
I too have briefly played a display PS3 in a London high street store and I think it's the biggest pile of s**t I have ever seen in my life. Why? Because they have had to repair/replace it 3 times in 2 weeks!

Full Auto 2: Battlelines

Pile of s**t.

Twisted Metal

My grandma plays that.

Resistance: Fall of Man. Hands down, the best FPS ever developed for a console. This has all the makings of Halo killer.

Dream on.

While everyone else waits for FEAR, i've been playing it since Friday.

That's funny, I've been playing it on my 360 for a month now.

At the end of the day, all the xbox fans are just holding on to a year old, aged system. All talk and no cock, baby.

Coming from a Sony fan, thats the biggest contradiction I have ever read.

The PS3 is the future of console gaming. The xbox 360 has GWAR and the Halo series. Nothing else is exclusive.

Bulls**t. A large percentage of games on the 360 are exclusive, including the Live mission packs on GTA 4. Oh, and were getting Resi 5 before you too.

The PS3 kicks and until you experience it...

Experienced it, not blown away in the slightest.

Haters will always hate if they can't afford one.

Could afford 3 is I wanted. Just don't believe in throwing money down a used toilet.

Sony have no big guns to save them anymore except Metal Gear Solid 4 and Gran Turismo 5 and let's face it, both of those games are as cold as last night's custard now.

I still stand by this comment but I will also add Virtua Fighter 5 to the list (even though it's been out in the arcades for years). I'm sure the Playstation 3 will be a success 'cos let's face it "da PS3 r00lz man" but I for one wont put my hard earned cash into a glorified George Forman grill with Spiderman fonts for a logo. :lol:

As for the Wii, it's a BILLION more times innovative than the PS3 will ever be. Graphics are only important to idiots, gameplay is important to gamers, end of.

03-Jan-2007, 10:07 PM
The 360 is by far my fav of the 3 and I own all of them. As for graphics, the 360 is the best right now since software companies had over a year to play with it. But then again graphics are not everything. Look how the orignal GameBoy did against Sega GameGear & Nomand, Atari Lynx, and Turbo Duo. The only way to settle this is to see how all 3 are doing a year to a year and a half from now.

04-Jan-2007, 12:06 AM
Nothing on PS3 comes close to Gears of War, graphically or gameplay-wise. Resistance is a great game, but what else is there? Ports that run worse than their 360 counterparts? 360 has WAY more exclusives at this point. Virtua Fighter 5 is a huge loss for Sony, and with rumors of Metal Gear Solid 4 getting the 360 treatment as well, what else is there? Final Fantasy XIII and Devil May Cry 4? Where are the new IPs Sony? Mass Effect looks more epic and fun than anything on the horizon for PS3.
I'm sure Sony are going to have great surprises in store for next year. But right now, if your buying a system to play games, then you can't do any better than 360.

04-Jan-2007, 12:40 AM
I have to agree Gears does have better graphics than Fall of Man. That was the first thing I noticed after playing both games.

04-Jan-2007, 07:16 AM
The PS3 is the future of console gaming. The xbox 360 has GWAR and the Halo series. Nothing else is exclusive. Sony hasn't even started to crank out exclusives for the PS3 yet, and there will be plenty.

They haven't cranked out any exclusives besides Resistance and that's why they will sit on store shelves while the other 2 systems sell out. At my work, the Friday before Christmas we got in 3 PS3 consoles. They did not sell until the day after Christmas and that is with us telling people we had them in stock. Pretty sad if you ask me.

Basically, it comes down to content. Free online vs. xbox live (which I love, by the way), but Sony's is free. One point Sony.

Free crappy online service. They need a unified system to make it even come close to Xbox Live. $50 a year and incredible features is much better than free and having to search for your friends with lame features... wow I can download a Playstation game onto my PSP! Isn't that what the PSP is already, a system with a bunch of Playstation 1 games on it. Sony -1

Secondly, 1080p blu-ray. Play Full Auto 2: Battlelines and then play that silly little Burnout game on the 360. Again, one point Sony.

Blu-Ray is not even close to being what Sony claims it is. They can not reach the disk capacity for Blu-Ray and are having major problems with the format as it is. Until they can actually produce the numbers they are claiming its capable of then it is not any type of advantage. Not to mention they are forcing blu-ray down gamers throats, which increased the cost of the system $200. Good move there. Sony -10

Third, Resistance: Fall of Man. Hands down, the best FPS ever developed for a console. This has all the makings of Halo killer. But until that order is delivered, we'll have to see a couple sequels. One point, Sony.

A Halo killer? Nah, not really. From what I have been told it is a very fun game, but not even close to being a Halo killer. Remember when Sony said Dark Cloud was going to be the Zelda killer... yeah we all know how that went. No points lost for trying.

One more before I go. My PS3 plays computer games too. While everyone else waits for FEAR, i've been playing it since Friday. Sony's open source approach towards the PS3 is THE FUTURE of console gaming and will continue to blur the line between console and PC. For YD linux 5.0, Sony TWO points.

See what I mean? At the end of the day, all the xbox fans are just holding on to a year old, aged system. All talk and no cock, baby.

But I still say, "Hey D! Hit the lights."

A non-upgradable console will never replace the PC as a gaming machine. The PS3 isn't the future of gaming. No gaming machine should be marketed on what it will be capable of in the distant future as what matters is the games that are here now and are they fun to play. The PS3 will have some great games on it in the future (Army of Two looks amazing), but I will wait until they fix all the bugs (in which there are many) and actually put out enough good games to make the system worth the purchase. Oh yeah, I have much better things I could spend $600 on such as an Xbox 360 with 3 games and an extra controler or 12 games for my Wii (since they actually have more than 2 good games), but for now I would rather save that money and go on vacation in a couple months.

Also, I find it funny that you rate the Wii on 1 hour of game play. I took mine to a New Years Eve party and it became the star of the party, with one attendee telling me he is going to try to sell his PS3 to get one... all because of Wii Sports. That makes me laugh.

Oh yeah, I played the PS3 at Target. It worked for about 15 minutes and then froze up on me. The guy at the electronics counter told me that it freezes up all the time and it is a huge hassle because of that. I would like to have played it a bit longer, but then again, I had better things to do than wait for it to work again. It's a typical Sony product.

04-Jan-2007, 08:11 AM
David Manning had nothing but good things to say about PS3, he said it and the PSP are the perfect video game systems which are value for money and that games like Ratchet and Clank, Primal and Gran Turismo are must have games for any serious gamers collections.
Just look him up on wikipedia to find out more about this guy.

04-Jan-2007, 08:58 AM
For all those not in the know and can't be arsed to type it up.


04-Jan-2007, 11:44 AM

David Manning was a fictitious film critic, created by a marketing executive working for Sony Corporation around July 2000 to give consistently good reviews for releases from Sony subsidiary Columbia Pictures. Several blurbs posted under the name "David Manning" were written for the medieval action/drama A Knight's Tale (citing Heath Ledger as "this year's hottest new star!") and Rob Schneider's comedy The Animal ("Another winner!"), [1] the latter of which generally received very poor reviews by real critics.

04-Jan-2007, 11:48 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol: I never knew about this David Manning "person". How low will Sony go?

04-Jan-2007, 02:34 PM
This isn't unknown though, many review mags are quick to point out movie posters having statements or scores that they never done. It's a sad fact that some mags claim they are threatened to be cut off from free copies of movies, games or books if they don't give them praise reviews.

04-Jan-2007, 06:39 PM
We're at an obvious stand still. You'll never convince me of un-buying my PS3 and I sincerely doubt that most of you can afford one. So we'll just agree to disagree and see what happens in the next year or two.

But I still say, "Hey D! Hit the Lights."

Nothing on PS3 comes close to Gears of War, graphically or gameplay-wise. Resistance is a great game, but what else is there? Ports that run worse than their 360 counterparts? 360 has WAY more exclusives at this point. Virtua Fighter 5 is a huge loss for Sony, and with rumors of Metal Gear Solid 4 getting the 360 treatment as well, what else is there? Final Fantasy XIII and Devil May Cry 4? Where are the new IPs Sony? Mass Effect looks more epic and fun than anything on the horizon for PS3.
I'm sure Sony are going to have great surprises in store for next year. But right now, if your buying a system to play games, then you can't do any better than 360.

You lie like a dog. Resistance isn't AS good graphically, but comes close. Don't even say GWAR completely blows R: FOM out of the water. That's a total lie. I do OWN and play GWAR and also have R:FOM and play RELIGIOUSLY.

Besides, Resistance has GWAR beat on multiplayer play. Why play GWAR with 8 players when you can enter a 40 player slobberknocker on Resistance?
Anyone here that TRULY has both systems will definitely side with me about the multiplayer game. 40 player free-for-all definitely owns 4 on 4. I don't care what these BOX BOYS say...

The bottom line is, Sony's launch titles were ALMOST, not quite, but ALMOST as graphically sound as GWAR, a second gen title for 360. That's just a fact. Now if Sony's launch titles were that good, imagine their second gen titles. There you have it.

Besides, i've been playing FEAR and Doom 3 on the ps3. Let's see these Box Boys play PC games on their 360. The final verdict is: The 360 is good gaming on a budget, but will never live up to everything the PS3 offers its owners.

04-Jan-2007, 06:50 PM
Well, I have a PS2, and played it till last June when I got a 360. Did I get the 360 when it first came out? No because buying any piece of console equipment is a bad idea when it first comes out. 360 over heating problems, to wii straps. It's jsut not a good idea.

I just recruited my friend Matt into the national guard about a month ago. So I get a nice fat G rap check for one thousand dollars on the 15th of this month.

Am I going to buy a PS3, and experience the future of gaming?

Naaaaa, I'm going to get me a low to mid level sourround sound(only being here till july then I ship off), Another 360 contoller, Gears of War, Get a wireless router, a wireless network adaptor for my 360, and a years subscribtion to xbox live.

I might even get me a new graphics card for my 999 mhz 16 meg tnt2 beast that i'm on right now.

the rest of the money? Eh, pizza and vodka quite possibly.

until Sony can fix the bugs of a PS3, pump out some good qaulity games and make the PS3 worth the money. It's going to continue earning + points for dust collection on store shelves.

04-Jan-2007, 07:02 PM
We're at an obvious stand still. You'll never convince me of un-buying my PS3 and I sincerely doubt that most of you can afford one. So we'll just agree to disagree and see what happens in the next year or two.

But I still say, "Hey D! Hit the Lights."

You lie like a dog. Resistance isn't AS good graphically, but comes close. Don't even say GWAR completely blows R: FOM out of the water. That's a total lie. I do OWN and play GWAR and also have R:FOM and play RELIGIOUSLY.

Besides, Resistance has GWAR beat on multiplayer play. Why play GWAR with 8 players when you can enter a 40 player slobberknocker on Resistance?
Anyone here that TRULY has both systems will definitely side with me about the multiplayer game. 40 player free-for-all definitely owns 4 on 4. I don't care what these BOX BOYS say...

The bottom line is, Sony's launch titles were ALMOST, not quite, but ALMOST as graphically sound as GWAR, a second gen title for 360. That's just a fact. Now if Sony's launch titles were that good, imagine their second gen titles. There you have it.

bloody hell, chill out this is a thread about a games console not you, jesus your taking this personally, no ones trying to make you un buy a console, just because people dont have the same perspective as you does not mean that you can say they are "lying like a dog".
this thread is about the playstation 3 not its owners, not its price, and especially NOT YOU.
grow up you egomaniac.:mad:

04-Jan-2007, 07:08 PM
Current mid range PC's still wipe the floor with anything those consoles can put out,if i have to put money in gates' pockets il do it by upgrading to directX 10 later this year ;)

04-Jan-2007, 07:12 PM
*sighs* god damn i hate my pc, black and white and warcraft 3 are the most advanced games it can play:(

when i get a job again im just gonna drag my I.T help desk freind around pc world with some cash ,cus let me tell you all that cards/ drivers stuff is gibberish to me:D

05-Jan-2007, 05:12 AM
Just a little update. We have a 60gig PS3 at my work that has been sitting on the shelf collecting dust since we got it in on Tuesday. If it sells this weekend I'll let you know.

Chaos, I could go out and buy that PS3 at my work if I wanted one, the fact is I don't want one. Don't try to call people "poor" in a round about way just because they don't like the PS3. I am glad that you like your PS3, at least somebody is getting enjoyment out of it. I honestly hope you don't have any problems with it as defective consoles seem to be Sony's greatest achievment in gaming.

05-Jan-2007, 05:33 AM
Just a little update. We have a 60gig PS3 at my work that has been sitting on the shelf collecting dust since we got it in on Tuesday. If it sells this weekend I'll let you know.

Chaos, I could go out and buy that PS3 at my work if I wanted one, the fact is I don't want one. Don't try to call people "poor" in a round about way just because they don't like the PS3. I am glad that you like your PS3, at least somebody is getting enjoyment out of it. I honestly hope you don't have any problems with it as defective consoles seem to be Sony's greatest achievment in gaming.

If you're working retail... YOU probably cannot AFFORD a PS3! :elol:

05-Jan-2007, 05:35 AM
Don't try to call people "poor" in a round about way just because they don't like the PS3.

Yeah, most of us are too old to accept such lavish Xmas gifts from our parents anyway. :lol:

05-Jan-2007, 05:40 AM
Yeah, most of us are too old to accept such lavish Xmas gifts from our parents anyway. :lol:

Some of us work for EVERYTHING we own, you know?

05-Jan-2007, 05:53 AM

05-Jan-2007, 05:55 AM
Easy now, chaos, I can understand the anger and frustration, but try and find a better vent then giving it to us here on the forum k? Leave it be, and BTW, just because someone works in retail, doesn't mean that they have no cash.

Personally, I'm not getting any of the 3..well okay, I'll probibly get a 360.

PS3- far too expensive for me right now (I do need to goto colelge, and that much money is a waste for me). And again, it's a new launch. I don't want to be one of the ones who gets stuck with a huge assortment of bugs on it (I bought my PS2 2 years after it came out and it works fine, and i swear that it is the best thing I've played from that era) We shall see what the future brings

Wii- innovative doesn't mean that it's good. Plus knowing me, i'd rip my shoulder out of place getting hardcore into a game (docter still got ta get back to me on whether i need surgery or not on it) plus we haven't seen what bugs are instore for this system.

360- Good price tag, alot of bugs fixed, amazing games and selection, x-box live...

hmmm..what do you think I wanna get? I'm betting your thinking i'm getting a 360 eh? GOOD JOB *claps hands*

my point is, that for someone in my income bracket, and someone who isn't one to jump on the band wagon for new things, the 360 is overall the best choice. I haven't played PS3 or WII, but again, i'm waiting before I consider them for purchase.

BTW, my PC sucks ass (i got it for 50 bucks from a friend) and it is far more enjoyable then any console i've had. Diablo II: LOD is old, but is so much fun, Baldurs GAte II: Shadows of Amn is my favourite game ever made...it's perfect....Diablo I is amazing still, Starcraft....a classic, i don't care how old it is, it's one of the best games ever made, as evident by the amount of people who still play it. Star trek Armada two is pretty fun as well, and warcraft II: TOD is still my fav. in the series (what can i say, i love the graphics)

I just need to get some slight upgrades lol.

05-Jan-2007, 06:41 AM
If you're working retail... YOU probably cannot AFFORD a PS3! :elol:

Your right, I can not afford a PS3, I can afford about 10 of them currently. See, there is this thing called budgeting and by doing so, extra money accumulates so that one has money to do the things they enjoy doing. :p

05-Jan-2007, 06:32 PM
Its not a matter of being able to afford a PS3 or not. I looked at the games and content of each system, and it just made sense to me to buy a premium 360 (great selection of games, Xbox Live, great looking future) and a Wii (for those quirky Nintendo-only titles) for $50 more than the cost of PS3.

I want new game experiences, playing old PC games on PS3 doesn't entice me, neither does downloading PS1 games that I've beaten already.

05-Jan-2007, 06:34 PM
yeah i think the 360 is for shooty-racing fans, whilst the wii is for fans of those wierd ass japanese games that rarely show up over here, im somewere between the two.

which would mean playing halo with that maraca controller for the dreamcast.:lol:

05-Jan-2007, 06:36 PM
Haha, I have two sets of those maracas for Dreamcast, I should bust out Samba De Amigo one of these nights...

05-Jan-2007, 06:39 PM
god damn i gotta get me another dreamcast, i loved that damn console:cool:

05-Jan-2007, 11:22 PM
I should bust out Samba De Amigo one of these nights...

Well worth the £150 I shelled out for it last year.

I have a strange uncontrollable urge to play Jet Set Radio now. :sneaky:

06-Jan-2007, 07:46 AM
same here, albiet iwht a bit of house of the dead 2 thrown in.

i wanna know were i can get one of those S.T.A.R.S dreamcasts, those were awesome.

06-Jan-2007, 07:37 PM
same here, albiet iwht a bit of house of the dead 2 thrown in.

Clocked it again a couple of months ago. Even did the training challenges. *blows smoke from lightgun barrel* :D

07-Jan-2007, 12:27 AM
excuse me but are you telling us to ,quote, "zip it" because we dont particulary care for a games console, i mean excuse me, but i thought this was a free speech kind of internet, and if youve only played a console for an hour on one game how can you say if its crap or not.

EXACTLY. Just because there is a difference of opinions it does not mean we need to be insulted.

Yes I want to buy a $600 console with controlers exclusive to each PS3, with numerous bugs and who's lost nearly all graphical comparisons with a console already out for a year. Did the PS2 lose graphical comparisons to the Dreamcast?

I don't know. I do not think any system is worth paying 2 car paments worth of money. $600 geesh. I will wait a year lol

If you're working retail... YOU probably cannot AFFORD a PS3! :elol:

Hey, I work retail and I probably make more that you *I mean that in a nice, non flaming way*:D

07-Jan-2007, 05:54 PM
Just to say in general, if there are more daft snide remarks flying about in this thread from this point forth, the thread will have to end up getting closed.


Now ... back to the thread, I personally find all this P$3 bashing rather hilarious. I'm not a fan of the console, and it's just hilarious to see people ripping into the guys who were previously getting their poles smoked hourly by a legion of fans around the world ... P$2 was the console you'd see in a lot of movies or TV shows ... methinks that the new "official as-seen-on-TV/in movies" console will be the 360 and/or the Wii. ;)

07-Jan-2007, 07:51 PM
If you're working retail... YOU probably cannot AFFORD a PS3! :elol:

Glad to see you've actually got valid, non-flaming arguments for the PS3.

Yea, the only system I'd even think about picking up right now would be the 360 because it's been out for a while and there's less problems with it.

Then after about a year perhaps the Wii.

07-Jan-2007, 08:43 PM
Just to say in general, if there are more daft snide remarks flying about in this thread from this point forth, the thread will have to end up getting closed.


im agreeing, this is only a thread i started about an article not the bitching about the console.

07-Jan-2007, 09:31 PM
Yeah Hellz and 99.9% of us replied in good faith.

I personally find all this P$3 bashing rather hilarious. I'm not a fan of the console, and it's just hilarious to see people ripping into the guys who were previously getting their poles smoked hourly by a legion of fans around the world... P$2 was the console you'd see in a lot of movies or TV shows... methinks that the new "official as-seen-on-TV/in movies" console will be the 360 and/or the Wii.

I find it funny too that a mere few years ago, $ony was the badboy of console gaming. I wont deny their history, that console has produced some pheneomenal titles but I'm afraid their fizzy taste has now run a little flat. Titles like Tekken and Devil May Cry were great once upon a time but nowdays I want my games with a little more hair around the balls. Halo 3, Alan Wake, Lost Planet, Mass Effect being four of them.

07-Jan-2007, 10:44 PM
but nowdays I want my games with a little more hair around the balls

F*ckin' genius man, I mean bravo. :thumbsup::lol::lol::lol:

08-Jan-2007, 02:56 AM
Ok, so its about 11pm Eastern, the place I work at closes in an hour and we have not yet sold that PS3 I mentioned the other day. This has to be some kind of record, when the 360 came out we couldn't keep them on the shelves for at least 6 months, then they never really lasted more than a day or 2.

Honestly, I am suprised the P$3 is still there... not much though.

08-Jan-2007, 04:49 AM
$600 is a bit high.

Maybe if it was $10.

09-Jan-2007, 04:43 AM
$600 is a bit high.

Maybe if it was $10.

LOL I would own one at that price, defective units or not!

By the way, it is still sitting on the shelf, lonely as ever. I wanted it to have a Wii as company, but we still haven't got those in... even if we did it wouldn't stay in the store long enough to befriend the PS3, we get about 20 people a day asking for them.

09-Jan-2007, 02:33 PM
It's the same story here man. Today I spoke to my local games retailer (bespectacled) and apparently he's only gonna be getting 10-15 P$3's this March. So far, only seven have been sold!

As for Nintendo, there's a week long wait on the Wii. :D

09-Jan-2007, 03:20 PM
P$2 was the console you'd see in a lot of movies or TV shows ... methinks that the new "official as-seen-on-TV/in movies" console will be the 360 and/or the Wii. ;)

there was a deeper reason that the PS2 was the mainstream console in media, and why the PS3 will be.

im not gonna embarrass you by going into it in great detail, but sony has ALOT more influence in the media world than microsoft and nintendo put together.

09-Jan-2007, 07:14 PM
After just scanning through the posts.....does anyone here even have a PS3?

Andy has a good point that Sony has a good grip on the media and all.....but it does seem to be lagging behind. I know everyone and their brother had a PS2, though. Except me, that is.

I've never liked the look of Playstation games. The graphics look sort of "choppy" to me. Almost like someone took tiny rectangles and glued them all over the screen. Other systems have never looked this way to me. I don't really know how to describe it, but I think Playstation games just don't look as good as others....

*ducks to avoided the impending stoning*

09-Jan-2007, 07:39 PM
Wow ... Sony's PR department have outdone themselves with the P$3 ain't they? :lol:

09-Jan-2007, 09:57 PM
After just scanning through the posts.....does anyone here even have a PS3?*

Probably only two people, including myself.

09-Jan-2007, 10:15 PM
pfft ... embarrass me ...

Irrespective of Sony's media clout, MS is still a giant entity and if the public generally would rather have a 360 or a Wii and think the P$3 is a console too far for $ony, then that's it really, it'd just be wasted money on Sony's part I feel.

They'd have to do a lot of recovery work in the public eye first.

10-Jan-2007, 12:12 AM
Irrespective of Sony's media clout, MS is still a giant entity...

Right behind you MZ. I'm not sure if Sony does have more influence in the media world. What have they produced? Bronze medal quality dvd players and stereos. Microsoft have the internet thing in the bag and that's where the future of videogames are going, so...

When Blu-Ray falls flat on it's ass, we'll see who's so goddamn influential. :lol:

10-Jan-2007, 12:28 PM
When Blu-Ray falls flat on it's ass, we'll see who's so goddamn influential.

*high five*

Oooooh, sick burn! :D

10-Jan-2007, 10:23 PM
After just scanning through the posts.....does anyone here even have a PS3?

Andy has a good point that Sony has a good grip on the media and all.....but it does seem to be lagging behind. I know everyone and their brother had a PS2, though. Except me, that is.

I've never liked the look of Playstation games. The graphics look sort of "choppy" to me. Almost like someone took tiny rectangles and glued them all over the screen. Other systems have never looked this way to me. I don't really know how to describe it, but I think Playstation games just don't look as good as others....

*ducks to avoided the impending stoning*

now i may not like the ps3 but that dont mean i dont think the ps2 is a great console, cus it is, im getting a new one son, cus there like 80 quid with 4 games at my local gamestation and for 20 bucks you can get like 5 games a pop, since i got rid of mine 3 years ago theres a damn good election fo games, particluarly horror to get on that console now its so damn cheap.

10-Jan-2007, 10:36 PM
Here's a couple of arguments for the PS3, and good ones too imho, from another forums i visit.

im not a PS3 fanboy (i own a 360), im not a fanboy of any console.. now i know the PS3 isnt popular around here but guys, seriously.. the sony bashing is going too far, it got tiresome a long time, so think we can knock it on the head for abit?

I just wanted to voice my opinion on this topic, because at least those on the comments sections on *** forums just can't stand anyone who likes the PS3 over the 360.

To start, I wanted to say. I do NOT hate the 360, I don't think it's a crappy system at all. All I'vever said was that I like the PS3 more and because of that I'm going to get one. It really shows insane insecurities when I try to voice my opinion and all I get is "SONY FANBOY" and crappy, and I mean CRAPPY connections. When I say crappy, I mean crap like "these bad Cell yields for Sony are huge trouble, Sony will be bought by 2010". I hate those comments. People just make these terrible, naive connections, it's almost painful, seriously.

Now to more in depth stuff.

PS3's controller has a tilt function...that does NOT mean that Sony sucks and is a bunch of copy cats (a third grader word, but a word I've heard from people here non the less). The tilt function is an amazing idea, it could change FPS forever. Instead of two joysticks, you can tilt the controller to aim and the joystick to move around. Why would Sony not want to implement a great idea? God knows. Too bad Microsoft didn't think of it huh? I would also say that it's really lame to diss the boomerang-shaped PS3 controller, then when it's changed back search for resons to diss the new one (like, Sony is a copy cat...wtf? lol)

Regarding the PS3 price. It's high, it's unfortunate and it let everyone who wanted a PS3 down big time. Was it expected? yes and no, because of all the rumors floating around. However, why does every site maintain that the PS3 is more expensive because it's more powerful and has more features? BECAUSE IT'S TRUE. Pro-360 users always try to steer away from the fact that the PS3 is just more powerful and has better features. Um hello? Blu-ray? It's going to be $100 for an HD DVD drive for your 360...that makes the actual price difference just $100. Then you factor in how incredibly high the prices were on eBay because of the 360's *ahem depondant release (no one could get one.) Then there's the Cell...it's more powerful. You can talk about the G71 being slower in the 360 GPU, but realize that the Cell does work on the graphics, right? Like...the graphics engine? I could launch into a huge debate about what the Cell does, but most of you either wouldn't understand or would lay down some techno crap of your own.

So it's obvious that the PS3 is more powerful, because a lot of people say it won't make a difference. Then when I say it does they say to prove it, saying the console's not out yet. All I can say to that is 1: with 7-8 months left, we'll see MUCH better in-game videos (that's a DUH) and 2: The difference between the two will more likely become apparent later, when these consoles are really unlocked.

Regarding pro-PC people...if you think that a PC is worth the money for gaming compared to a console, you're just stupid. If you want a computer that can run games like those of the PS3, 360, and Wii, you're going to be paying THOUSANDS of dollars! How is that a better deal than $300-600 max? Makes ABSOLUTELY no sense. Especially since the next-gen consoles have USB ports, so you can use the console with a mouse and keyboard, just like a PC. I have nothing else to say to PC kids.

I don't have a whole lot to say about the games for these consoles except that, from what I've seen, the few games that are PS3-only are just too good to pass up. The 360's got Halo 3 now. Ok for one thing, Halo is a kid game. Complete with crappy story, a macho shiny armor guy as a main character, and lots of flashes of light and lots of color. Enough about Halo. PS3's games just look better. Gran Turismo, Virtua Fighter, FF13, etc. All the 360 counterparts of PS3 games are just bad. Project Gothem is a kiddie racing game, for people that like Lambos and other million-dollar cars. Gran Turismo is a more grown-up racer. Forza is ok, but it's just not as good. Enough about games though, since it's mostly opinion.

Let's not leave out the Wii. The Wii looks great. It'll be cheap, and a great console for younger folks (like the 360.) I'm getting the Wii for my little brother, he's excited about it. The controller idea is amazing, and I'm definately stealing my bro's Wii to play any new Zelda title that comes out. Wii's not only for little kids, it has lots of other cool games coming out. Of course, there's lots of bathroom jokes one can make about Wii, like "play with my Wii" and stuff. If you think that's funny, you probably play Halo. There's also the fact that the controller is shaped like a...certain tool used by woman and some men. Then there's the fact that it vibrates. Ok that's kind of funny, but it's no reason not to buy one.

I'm not going to make a conclusion, read the whole post and respond as you see fit. I didn't use the word fanboy (I don't think) here so I'd rather you all not use it. It's an angering word. We're all part of a gaming community here, there's way too much flaming going on in the comments sections.


10-Jan-2007, 10:58 PM
I own a grand total of 16 console systems, two PCs and one Mac powerbook. I know which one is the best. What you see from most box boys is a severe case of penis envy. I admit, I like xbox live's dashboard better and thus far, the 360 has better games. Nobody is disputing that. But as someone that keeps on the up and up, and the fact that PS3 has already sold one million consoles in North America since its launch on the 17th of November, I know the PS3 will continue to improve. We already have a big firmware update slated for March that will drastically overhaul the Playstation store and let those of us running YDL 5.0 on our PS boxes update the drivers for our Nvidia cards.

In short, let me quote 311: "**** the naysayers 'cause they don't mean a thing. This is what style we bring."

The guy with the biggest mouth is Captknut. He's 35 and takes this **** way too seriously from the comfort of his "mum's" basement. He's the perfect example of your box boy. Old and unemployed. Me, on the other hand, represent the future. Rich, successful and refuse to give blind obedience to one brand or the other. The 360 is the best now, but the PS3 will be the best tomorrow. And that's just the way it is. And the ramblings of Captknut and the like aren't going to change the inevitable.

Hey Captknut. Hit the lights, ya freak!

10-Jan-2007, 11:04 PM
The guy with the biggest mouth is Captknut. He's 35 and takes this **** way too seriously from the comfort of his "mum's" basement. He's the perfect example of your box boy. Old and unemployed. Me, on the other hand, represent the future. Rich, successful and refuse to give blind obedience to one brand or the other. The 360 is the best now, but the PS3 will be the best tomorrow. And that's just the way it is. And the ramblings of Captknut and the like aren't going to change the inevitable.

Hey Captknut. Hit the lights, ya freak!

Ease off the personal attacks too, i beleive you have already been warned by our moderators and you wont be warned again, ask anyone who knows me.

we dont take kindly to flaming here.

10-Jan-2007, 11:05 PM
you just really dont know when to quit do you, its a frikkin games console for christ's sake, each is entitled to his own opinion verbally attacking somkeone for not haveing the same view as you is retarded, and this is not the first time youve done it, hell not even the first time in this thread alone, grow up and just leave people be. do you expect people to be impressed by your attempt at online bravado?, cus from my point of view you sound like a little kid in a one man argument.
once again im saying just leave it be, you like the ps3, good for you no-ones trying to change your mind, but for some unkown reason you gotta keep shooting your mouth off anf talking trash to people, what the hell are you trying to prove?

10-Jan-2007, 11:07 PM
you just really dont know when to quit do you, its a frikkin games console for christ's sake, each is entitled to his own opinion verbally attacking somkeone for not haveing the same view as you is retarded, and this is not the first time youve done it, hell not even the first time in this thread alone, grow up and just leave people be. do you expect people to be impressed by your attempt at online bravado?, cus from my point of view you sound like a little kid in a one man argument.
once again im saying just leave it be, you like the ps3, good for you no-ones trying to change your mind, but for some unkown reason you gotta keep shooting your mouth off anf talking trash to people, what the hell are you trying to prove?

Hellsing: zzzzzzzzzzz's. Do you ever log off? You're like a one trick pony. Get some sleep, already!

Ease off the personal attacks too, i beleive you have already been warned by our moderators and you wont be warned again, ask anyone who knows me.

we dont take kindly to flaming here.

This is like a bad episode of Attack of the Killer Brits or something. I bet a Benjamin, if I went after an American, you wouldn't have said anything.

10-Jan-2007, 11:09 PM
yes we would have. ever heard of the idea of treating all people equal?

10-Jan-2007, 11:12 PM
You were warned becuase im the sheriff around. dosn't matter if you go for a yank or a brit or a chinesse man, i'll pull you on it.

This topic is closed until further and chaos, i'll see you in 24 hours. consider this a "firm" warning.