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View Full Version : Preferred weapons for a Zombie Crisis

01-Jan-2007, 08:48 PM
I am newcomer to the forums, but have been a GAR ghoul/zombie fan since the 70's when I was a little kid.

Though this topic may have been covered in previous threads (I did a preliminary search and did not spot any -- but apologize if I missed!) I am curious as to what the members choices would be in arming themselves to deal with a classic (GAR rules) zombie crisis.

My own firearm preferences are as follows:

1 Springfield M-1 carbine, .30 caliber, with 2x scope, five 20 round clips

1 Ruger Blackhawk Revolver, .30 caliber, right hip holster

1 Ruger MK II, .22 rimfire, with interchangable bull barrel/detachable silencer, four clips, shoulder holster

Just curious about what everyone would pack!

01-Jan-2007, 08:56 PM
I would take the "Shaun" route and have a couple blunt objects. Can't run out of ammo.

01-Jan-2007, 09:01 PM
A bunch of padlocks can in a sock! If it works for prison gangs it can work for you.:)

Though this topic may have been covered in previous threads (I did a preliminary search and did not spot any -- but apologize if I missed!)
If you couldnt find any gun fetish threads here, you couldnt have looked very hard:p:lol:

01-Jan-2007, 09:21 PM
1 Ruger Blackhawk Revolver, .30 caliber, right hip holster
Just curious about what everyone would pack!

Nice choice with the .30 carbine round, it's near .357 magnum power from a handgun. Only issue with the Blackhawk (or any other single action revolver) would be the slower reload time.

Another option in the same caliber would be the Taurus Raging Thirty .30 carbine double action revolver. Holds 8 rounds using a full moon clip. If they made this in a 4 or 6 inch barrel (instead of a 10 or 12 inch hunting revolver) would be a great companion pistol to the M1 carbine.


01-Jan-2007, 10:52 PM
Your point about a single's reloading problem is well taken and right on target.

To tell the truth, I was unaware of the Taurus Raging Thirty until you mentioned it, and even with the cumbersome barrel length it might still be a better zombie piece than the Blackhawk.

If you couldnt find any gun fetish threads here, you couldnt have looked very hard:p:lol:

Since I didn't see any here, I figured that I was searching incorrectly. Zombie folk usually love weaponry.

Beg pardon for my misstep!

02-Jan-2007, 12:33 AM
Since I didn't see any here, I figured that I was searching incorrectly. Zombie folk usually love weaponry.

Beg pardon for my misstep!
I was totally busting chops dude. I was goofing on a few of the threads where a few of the folks here go bananas over their shockingly huge and potent collections. All that's missing are suits of armour and Sherman Tanks.:)
All right fellas, bust out your pics of your vintage 88s!
Where I live it is really hard to get a legal firearm other than a shotgun. And even if you did theres no where to shoot it.
Most here aren't into weapons but the ones that are are VERY dedicated and enthusiastic.
The trght to bear arms, legs, and fragmentation grenades:D
I do have a very nice 45 Bbgun replica! I guess I could put out some zombies eye!

02-Jan-2007, 01:18 AM
I never understood the need for automatic weapons or "big" guns in a zombie crisis. At least not for a person who will probably be on foot. Nobody around here will be in Dead Reckoning, they'll be lucky if they have a vehicle or if it isn't stolen by someone else. I'd be more interested in a small compact handgun that is easy to reload and will allow you to get off shots quickly. I just think having a small handgun or two will give me a lighter load and allow me to carry a little more ammo. I'm not so sure I'd want some big ol' shotgun, which could be grabbed out of my hands by a crowd of stenches. When it comes to having a powerful gun, you don't need anything more powerful than a small pistol for penetration. It's all about shooting them in the head. When it comes to distance, it wouldn't make any difference if the undead were 70-80 feet away from me or 100 yards. At least not Romero's shufflers. As long as they aren't right next to me, breathing down my neck. Of course, if I got Zack Snyder zombies chasing me then I might as well throw down my gun and give up right there. We all know they're going to take over the entire world in 24 hours anyway :p

02-Jan-2007, 01:47 AM
The amount of ammo available to me would be the overriding factor is chosing a weapon. Since the only ammo I could find would be pre-zombie outbreak produced ammo, and ammo not already "liberated" by others, it would be rather pointless to take my preferred weapon if ammo was limited. I have always been a pretty good shot. Anything that was lightweight would be ideal. A scope wouldnt be a bad idea either, although not neccesary. If I had the means, either a hideout that I felt I could move stuff to safely or some type of vehicle, I would load up anything and everything I could find, just to be on the safe side. If I was on foot and constantly on the move, one lightweight rifle and a handgun, with the most ammo I could carry. And some type of effective hand weapon would of course be in order, an insurance policy for if and when the ammo ever ran out.

02-Jan-2007, 03:52 AM
One of these or a studded mace. Can I get a full suit of chain mail armor to go with that? ;)


Or I might go the Jessie the Body route in Predator with the mini-gun.
If he can take down a forest, I won't have to be accurate with it, just tear everything up, blow up some cars, etc.

02-Jan-2007, 04:10 AM
suit of chain mail armor to go with that? ;)

The last thing you want is any sort of metal armor. You hit the closest motorcycle shop and pickup the best leathers you can find. The human mouth isn't strong enough to bite through leather (go ahead and try it).

For a weapon, I'd carry 2 good aluminum bats in a back holster + a saw'd off shotgun for close in "I'm about to die so please save my ass" combat. With the bats, you always go the knee then the head and if 2 blows doesn't kill it, leave it and move on.

Then I'd pick a nice 9mm with a 15 shot clip for humans and alway carry at least 2 extra clips.

02-Jan-2007, 05:16 AM
Ummm, I've never heard of any Springfield M1 carbines, but if you have one it would truly be a collectors item. Also, 20-round magazines would have to be some sort of special production, since 15's and 30's were the norm.

My preference would be a Ruger 10/22, suppressed with a 4X wideview scope as a primary. If noise weren't a factor, or you were having to battle other survivors then an M4 with iron sights would be my next choice.

Lastly I'd go with a 9mm Browning for a sidearm as the round is readily available, lightweight and adequate for punching holes in skulls. Plus nothing has the natural pointing (for me at least), as the Browning.

02-Jan-2007, 05:26 AM
Ummm, I've never heard of any Springfield M1 carbines, but if you have one it would truly be a collectors item.

I think he's talking about this. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M1_Carbine)

02-Jan-2007, 05:37 AM
Yes. The M1 carbine was never produced by Springfield and 20 round magazines are not standard (if they even exist). So what is your point?

02-Jan-2007, 06:01 AM
they may not bite through leather, but enough of them will rip the biker outfit off. BUT if you have full body armor, you can make your way through a horde. It'd be slow and fatiguing, but better than being shredded.

02-Jan-2007, 07:29 AM
i like to be sneaky. from sneaking up on my roomates to scare them to every video game i play (definitely a camper) i always try to be sneaky. that is just how i am. you throw in a zombie plague+real life phobia of zombies and you get me being the sneakiest bastard i could ever possibly be.

gunshots that absolutely give away my location in an undead horde are definitely not something i'd be looking forward to. in otherwords, guns to me at least, would be a last resort.

that leaves me with melee weapons. my first insticnt as a gamer is to say 'katana'! but let's be honest. for starters, how lucky would i have to be to find a katana that is forged the correct way and not just some aesthetic knock off? that would be just my luck to think i found some awesome katana, attempt to defend myself with it for the first time, and watch it break. not to mention to wield a katana effectively i would have to have 'some' skill in wielding it.

so with that in mind, i would opt for a huge, claymore, type of sword. i'm not talking ffVII sephiroth huge, but a nice four-five foot sword would be ideal. even if i don't hit exactly where i want to, the momentum from such a sword wielded by a non athlete such as myself would be enough to knock a zombie off balance. this would be the most effective when encountering multiple zombies at once. it would be heavy at first but as i continued to travel with it, i would grow accustomed to it.

however, the sword while being powerful, wouldn't get used as much as much as the smaller weapons id have with me... namely a pair of ordinary hammers that we all have in our junk drawers in our houses. i wouldn't be trying to rack up devil may cry style points trying to kill zombies; a hammer and/or knife in the head is all i really would care about. combine that with being a sneaky prick, one could conceivably take out dozens of zombies with just moderate difficulty. sneak up on a zombie, drive a hammer right into it's skull, dead. rinse, repeat.

the prementioned leather clothing protection is also a very good idea.

so far i would opt for....

-claymore sword
-pair of hammers
-leather jacket, pants, gloves, motorcycle helmet.

using intelligence, cunning, and stealth (not to mention a buttload of courage) that is all that i would need to defend myself. there would be no gunshots giving away my location nor me frantically searching for ammo EVERY DAY. this wouldnt be resident evil and i WOULDN'T be finding ammo pick ups and herb remedies every 15 minutes. but i would still try to carry a handgun w/ammo... why?

because we all know that zombies are only part of the threat. drifters and/or humans that have gone insane or just corrupted by their base, vile natures are definitely the bigger threat. the zombie threat is so severe due to their numbers. but just one, alive, human with a will to kill is very dangerous indeed. and those are the types of threats i would save my ammo for... the goddamned lunatics looking to kill me first.

all this is against gar zombies. now if we are talking about zack snyder zombies...

i would opt for the best pair of running shoes i could find as well as a decent amount of crack so i could just keep running at top speed. instead of hammers and swords, i'd be looking for gatorade, candybars, focus factor, any kind of sugar product, etc and a bible so i could pray to god to give me the speed i need to get the hell away from those bastards.

02-Jan-2007, 09:59 AM
But promise that when flesh hungry reanimated heads start rolling, you'll mind your ankles.

02-Jan-2007, 10:42 AM
Sticking with the tried and tested ... unicycle, pea-shooter, light sabre combo.

02-Jan-2007, 11:45 AM
The only drawback of chainmail is that it makes alot of sound. Otherwise it's great... But hard to come by. If I found one of those shark protection-mails (during a zombie outbreak), I might take that with me and put it in me house. Could be good if you're just going out for a food stroll and you know you're going to places where Z-heads aren't abundant.

Anyway, from my house I have a redwood bokken and several bats. A bokken is a training sword in wood for those that don't know. My bokken happens to be of real poor design, so it's actually more of a long club. It's heavier than the real sword would be and altogether worthless to train with - but excellent for bashing heads in!

I also have a small kids bat that I got when I was little. It's small and useful, almost like a blackjack. You can really get a good punch in with that one, but it might break from overuse. In that case I have a much bigger bat lying around. I made it myself, and it's really thick. That thing would never EVER break.

I'd also keep a knife at hand. Preferably something I could use for everything, like a M3 Combat Knife or some such thing.

As for firearms, there's no chance I'll get any of those in Sweden. But there's really no chance of a zombie outbreak catching on in Sweden either, so it doesn't matter that much.

02-Jan-2007, 12:12 PM
Apart from a knife, this is the only weapon I know how to use.

02-Jan-2007, 12:55 PM
all this is against gar zombies. now if we are talking about zack snyder zombies...

i would opt for the best pair of running shoes i could find as well as a decent amount of crack so i could just keep running at top speed. instead of hammers and swords, i'd be looking for gatorade, candybars, focus factor, any kind of sugar product, etc and a bible so i could pray to god to give me the speed i need to get the hell away from those bastards.
ROFL-that was awesome.
I like the point you made about a gun giving away your location, for some reason I've yet to think of that.

02-Jan-2007, 05:27 PM
I'd also wear silk clothes constantly. It's almost impossible to cut or bite through that stuff. And if they did manage to get through, the silk would definetly not give away easily and if chances of infection would decrease.

02-Jan-2007, 06:27 PM
I'd also wear silk clothes constantly. It's almost impossible to cut or bite through that stuff. And if they did manage to get through, the silk would definetly not give away easily and if chances of infection would decrease.
Plus you look sexy in a Master P kinda way:)

ahhhh.. JUICY!

02-Jan-2007, 07:21 PM
Yes. The M1 carbine was never produced by Springfield and 20 round magazines are not standard (if they even exist). So what is your point?

20 roung mags exist, and just because a magazine isn't standard doesn't mean the guy can't get them ;)
Here's one he could buy (http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=63184986) :cool:

02-Jan-2007, 07:23 PM
The problem with all "clothing" armor is that the teeth maynot ripp flesh from the bone so they can eat it. It will still come off tho, which would totally suck. Saying that I'd still wear my leathers if it happened.

As for weapons, I live in england so i have a limited choice. My step-dad has a couple of shot guns, which I'd make a bee line for. Other than that, i'd have to stick with basic weapons, I have a baseball bat, which I like the idea of screwing a dagger into the end of, I think that would be effective. I'd also have a go with my airrifles, just to see how effective they are, saying that I'd only try them from my flat window.

Other than that, if zombies struck today, and I had to make use of what I have in my flat. I'd go for my slingshot, Molotoff Cocktails, my custom baseball bat, a collection of knives and I'd stick a crowbar in my bag just incase as it has more than one use. Then i'd leg it down the road to the docks and steal a boat, glory of living on the coast.

I think if it happened in england, we'd all be buggered. Have to sail away, to land of the guns and no zombies.

02-Jan-2007, 07:50 PM
ok, for years i have had many half cut discussions with me crew about this one, and i believe i have refined the ultimate set up...

* shark bite proof wetsuit (i've seen them, and they kick ass)

* US football helmet

* proper samurai sword (a long one)

* knee high doctor martens

* hammer

that way you can chop off the heads, and if they make a dive for you, arms flailing, you can just lop off the arms, kick em back and decipitate...

02-Jan-2007, 08:42 PM
I stand corrected on the magazine issue. Next time I'll use more than one search engine for research.

02-Jan-2007, 09:24 PM
i would have to go with .12 gauge shotgun!:cool:

mainly because i would'nt get tired of seeing there heads explode!:D

or a flame thrower you can cover alot more ground like that,just light um up and let each one burn like a fuuuckin log!!!:sneaky:

02-Jan-2007, 10:00 PM
ROFL-that was awesome.
I like the point you made about a gun giving away your location, for some reason I've yet to think of that.
Try these: http://www.autoweapons.com/products/suppressors.html :D
As to melee weapons I would favour a good heavy bolo machete, a war hammer:http://www.ragweedforge.com/90h.jpg or a good fighting tomahawk:
Oh yeah, I'd also have a Steyr Scout and an Ithaca 37.:cool:

02-Jan-2007, 11:51 PM
i would have to go with .12 gauge shotgun!:cool:

mainly because i would'nt get tired of seeing there heads explode!:D

or a flame thrower you can cover alot more ground like that,just light um up and let each one burn like a fuuuckin log!!!:sneaky:

A flamethrower sucks. THeyre heavy as hell, and once theyre empty, youre fcuked. Plus, you dont want a flaming zombie stumbling towards you, lighting everyhting it touches on fire.

Ill take a sawed off louisville slugger (aluminum bats eventually bend and get ruined), and put it in a back holster, along with a double barelled sawed off shotgun (barrel and stock cut) for last resort. My main rifle would be an M1 Carbine with scope or a "Mare's Leg" .22 Winchester rifle, easy carry. I dont need an automatic rifle, waste of ammo.

For a sidearm, id stick with a glock, one of the best semiauto pistols on the market, with a silencer, and a .22 cal pistol.

Id wear plain black jeans, black shirt (nighttime concealment), skullap to keep my hair out of reach, and a leather jacket, it is true that leather is hard to bite through so it does protect you to a point.

you have to be sure to carry light, cause when all else fails, at some point or other, youre gonna need to travel on foot. And a sawed off bat, shotgun and winchester rifle, and two small pistols, are a hell of a lot easier to work with than heavy arms

03-Jan-2007, 12:01 AM
I'd also wear silk clothes constantly. It's purely a comfort thing you understand, everyone in Sweden does it. Oh and by the way the nocturnal washing line raid thing was a filthy lie!!!. And if they did manage to get through, the silk is so sheer and slippery soft that it would definetly not give away easily and if chances of infection would decrease.:eek: :eek: :eek:

03-Jan-2007, 12:47 AM
How about Water Balloons filled with piss?

03-Jan-2007, 01:51 AM
Guess I'll go with that nifty sawed-down Winchester Josh Randall used in the Wanted Dead or Alive series.


Probably not the best gun for the job, I think the shortned stock cuts down on the number of rounds the rifle holds but it looks pretty cool... until you get your guts torn out anyway.

03-Jan-2007, 05:21 AM
Browning .410 over/under double barrel w/ 3 - 1/2" slugs.

03-Jan-2007, 03:05 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Silk is like steel man. Historically it was used as light armor.

04-Jan-2007, 01:58 AM
:) I would take 3 weapons...

1)M4 Carbine-- .223, standard 30 round mags-- ammo plentiful and decent range.

2) pistol--- .45 ACP-- of course I am partial to my 14 round xd45, but anything with a high capacity 45--- ammo is plentiful, and has a good phisical knockdown...plus the dead aint wearing body armor..

3)aluminum baseball bat---or a machete... or a warhammer(like they are just lying around)..something unbreakable and nasty when swung in a high arc over your foe...

yep, I am set-- well except for the warhammer....:cool:

ok, for years i have had many half cut discussions with me crew about this one, and i believe i have refined the ultimate set up...

* shark bite proof wetsuit (i've seen them, and they kick ass)

* US football helmet

* proper samurai sword (a long one)

* knee high doctor martens

* hammer

that way you can chop off the heads, and if they make a dive for you, arms flailing, you can just lop off the arms, kick em back and decipitate...

sort of Gay picture...

but hey...I always say---"Wear what you dig...."


04-Jan-2007, 02:55 PM
I am newcomer to the forums, but have been a GAR ghoul/zombie fan since the 70's when I was a little kid.

Though this topic may have been covered in previous threads (I did a preliminary search and did not spot any -- but apologize if I missed!) I am curious as to what the members choices would be in arming themselves to deal with a classic (GAR rules) zombie crisis.

Here's what I settled on in the old forums --

Here's my preferred loadout:

M4A1 with attached underbarrel lightweight shotgun system
SigPRO 2340 with 9mm and .357SIG barrels
Remington Model 700 Titanium in .30-06
.22LR conversion kit for M-4

There you have it - carry 3 guns (total weight less than 20 pounds) and fire 7 cartridges (.22LR, 9mm, .40S&W, .357SIG, 5.56mm, 12 gauge, and .30-06).

05-Jan-2007, 04:58 PM
Either a M-4 semiautomatic carbine with a Aimpoint red dot sight, Surefire tactical light and suppressor, or a full length AR-15 rifle with a Trijicon ACOG, Surefire tactical light and suppresor, and a 9mm semiautomatic such as the Sig Sauer P226 or Glock 19, also with a suppressor and Surefire.

The M-4 would be lighter and more compact, especially for clearing buildings and moving in vehicles, and if I was stuck walking, and the Aimpoint makes sighting very fast.

The full length AR-15 would be if I had the benefit of being able to stay in a vehicle or building and shoot, as the ACOG is a very good mid to long range sight, according to the reports I've heard form those who've bought or beenissued them in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Once the lights go out, I'll need to provide my own light, and buildings are likely to be dark inside, even during the day. See the zombie before it sees you.

Suppressors would allow me to communicate with my team, if I had one, while shooting, without having to resort to yelling and hand singnals and hoping they hear/understand, plus they'd cut down on on other zombies or hostile humans being able to hear me, as suppressors cut down on the noise of a gunshot, so it doesn't travel as far, and it'd also change the noise, so it doesn't sound like a gunshot.

Ammo, lots and lots of ammo-cases of ammo. 147 grain fodder for the pistols, as it's subsonic, probably standard 55 or 62 grain FMJ for the rifle, as subsonic loads for 5.56mm that will reliably cycle the action seem to be both uncommon and expensive.

I'd probably improvise some armor if I thought it necessary-get one of those 55 gallon blue plastic barrels and cut it into arm and leg protectors, and add some Kevlar body armor and maybe a helmet do deal with those hostile humans that still exist.

A IR laser and helmet mounted night vision goggles might make a good addition, especially to deal with hostile humans and zombies who don't know I'm there. Shoot them first.

A tomahawk or a baseball bat with a timber spike nailed though it would be my melee weapon to be used in those rare cases I'd find melee combat necessary.

I'd want a fortified location way from population centers, major roads, military installations, state/national forests and other places refugees would be likely to be. Probably a farmhouse.

I'd probably resort to barbed wire strung on metal pickets hammered down to between ankle and knee height, so that any attacking hordes of biters or human raiders would be tripped up and find themselves tangled in the wire, breaking up their formations and slowing their advance, giving me warning and allowing me to deal with them piecemeal with a rifle.

06-Jan-2007, 02:07 AM
Although probably difficult to put into a holster (and difficult to unholster), a .22 Ruger pistol with a long barrel would make a decent sidearm. The long barrel makes it easy to aim, and the ammunition is a joke. Small boxes contain hundreds of rounds, wouldn't take up much room in your bag as you were looting Wal-Mart’s sports section after things went to hell. Its availability and cheapness would allow one to easily stock up in advance.
Although I think the 9mm Beretta is a ****ty weapon, it does have a magazine capacity of 15, which work just fine in ceasing brain activity.

Owning an M-1 Garand, I know for a fact I wouldn't want to haul that heavy bastard around day after day. An M-16A2 or an M-4 and a Remington shotgun would suffice until I decided what further weapons would work best in the environment I planned to escape to.

06-Jan-2007, 05:37 AM
Although probably difficult to put into a holster (and difficult to unholster), a .22 Ruger pistol with a long barrel would make a decent sidearm. The long barrel makes it easy to aim, and the ammunition is a joke. Small boxes contain hundreds of rounds, wouldn't take up much room in your bag as you were looting Wal-Mart’s sports section after things went to hell. Its availability and cheapness would allow one to easily stock up in advance.

Especially if the Ruger .22lr pistol has a built in sound suppressor with the same profile as the original heavy barrel model. So quiet all you hear is a snap, the scrape of metal as the bolt cycles a new round, and the .22lr empty case hitting the ground.


07-Jan-2007, 02:00 AM
if you like picking out weapons for a zombie invasion go check out the zombie survival guide

for close combat I'd take along a katana and a crowbar

for a gun

cival war musket!
only kidding
i dont know anything about guns
maybe the M1 carbine
just cos Max Brooks knows his stuff

we should start a daily zombie role playing game on this forum
it would totally up our nerdy fanboy street cred and we'd get to fight zombies, fortify the house, get supplies and live out the age old zombie survivalist day dream full of guns and baseball bats

I already play a similar game based on my own town

07-Jan-2007, 02:32 AM
Although probably difficult to put into a holster (and difficult to unholster), a .22 Ruger pistol with a long barrel would make a decent sidearm. The long barrel makes it easy to aim, and the ammunition is a joke. Small boxes contain hundreds of rounds, wouldn't take up much room in your bag as you were looting Wal-Mart’s sports section after things went to hell. Its availability and cheapness would allow one to easily stock up in advance.
Although I think the 9mm Beretta is a ****ty weapon, it does have a magazine capacity of 15, which work just fine in ceasing brain activity.

Owning an M-1 Garand, I know for a fact I wouldn't want to haul that heavy bastard around day after day. An M-16A2 or an M-4 and a Remington shotgun would suffice until I decided what further weapons would work best in the environment I planned to escape to.

if we go by the "shoot them in the head" rules, almost anything with a high capacity would work-- although I would limi my smallest round to a .22Mag, and stay away from the 22short and 22LR.. .223 has decent range, and will go through most things human---and most body armor in the world won't stop it at short range. Sniper/deer/ battle rifles (M1 Garand) would be ok if there wasn't anything else available, but I would steer clear of them due to their weight and limited ammo capacity.

In as much as I would avoid zombies where possible, and the fact you would never get rid of them all, I would want one main weapon, one pistol/backup, and one melee only. This would give you 3 levels of protection, and also allow you to expand your group to 3 armed individuals when you meet other freindly survivors.

I treat surviving a zombie outbreak like any other end of the word scenario. Pack light and effeciently. Carry the most you can in the lightest load. Think utility and ease of use. Keep moving, unless you have a good thing (malls of Dawn78 and 04). Stay alert and stay alive.

if you like picking out weapons for a zombie invasion go check out the zombie survival guide

for close combat I'd take along a katana and a crowbar

for a gun

cival war musket!
only kidding
i dont know anything about guns
maybe the M1 carbine
just cos Max Brooks knows his stuff

we should start a daily zombie role playing game on this forum
it would totally up our nerdy fanboy street cred and we'd get to fight zombies, fortify the house, get supplies and live out the age old zombie survivalist day dream full of guns and baseball bats

I already play a similar game based on my own town

it uses a weak, unpopular ammo. Stick to the easy to get stuff-- ie 9mm,308(7.62mm), .223 (5.56mm), .45ACP, maybe some 22LR(if you have to), 12ga, etc.

M1 Carbine is a nice little weapon--albeit underpowered. It is hard to come by in relaton to most modern weapons, and the ammo is bunk...


07-Jan-2007, 03:10 AM
guess my first line of defense (close in, at least) would be some sort of bladed or blunt weapon - like a sword (a katana preferably) or some sort of war hammer.
i would use guns as a long range/last resort kind of thing to avoid the noise that goes along with guns.

07-Jan-2007, 03:57 AM
Rocket Launcher.


08-Jan-2007, 04:40 PM
Punishing Flatulence!


08-Jan-2007, 08:23 PM
For close combat I'd have a Lobo (read WWZ). For guns, maybe an M4A1 Assault rifle, and a sawn-off shotgun for tight spaces.

09-Jan-2007, 05:38 PM
ok, for years i have had many half cut discussions with me crew about this one, and i believe i have refined the ultimate set up...

* shark bite proof wetsuit (i've seen them, and they kick ass)

* US football helmet

* proper samurai sword (a long one)

* knee high doctor martens

* hammer

that way you can chop off the heads, and if they make a dive for you, arms flailing, you can just lop off the arms, kick em back and decipitate...

Hahahaha ... that's so funny man!

I am sitting behind liam (on a space hopper obviously!) in what i believe is a far more refined and infinitley more functional version of liams smashing outfit.

* Elvis style diamond coated silver jumpsuit, and matching cape.

* Beer/Radio baseball cap (holds two cans and has two "drop down" drinking tubes)

* Stick of celery (a long one)

* Really big clown shoes (Gold, size 1200)

* Framed picture of Adolf Hitler

I have also written the words "I AM NOT AFRAID TO DIE" in red lipstick on my own face, and i have a large backpack filled to the brim with balloons containing my own urine, which have presumably all burst ...

10-Jan-2007, 12:06 PM

10-Jan-2007, 02:40 PM
I've seen those. True to the advert, they must be held at 90 degrees from vertical, yo.

12-Jan-2007, 04:51 PM
Weapons than can shot more of one bullet per time, isn't necessary. Only need one shoot to the head. Don't waste the bullets!...

12-Jan-2007, 08:03 PM
Weapons than can shot more of one bullet per time, isn't necessary. Only need one shoot to the head. Don't waste the bullets!...

If you demolish the pelvic bone, you cannot phisically walk. Removal of the head kills the body, and you are left with a head only... Remove legs or arms, and you limit the z's ability to get you as easily...

but true, one to the head seems to work--

I mean in GAR's uni...


12-Jan-2007, 08:30 PM
Well, since I'm living in England with this handgun ban, I'd have to rely on a display sword (it's really heavy, the weight alone could bust a head). A shotgun would be useful, no need to be a good shot.

I suppose once the necrocalypse has been going for a while, I might find weapons from police/army/territorial army last stands.

How about sword and police riot shield? They are transparent and tough. Perhaps a cricket helmet, one with the wire grid. It won't get steamed up. Definately a cricket box. Got to look after the crown jewels.

12-Jan-2007, 09:41 PM
What about a "15 INCH BLACK RUBBER COCK"!!!!

it worked in Guy Ritchie movies..... :D

16-Jan-2007, 06:44 PM
Im also in england and yeah the gun ban is a real whore but luckily as you can guess by my name I live in Cornwall and just like in the styx of any countries shotguns are a plenty not to mention a friend of mine has a particular fetish for Swords and axes.

My preferred weapon would either be one of the guns from the slaughterhouses with the metal bolt that shoots out and pulls itself back in or the good old fashioned Hatchet.

Alright this is last post I swear, jus realized Ive popped up six times on the front page..Heh Sorry Im new to this, enthusiasm. An odd thing coming from a brit.:clown:

17-Jan-2007, 07:46 PM
I think I'll go with the list below

1. I'd go with a pellet gun. Lots of ammo and if you pump it up enough it just might be able to penetrate (spellcheck) the soft tissue of our undead enemies.

2. Max Brooks book Zombie survival guide

3. Katana for short range combat

3. Silenced scoped rifle, maybe the one out of MGS PGS1 or what ever it was called

17-Jan-2007, 08:57 PM
http://www.defensetech.org/archives/003156.html :cool:

17-Jan-2007, 09:06 PM

In an abandonned gunshop from the Romero universe ;) , i will choose:

- A powerful handgun/sniper rifle:
The wildey gun "silhouette" will be a good choice, a big handgun that can be upgraded to become a sniper rifle.

- An handgun with silencer: an AMT hardballer.

- A big camp knife, machete or kukri.

Sorry, I can't post links.

18-Jan-2007, 01:39 AM

In an abandonned gunshop from the Romero universe ;) , i will choose:

- A powerful handgun/sniper rifle:
The wildey gun "silhouette" will be a good choice, a big handgun that can be upgraded to become a sniper rifle.

- An handgun with silencer: an AMT hardballer.

- A big camp knife, machete or kukri.

Sorry, I can't post links.

Realisticaly(sp?), you need high capacity, reliabilty, and readiness of ammo. Sorry to say Europe, you are proverbaly(sp?) screwed. I would try for an odd shotgun or stick to machetes and bludgeoning weapons. Britain, you are really screwed-- gun laws and all.

The US and to an extent Mexico, Mid East, Far east (Vietnam, Thailand, Phillipines, etc) Latin America, Africa, nd maybe the remotness of certain islands that can sustain life will be better suited.

Granted the US is more violent, but the lax gun laws, especially in the South would mean a greater portion of the populace can defend themselves at range.

That being said, pick something in NATO 5.56/.223 in a ranged weapon, .45ACP, 9mmPB, or even .38 Special and .357 MAG in the US would mean you could raid any Wal-Mart and stock up. 12 GA is really great for cole in defense-- get a #4 Pheasant/duck load and you do devastating davage close in with little chance of "friendly fire" casualties. Plus reloading 12 GA is an easy prospect, even for the novice. I used to reload several boxes an hour while drinking beer and smoking up in high school, and I never had a round that gave me issues.

So I would choose (as mentioned before) an M4 Ar-15 carbine-- in the A2 config for a mid range weapon. I would take my .45XD for shorter range damage. A good 22oz claw hammer will suffice for good skull penetration up close and personal. I picked a warhammer n my fantasy, but realistically the 22oz clawhammer is lights, powerful and can be found at any hardware store/Home Depot/Wal-Mart--

Wear long sleeves-- try to get a real leather (not-- NOT Corinthian!!!) jacket, good work boots- steel toes preferred but not really needed, good Levis-- not cheapo-- denim pants, and good light leather gloves. Keep moving, travek light and find a good ready supplied position and keep quiet.

Stay alert, stay alive....


18-Jan-2007, 02:46 AM
..may as well give in and give my two cents...id reckon id like a suit of police riot gear, with the shield a small one hand axe and a sledgehammer, for breaking and entering as well.

though the evlis outfits a close second:lol:

18-Jan-2007, 04:04 PM
id stick to mainly melee weapons.... throwin knives and stars, wakazashis and katanas.... stuff like that... you know the pick axes they use in vertical limit... two of those for brain penetration and can be purchased at a big chain hard ware store. knives and the such are nearly weightless and you are only limetd by how many you can carry "ice" picks can be used as a defensive weapon with their curved design as well as easy penetration. throwin knives can be used for stabbing if their longg enough and stars would take some practice to use properly but what human enemy would mess with you from a short range melee battle if you even had them out most people would duck for cover if they saw these in your hand it would be a nice escape mechanism. japanese swords... enough said... just make sure they are "battle ready". other than that a length of wood will work. armor... anything that isnt heavy and that will work... more than likely bullet proof if i could obtain one from a dead swat officer or something.

guns id have to go with a lever action rifle and some kind of pistol. all is open for discussion and silenced is better but the ammo must be plentiful. and alcohol the harder the better. think molotovs and if you "know" that you are in a secure area why not unwind a little and also good for cleanin wounds that arent "fatal". other than that please suggest... a weapon that has many diiferent uses is beneficial to carry. personally ill stick with what ive got or can get. so im gonna prepare now while i still can... not for zombies but for the next depression. its comin soon...

18-Jan-2007, 06:27 PM
i love threads like this,

30 carbine, great rifle it may be underpowered for a rifle round but it would get the job more than done. 30 carbine out of a pistol or revolver, is an earsplitting flame thrower.

my choice would be fn p90 has 100 round box mags if i could afford one.

22lr would be perfect imo, subsonic ammo silencers, a ruger 10/22 butler creek 25 round mags as many as you can get and dont forget butler creek mag loaders so much faster than hand loading. some ruger 22/45's and as many mags as you can get for close up stuff again silenced.

imo staying quiet is very important, working in teams of 2 or 3 is even more important, 1 or 2 people to shoot and at least one person to reload mags.

21-Jan-2007, 06:36 AM
I used to reload several boxes an hour while drinking beer and smoking up in high school, and I never had a round that gave me issues.

Shame, shame on you for smoking near powder.:eek:

24-Jan-2007, 12:22 AM
Realisticaly(sp?), you need high capacity, reliabilty, and readiness of ammo. Sorry to say Europe, you are proverbaly(sp?) screwed. I would try for an odd shotgun or stick to machetes and bludgeoning weapons. Britain, you are really screwed-- gun laws and all.

The US and to an extent Mexico, Mid East, Far east (Vietnam, Thailand, Phillipines, etc) Latin America, Africa, nd maybe the remotness of certain islands that can sustain life will be better suited.

Granted the US is more violent, but the lax gun laws, especially in the South would mean a greater portion of the populace can defend themselves at range.

That being said, pick something in NATO 5.56/.223 in a ranged weapon, .45ACP, 9mmPB, or even .38 Special and .357 MAG in the US would mean you could raid any Wal-Mart and stock up. 12 GA is really great for cole in defense-- get a #4 Pheasant/duck load and you do devastating davage close in with little chance of "friendly fire" casualties. Plus reloading 12 GA is an easy prospect, even for the novice. I used to reload several boxes an hour while drinking beer and smoking up in high school, and I never had a round that gave me issues.

So I would choose (as mentioned before) an M4 Ar-15 carbine-- in the A2 config for a mid range weapon. I would take my .45XD for shorter range damage. A good 22oz claw hammer will suffice for good skull penetration up close and personal. I picked a warhammer n my fantasy, but realistically the 22oz clawhammer is lights, powerful and can be found at any hardware store/Home Depot/Wal-Mart--

Wear long sleeves-- try to get a real leather (not-- NOT Corinthian!!!) jacket, good work boots- steel toes preferred but not really needed, good Levis-- not cheapo-- denim pants, and good light leather gloves. Keep moving, travek light and find a good ready supplied position and keep quiet.

Stay alert, stay alive....


24-Jan-2007, 12:49 PM
Britain, you are really screwed - gun laws and all.

"Man, they walk so slow you could run right by 'em!"

Maybe, but what a survival instinct we'd develop.

Granted the US is more violent, but the lax gun laws, especially in the South would mean a greater portion of the populace can defend themselves at range.

And given America's track record in war situations, it would probably also mean that you'd blow each other to s**t within a year!

Wear long sleeves-- try to get a real leather (not-- NOT Corinthian!!!) jacket, good work boots- steel toes preferred but not really needed, good Levis-- not cheapo-- denim pants, and good light leather gloves. Keep moving, travek light and find a good ready supplied position and keep quiet.

I would agree with you on that. I would be kitted out in a similar fashion but armed with a machete, Predator style. :shifty:

24-Jan-2007, 11:48 PM
i figured out how heavy a boom stick and a bandoleer of shells is... managable but almost discomfortin and yes you can pick up a hip holster for your boom stick... just make sure that the holster will fit the length of the barrel ... only down fall is that it is made for a pistol

31-Jan-2007, 08:16 AM
Crowbar for sure. Or maybe a sawn-off (even if it is cliche) or a Mac 10.

13-Feb-2007, 02:00 AM
Ummm, I've never heard of any Springfield M1 carbines, but if you have one it would truly be a collectors item.

Yeah, I guess I am not up on my gun taxonomy. Should have said Iver Johnson, or Winchester I guess. I do agree about using the .22 though. The 10/22 Ruger is a fine piece, cheap and well built.

14-Feb-2007, 04:41 AM
comment removed from post

14-Feb-2007, 05:17 AM
I wanna machete so I can be cool like Savini! :D

Head Shotz
17-Feb-2007, 02:58 AM
Good ol' 870 pump with extended mag. Double 00 would be ammo of choice. Decient patern so would not have to be dead on in a stressfull situation. Not prone to malfunction and even so can usually clear a missfeed or stovepipe with out disassembly. Just like a sword can easily take off limbs and if all else fails......makes a pretty good club to cave in some heads.

Thats my call.....but I would also have one of those backpacks full of piss balloons for a back up and a pair of those gold clown shoes in a effort to not draw attention to myself.:skull: :skull: