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View Full Version : Kenny VS Spenny

02-Jan-2007, 12:38 PM
Hellsing posted something about this show in the YouTube thread but I figured my response merited a seperate thread.

Does anybody remember the original Kenny and Spenny? I recall watching this show like 3 years ago when it first came out and it was two completely different dudes playing the roles of Ken and Spencer. One episode that sticks out in my memory is the one in which they had a contest to see who could stay awake the longest. Anybody remember them?

EDIT: Okay it's the same guys, apparently. BUT I recently watched a show with two British guys that was EXACTLY the same and I could have sworn it had the title "Kenny VS Spenny". Uhhh... can somebody please tell me what show I must be confusing this with?

02-Jan-2007, 12:51 PM
I know what you're talking about. I used to watch Kenny vs Spenny with a pal of mine.

About 6 months or so ago, I saw a commerical for a show with the same premise, yet different guys. I can't remember what channel it was on.

Indeed, the episode of KvS where they see who can go the longest without sleep is funny. Another favorite of mine was the one that they see who can stay blind folded the longest.

02-Jan-2007, 12:54 PM
Oh yeah, Bassman, I've been meaning to tell you to check out this awesome bassist, Rob Van Der Loo. If you don't already know of him, PM me.

03-Jan-2007, 06:30 AM
yeah the british sky one ripped it off with "ed vs spencer" two british mtv and e4 presenters doing the same things but in a way that wasnt funny.

at all.

cant wait for season 3 to air on fx over here, i mean there was like 30 episodes in season 2, its such a damn funny show, easily the best "reality" style show since jackass and the osbournes.