View Full Version : I am so sick of this crap...

03-Jan-2007, 12:31 AM
Since when does 'Preachers' need to put theirselves in such positions of politics and justice anyway?


But what really gets me is this line, “We see the black officers as just following their master,” Brown said.

:dead: Dawg

03-Jan-2007, 11:36 PM
Expect a ruling of innocent in their cases.

Then expect a civil suit and a guilty verdict.

Then lament the state of law in our country.

They did what all of the cops should have done: clean up the riff raff. What there should have been in New Orleans are these guys...


03-Jan-2007, 11:48 PM
what about these guys?

04-Jan-2007, 12:33 AM
They did what all of the cops should have done: clean up the riff raff.

A retarded man was riff raff?!?!?!?!?
Donst say he had a record cause he didnt

04-Jan-2007, 07:39 PM
Expect a ruling of innocent in their cases.

Then expect a civil suit and a guilty verdict.

Then lament the state of law in our country.

They did what all of the cops should have done: clean up the riff raff. What there should have been in New Orleans are these guys...


Remember, the Empire was defeated by a bunch of riff raff. For God's Sake, those dudes in those plastic armor couldn't shoot straight and got plastered by laser fire every time you turned around.

:dead: Dawg

04-Jan-2007, 07:45 PM
yeah, and doesnt anyone find the way hes using his hand to say "look at my crotch" a little bit sinister?:lol:

05-Jan-2007, 05:15 AM
in all honesty, Storm troopers are probibly the best infantry unit the galaxy had eever, and would ever see...you just don't get that immpression from George Lucas....he makes it seem like they're blind or have **** in their eyes instead.

Wow...i just realized how nerdy this post is....

05-Jan-2007, 01:20 PM
What I don't get is WHY do Stormtroopers wear ARMOR when it obviously is USELESS!

I mean, have you ever, ever seen their armor stop anything? Even arrows?!

In any case, this is a tricky case. A damn tricky case. Obviously the two innocent killings were wrong, but on the other hand I can imagine the chaos these police officers were cast into the middle off. And the stress!

Hard to say. The Ronald Madison kid was shot 7 times. That's not exactly "Whoops, I made a mistake" on the police officers part.

Since South Park references are all the rage these days, I'll say:

"We're just gonna stay out on this one."

06-Jan-2007, 12:32 AM
I mean, have you ever, ever seen their armor stop anything? Even arrows?!

Now that you mention it, none. In fact, they always drop on the first hit.

06-Jan-2007, 02:11 AM
Thats one thing I dislike about the star wars movies....Storm trooper armour seems almost useless, altho in the technical stuff, it serves the purpose of not stopping the bolt, but lessening the impact of the projectile, thus making the trooper survive the blast.

Altho why it cannot stop sticks i can't say...


06-Jan-2007, 02:25 AM
I always wondered about that as a kid. Now that I think about it again...

Bullet "proof" vests don't stop bullets of rifle-caliber; maybe the stormtrooper armor is to stop ricochets or shrapnel? Kind of like flak-vests?

Either that, or option two is that Lucas is a hack...?

06-Jan-2007, 03:58 AM
your all nerds!.......dammit :evil:

06-Jan-2007, 07:54 AM
Either that, or option two is that Lucas is a hack...?

yes. yes he is.

06-Jan-2007, 03:28 PM
How can a city where vast the majority is black cry racism? Everyone saw the looting and choas after Katrina, cops responding to an officer down call on top of the added stress should be cut some slack. It is tragic that innocent people died, just because they were black shouldn't make it anymore tragic.

06-Jan-2007, 05:05 PM
Lucas is good in his own right...I mean he gave us Star Wars....which is far superior to that Lord of the Rings Gayity. 5 hour movies my ass...more like 5 hour hippy prance fests.

Altho, Lucas really never thought out the consequences of not pleasing the eventual die hard fans I imagine heh...such as us

and uhhh...oh yea

Lord of the rings sucks junk.

06-Jan-2007, 08:44 PM
Lord of the rings sucks junk.

The first one was okay but the other two chug dog's cock.

07-Jan-2007, 03:38 AM
LOL, i dunno, I know people who swear that LOTR is the best movie series ever made...remove the CGI and you got nothing IMO