View Full Version : UK FOLK - Anti Road Pricing Petition - SIGN UP!

03-Jan-2007, 01:24 PM
My Dad and I have just signed the petition against Blair's Nazi-istic road pricing/car spying black box legislation that has been proposed.

So UK folks - sign up to this petition! There are almost 80,000 signatures so far, pass this link around and get everyone you know to sign it, this legislation is hideous and a complete erosion of our civil liberties and simply another way for that bastard Brown to rape more money out of our pockets, yet another abusive affront to the good people of Britain.


(in the time it's taken me to write this post, another 50 people have signed it)

Also - if it appears to be down "server error" or whatever, try again later, it's gone down temporarily once before due to overwhelming use, as reported on mansized.co.uk back when it was a mere 55,000 names.

03-Jan-2007, 01:36 PM
and 80,000 people mysteriously dissappear in accidents over the next few weeks....

03-Jan-2007, 05:31 PM
Damn right il sign it,several times over if possible!then hopefully we can print the petition off,roll it up & shove it right up blairs council gritter :lol:
I cant believe they want to make us have trackers in our cars,why the hell do they need to know all that information?the only time it would be useful is if your car was stolen,but even then you'd probably get charged per mile for however far the theif went in it!no doubt the cost of these "black boxes" will be passed onto us as well,much the same as these ID cards labour thinks we all need,which will also be used to track us and see how much money we spend etc :mad: as a lump of land i love england,but i hate the way it is run and if this government doesnt lose the next election then i will be seriously considering leaving the country

03-Jan-2007, 05:37 PM
i agree this is totally OTT, but there would be a poll here if any taxes went up...the road fairies don't maintain our highways, more cars on the road, and all that...

slapping more road-related taxes on the people who drive more makes sense to me - why should someone who uses the car to drop the kids off and get shopping pay the same as someone who burns up the motorways in their audi for pleasure every other night?. although they are going about it all wrong, as usual.

03-Jan-2007, 06:25 PM
But the point is the vast majority of motorists need to be out there driving. Labour are seeking to cut congestion? HOW is that EVER going to work with anything OTHER than:

1) major places of work not being in the big cities
2) bigger motorways (the poor sight of those building them in the 1960s has screwed us over)

The reason why congestion exists is because all those people have to be in the same place at the same time - they're all going to work, so they can scrape together enough money to pay for these lunatic schemes as well as all the Romanians and Bulgarians and any other bugger that can come on in completely unvetted, uncontrolled and unexamined (I forget the name of it, but there's a disease on the rise again after being almost completely eradicated in this country - why is it back? Unvetted asylum seekers flooding in thanks to a complete lack of control - yeah we need foreign folk, but we don't need this many and we can't afford to let them all in without any control in place - it's sheer retardation!).

All the green taxes and other such things Labour are now introducing are merely for the money they can gather, that's it. The whole green issue is simply a money making scheme.

The black box - yep, the public will be forced to buy one. If they don't have one, they'll be fined. Exactly the same as that ID card nonsense.

This is pure Labour - CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL. It's sickening.

They claim the economy will be better off - nope. You can improve the economy by spending public money wisely, not by creating non-jobs like sensitivity supervisors and just throwing money at rolls and rolls and rolls of red tape to say they're investing in education/health/the environment/whatever the buzz-issue is this week - investing in pencil pushers and red tape isn't investing, it's abusive of a system which struggles to operate as it is.

SICKENING - plain and simple.

82,089 ... and rising

04-Jan-2007, 01:52 AM
Dude, I don't even drive but I still signed it. My whole family (most of whom drive) will sign it too, one by one. Blair has gone too far this time.

04-Jan-2007, 05:50 AM
so... anyone voteing labour this year?