View Full Version : Pat Robertson begins the new year with gleaming predictions for America.

04-Jan-2007, 12:22 AM

This whack-job makes Tim McVeigh look like Michael Moore.

04-Jan-2007, 02:19 AM
"The Lord didn't say nuclear. But I do believe it will be something like that."

Who the f**k does this guy think he is?

I spoke to Nostrodamus this morning and he told me there was NOT going to be a nuclear attack. Apparently he was standing in for Christ this week (some problem about being hammered with tax :sneaky:) and he got a little carried away! :lol:

04-Jan-2007, 02:42 AM
Who the f**k does this guy think he is?

I spoke to Nostrodamus morning and he told me there was NOT going to be a nuclear attack. Apparently he was standing in for Christ this week (some problem about being hammered with tax :sneaky:) and he got a little carried away! :lol:

Back In 1988/89 I had the opportunity to meet him in person and have dinner with him. I turned it down.

04-Jan-2007, 04:26 AM
How come Pat Robertson and George W. Bush both look like Alfred E. Newman from MAD magazine?



04-Jan-2007, 05:51 AM
someones been reading to much of the stand.

M-O-O-N spells high on himself retard, laws yes.:D

04-Jan-2007, 08:59 AM
This man gives christians everywhere a bad name. As a person of faith, i try not to be a dick, but damn, what a douche.

04-Jan-2007, 02:11 PM
This man gives christians everywhere a bad name. As a person of faith, i try not to be a dick, but damn, what a douche.

Same here.

04-Jan-2007, 02:14 PM
this guy does for christianity what osama bin laden does for muslims, and given a reversal of situations, he'd probably be doing the same thing...

04-Jan-2007, 03:58 PM
Predictions? Hmmm ... more like statin' the bleedin' obvious, or stating things that are so scattergun it's easy to just say something on the off chance that something similar will actually happen.

A big nuclear attack? Somehow I seriously doubt it, at best it'd be small, it could come at any time, and it'd be from a small country or band of rebels. The consequences of such an attack though, would spell nothing but doom for the perpetrators - that's the point in nuclear arms, mutual "if you shoot us, we'll f*ck you up!" posturing ... I simply don't understand (as a separate issue to this thread) how some people don't understand this simple concept.

That guy ... geez ... what a numpty.

04-Jan-2007, 05:29 PM
I predict there will be rain this year
and war
and people will eat stuff
And fake religious gas bags will talk much sh!t on fake news shows that dont even have the decency to be funny

04-Jan-2007, 05:41 PM
the only nuclear showdown that could plausibly happen in the next 12 months is india vs pakistan, and even then, prrrooobably not...

04-Jan-2007, 05:49 PM
the only nuclear showdown that could plausibly happen in the next 12 months is india vs pakistan, and even then, prrrooobably not...

Don't forget Iran, they have made multiple threats against Israel. North Korea is another possibility if there was a coup or the government was in danger of collapse. Either of those governments would be willing to use the bomb.

However it's most likely going to be a terrorist attack. Perhaps Al-Queda will obtain a cold war era Soviet nuclear artillery shell. Only has a few kiloton explosion but enough to severely damage a large city with blast and contaminate the surrounding area with radioactive fallout.

05-Jan-2007, 05:33 PM
someones been reading to much of the stand.

M-O-O-N spells high on himself retard, laws yes.:D

[larry the cable guy] That's funny right there, I don't care who you are. [larry the cable guy]