View Full Version : Playing Gamecube games on the Wii

05-Jan-2007, 02:23 PM
Thanks to the Wii's ability to play Gamecube games, I will now be able to play some games that I couldn't before, due to not having a console for the last few years.

I picked up Resident Evil 4 and I am loving it so far. No zombies is refreshing, these local-yokels are a handful!

I also picked up NHL 2005 which is nice, though I haven't played it much.

The only downfall is that the Wii requires separate memory for the Gamecube, and so far, I cannot get any Gamecube games to work with the Wii-mote. I had to go to Walmart and pick up a Gamecube memory card and controller. I was a little bummed because I had already bought the Wii standard controller that hooks into the Wii-mote. I guess that will work with the Virtual Console games for the most part.

For the Wii, I have bought Zelda & Madden, but I have been playing the Wii Sports the most. To anyone reading this who is thinking about getting a Wii, resist the urge to buy any games with the system. Wii Sports will have you going for days.

Anyone getting games off of the Virtual Console yet? I hear they are putting Dr. Mario out later on this year. I am all over that one for sure.

05-Jan-2007, 05:31 PM
i recommend zedla: the wind waker, plus its got ocarina of time free with it and sonic adventure 2: battle. beats mario 64 by far.

05-Jan-2007, 07:46 PM
Hey Axl, did you know you can upscale your GC games to 480p with component cables? Not much better than 480i but it really smooths out some rough edges. You'll see more of a difference when you play Wii titles.

Here's a list of GC to keep you happy until Super Mario Galaxy (sigh, delayed again) comes out.

Battalion Wars
Resident Evil remake (the graphics and new additions are awesome, including the super running zombies!!! Be sure you hit headshots to keep them from returning meaner and faster! The only downside to the GC remake is that the voice dubbing isn't as cheesy cool as the original PS game)

05-Jan-2007, 08:35 PM
I actually owned a Gamecube when it launched, and sold it after a few months. I beat Resident Evil 1, Luigi's Mansion and I also had a couple of sports games before I got rid of it. You are right about the new voice overs, except I like them much more than the PS1 version. I never finished the PS1 version because I had already beaten part 2, and part 1 was too sluggish on that system to get me into it. I was stoked when they put it out for the GC.

I plan on getting Resident Evil Zero.

Super Mario Galaxy looks awesome, I'll be getting that one for sure.

I don't think I'll be doing the 480p upgrade. I don't have an extra HD input on the TV, and I think it looks fine as is. I will be getting the USB Ethernet adapter when it comes out.

05-Jan-2007, 09:35 PM
Check out Super Mario Sunshine, I don't understand why some people disliked it. Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime, Fire Emblem, Super Smash Bros. Melee and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door are also recommended.

05-Jan-2007, 11:29 PM
Eternal Darkness...

Amazing game, what a headf**k!

06-Jan-2007, 07:49 AM
good luck finding a non platinum, or cube equivalent, version of melee, thats the rarest cube game after luigis mansion.

as for resident evil, the remake sucks in my opinion, i dont need to play a graphical update of a game ive played to death i recommend resi zero, the start on the zombie filled train was cool, most people dont like it cus they say the puzzles are too hard, but aside from a torch lighting one i didnt find em too difficult, its a decent survival horror.

and eternal darkness, thats awesome.:cool:

06-Jan-2007, 11:03 AM
In all fairness remake does have new areas, more plot, superior controls (Type C), extra moves and a atmosphere only rivaled by Doom 3.

06-Jan-2007, 01:55 PM
I can't think of a single thing that wasn't better about the GC version of RE1. I never finished part one back in the day, so it was nice to complete the mission. Plus, the loading time between doors is almost non-existant now.

As soon as I am through with RE4, I'll be picking up RE0 for sure.

Speaking of RE, I read on wikipedia that they are releasing a Wii only RE title (RE Umbrella Chronicles) that utilizes the Wii-motes functions. Here is the link...

Hellsing, is Luigi's Mansion only rare in the UK? I saw a copy yesterday for 19.99 new.

07-Jan-2007, 08:47 PM
yeah ,that melle, and a fae other launch ones are quite rare, though the cube sections in shops in my area are smaller than the wii ones.

08-Jan-2007, 04:51 AM
I've been wanting to play that RE: Remake.