View Full Version : EVP: what do you think?

11-Jan-2007, 11:22 AM
Ok, I saw "White Noise 2" last night and afterwards, it got me thinking about if there really is such a thing as EVP. What do you think about EVP and do you believe in such a thing?

11-Jan-2007, 11:46 AM
This is a tough one. I would like to think that EVP are messages from beyond but they could be imprinted vocal patterns from the past. Saying that, they do seem to respond to whoever is questioning them at the time. For example.


But on the other hand they seem to be inexplicable noises that sound like regular words. I once heard a fox crying in the night and it sounded so much like the word "bollocks" that I almost fell off my chair laughing. With the exception of the "you're okay" clip, all of the following EVP's fall into this category.


Whatever is making these sounds though, is unknown. :confused:

11-Jan-2007, 01:03 PM
LOL! My wife always claims to be a skeptic and says that EVP is crap... until I threaten to put a tape recorder in our basement and let it record at night when we are asleep. Then she shows her true colors on how superstitious she really is. :elol:

11-Jan-2007, 01:20 PM
I'd love to give EVP recording a try, but to be honest, I'm too scared of what I might record....

11-Jan-2007, 01:26 PM
Go for it, what have you got to be scared of?

11-Jan-2007, 01:28 PM
I'll give it a try.... I just need to buy a new microphone

11-Jan-2007, 01:29 PM
I am not sure what I think of the EVP theory. I have heard many clips that were supposedly recorded in a graveyard, haunted house, etc., but I have no frame of reference to know if the people who made them are legitimate. I tend to think that is there was a reasonable possiblity that this is an actual "true" thing, that some legitimate scientists would be studying it, or a major news outlet would have stories about it. I am not saying that only things in the major news is true, but especially in the scientific world, known legitimate scientists are usually not afraid to put new theories out there.

11-Jan-2007, 01:37 PM
You have a point, but a lot of scientists are starting to study EVP as a scientific fact...

11-Jan-2007, 11:55 PM
Well The movie is a lot of hype. But yes I believe it could be real. I lived in several haunted houses in my day. I am too chicken to try to record these things. here are websites with EVP recordings.




Go for it, what have you got to be scared of?

I would be scared. I am afraid they will say I watch you naked or whatever. LOL!

12-Jan-2007, 01:01 AM
I've always had a spiritual side, and i really believe that this stuff exists...whenever i hear these evp's, i always get a chill running down my back...it is so terrifying to me to hear the voices of the dead, and even if they aren't realy, come on....it jsut sounds creepy as hell.

12-Jan-2007, 03:49 AM
a while back a freind of mine (who till this point claimed she was a "wiccan", and yes i did the air quotes thing there) who wanted me to use all my electronic crap, y'know cameras, sound recording device sand my laptop and **** and go with a few of her freinds over to a freinds house in nottingham to go round in the dark on a ,quote, "spirit walk".


so anyway they do that whole "knock for yes or no" deal and get nothign, they suggest a ouija board (what are the odds i spelt that right?) but i tell them how its bull and your hand is subconiously moveing it so they decide to try the whole "eletronic voice phenomona"...thing, i indluge them, but only cus i was getting free pizza out of this:D , so i set it up and we leave it.

then theres about 5 minutes on my camera of me on film (which is a rarity) and being filmed outside the hosue saying its all bollox and i dont think theres any truth to this, since i dont believe in any religions or what have you ,the sun comes up, most people fell asleep and im the only one up, playing video games no less, so not very atmospheric at all.

we look through all the stuff and find nothing, sod-all, and im not surprised, till i remember to check the microphone set up from the basement, i put the file on my pc, play ti adn about ten minutes in we hear a noise just like a baby crying, i say "well we could just be misconstruing it as that and now we cant ehar it as anything other than that, it could be interfereance, a police siren outside or something.

that said she now was scared ****less of the basement and doesnt screw with any of this "spiritual stuff" anymore.

.....i would laugh, but after a few days i had to delete the file form my pc thinking i could be invoking bad karma or something:dead:
guess theres a little bit of belief in everyone, i gotta say im more of the opinion that rather than ghosts it could be more like a mild "ju-on" sorta deal, a strong emotion 'lingers' though not as severe as that but you get the idea.

12-Jan-2007, 08:54 AM
I'm not one to believe in ghosts, but something about this just creeps me out with that possibility that maybe it's real...

12-Jan-2007, 11:21 AM

Erm, I did not find anything creepy in that link other than a Katie Melua video. What is it that I'm meant to be listening out for?

they suggest a ouija board (what are the odds i spelt that right?)

Very high, you spelled it correctly! :lol:

12-Jan-2007, 11:31 AM
kick ass.:cool:

12-Jan-2007, 03:38 PM
I don't believe in ghosts, myself. I believe all sightings of UFOs, ghosts and anything supernatural is just the mind playing tricks on you. I've SEEN quite a few things in my life, but I know they were all imagined. When I was younger I used to do newspaper rounds, and sometimes it was dark as hell. Then you could see figures and such for short periods of time, and for the moment you would think it was real. But it wasn't.

So this has only strengthened my belief that anything like that is just made up by your own mind. And I don't think I'd even be convinced if I was confronted with a ghost.

12-Jan-2007, 07:08 PM
i'm the exact opposite. I know that there are things out tehre that we find hard to believe...I've always been a very spiritual person myself, even when i didn't belive in God...

This stuff scares the hell out of me, cuz i know it's real.

12-Jan-2007, 08:33 PM
An old work colleague of mine was telling me today that when he moved out of his marital home (his wife left months earlier), he set up a tape recorder when the place was empty. When he examined the cassette a few weeks after, the words "I miss you" could be heard clearly. He has never experimented with EVP since. :D

13-Jan-2007, 06:25 AM
I believe in it. I will not experiment with it because my house is already haunted and quite frankly I am afriad to try it. Anyway, I am creeped out because I can feel myself being watched right now... I could feel it before I started reading this, but it has gotten stronger now. Later folks.

13-Jan-2007, 08:42 AM
I believe our perceoption doesnt allow us to see everything and that sometimes people do see outside of reality. Mostly I believe that ghosts are recordings of a sort, and anything that communicates is a spirit.

13-Jan-2007, 05:54 PM
yeah recordings is what id believe at a bit of a stretch to, the idea we all go to heaven or float around your house for eternity moaning sounds ,or (according to brandon dicomillo) fly around the galaxy on a rocket ship with george washington, all sound dumb as hell, and the idea you could leave some sorta imprint in some kinda of spectrum unkown to man or somethign of the like sounds a little more plausible, but not by too much.

which is why i think you gotta live life to the full, cus when your gone, your gone.

13-Jan-2007, 09:32 PM
Nigel Kneale ( He of Quatermass fame) wrote a tv drama aired in 1972 called "The Stone Tape" about a bunch of scientists trying to record the goings on in a Victorian haunted house. The idea was that the building itself had somehow been imprinted with echoes of the terrible events that had unfolded there.

Similarly, the famous dowser/archeologist T.C. Lethbridge theorized that a place could somehow become charged by strong emotions, e.g grief, rage, lust etc.
He encountered the phenomena, which he reffered to as a "Ghoul", himself on a clifftop in Devon where at one point in particular on his walk along the cliff he was overcome by an overpowering feeling of depression and dread which lifted as soon as he moved away from the area. He later learned that a guy had leapt to his death from that very spot.

I think a lot of EVP can probably be put down to the human knack of seeking patterns out of randomness, we all do it when we fancy that we hear voices in the wind or see faces in the clouds etc, it's a well recognized trait and would explain some but not all of the EVP that I've heard. Some of it is just down right weird and not easily dismissed.

It may be that just as not everyone can dowse; not everyone can see/hear "ghosts". I put the word in quotes 'cause I think that while people do experience instances of "non-ordinary reality" and see/hear incredible things,
I'm loathe to claim that what they experience are in fact visitations from beyond the grave. Who knows what they are? That people experience these things is beyond doubt. I think that sometimes we in the modern post-enlightenment world think we have all the answers, we imagine that two hundred years of industrialized enlightenment has made us masters of this earth and has somehow banished some 30.000+ years of human experience.

14-Jan-2007, 04:28 AM
exactly..i honestly don't know why anyone could disregard such things as the supernatural.....everything can't be explained in this world, and never will be, at least in this life :)