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View Full Version : The new XBOX 360 models

11-Jan-2007, 12:13 PM
The "new" 360 models are going to be confirmed soon. Does anybody feel ripped off that they're going to have a 120 gig hard drive with them (as opposed to our measly 20)? I just bought my 360 like 2 days before I heard about this. I'm pretty pissd off over it.

Microsoft should allow us to at least upgrade to the better model. Or perhaps also sell lone 120 gig hard drives for CHEAP so people with the older models can upgrade their space.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

11-Jan-2007, 12:19 PM
I just bought mine as well. Doesn't really bother me, though. I generally play one game until I finish it(or just get bored with it), so I can delete the memory to make room for something else.

I wouldn't mind the 120 for music, though.

11-Jan-2007, 12:21 PM
Yeah but if you have XBOX Live the hard drive really deteriorates quickly (for me, at least). Mine is almost completely filled because I've been downloading movie and TV show clips, game trailers, and tons of demo's. I would really like to have 6 times the space I have now.

11-Jan-2007, 04:17 PM
You have a 20 gig? Damn, all I have is a 14 gig.

11-Jan-2007, 04:22 PM
Honestly...I don't know how many mine has. And I really don't care. As long as it has a little more than the original XBOX, I'm happy. I just ran out of room for music on my original about 2 weeks before getting the 360. And I've had it for several years now.

The live thing really doesn't seem like it's worth it to me. Especially if I have to pay in order to play people. Give them 500 bucks and they ask for more.:rolleyes:

11-Jan-2007, 04:31 PM
I like how pictures of the new system's (codenamed Zypher) out-ports were leaked on the internet a few days ago, and Microsoft reps said it was nothing more than an "experimentation" of what they could do with the 360. Yeah, right. Ah well, maybe I'll trade my system in for one of these new ones, can't go wrong with a bigger hard drive and an HDMI port.

11-Jan-2007, 04:41 PM
I see you have been playing Rally X. I played that game the other day for the first time since '82-'83.

12-Jan-2007, 03:27 AM
who needs taht much thats way over my pcs hard drive, my 360 had 13gb's when i bought it and with all the games/movies/pics/cd's on it it has only gone down to 12.7gb's after a year, i really dont see the point other than a big number to sound more impressive than the ps3 hard drive, does anybody think they will own enough games to fill up even the 13gb one any time soon?

12-Jan-2007, 03:31 PM
Between Arcade games, demos (some of which take up a whole gigabyte), game videos, tv shows and movies, when you're connected to Live it goes fast. I'm all for a bigger hard drive.

12-Jan-2007, 05:03 PM
Hellsing ... bollocks have you only filled 300mb worth up... :eek: you talkin' crazy, surely?

If it makes the normal HDD'd 360 cheaper then it's all the better for me (as I'd be unlikely to play multiplayer if I had to pay friggin' extra - somewhere where the PC is king), cos I wanna get one and will be saving up this year, so a price drop on the normal HDD'd 360 would be welcome for me - and really, they probably should drop their price (on the normal model), it make sense - more people will buy their consoles and then hard up schmoes like me can get their grubby little mits on Dead Rising so they can dress up in women's clothes and put Lego heads on zombies while skateboarding. :lol:

12-Jan-2007, 05:13 PM
Hellsing ... bollocks have you only filled 300mb worth up... :eek: you talkin' crazy, surely?

If it makes the normal HDD'd 360 cheaper then it's all the better for me (as I'd be unlikely to play multiplayer if I had to pay friggin' extra - somewhere where the PC is king), cos I wanna get one and will be saving up this year, so a price drop on the normal HDD'd 360 would be welcome for me - and really, they probably should drop their price (on the normal model), it make sense - more people will buy their consoles and then hard up schmoes like me can get their grubby little mits on Dead Rising so they can dress up in women's clothes and put Lego heads on zombies while skateboarding. :lol:

It is alot of fun. I have trouble controlling the skateboard, though. F*cker is fast.

By the way.....need alittle help here from someone. If i'm listening to music that's loaded on the 360 while playing Dead Rising, I can hear the game sound effects as well as the music. But as soon as it goes to a video, only the music plays. I've tried finding an option to leave on the game sound effects, but nothing.

Anyone else know how to do this?

12-Jan-2007, 05:21 PM
uh...the options screen?:|

12-Jan-2007, 05:49 PM
uh...the options screen?:|

:lol: smart ass. I tried that man....couldn't get it.

12-Jan-2007, 08:16 PM
my 360 had 13gb's when i bought it and with all the games/movies/pics/cd's on it it has only gone down to 12.7gb's after a year

Bull! A lot of the game demo's take up nearly (or more than) an entire gig. Each movie takes up about 250MB. A lot of the free short movie clips you can download take up 20-80MB.

12-Jan-2007, 09:14 PM
:lol: smart ass. I tried that man....couldn't get it.

You have to hit the middle button, and hit the stop button on the music, after you do that the sound will resume in dead rising.

12-Jan-2007, 11:00 PM
Things like this are reasons that I wait a while to buy my systems.

12-Jan-2007, 11:17 PM
Things like this are reasons that I wait a while to buy my systems.

360 has been out for well over a year. I figured I waited long enough but, as usual, I get screwed over.

13-Jan-2007, 05:36 PM
Bull! A lot of the game demo's take up nearly (or more than) an entire gig. Each movie takes up about 250MB. A lot of the free short movie clips you can download take up 20-80MB.

yeah but if i wanted to download movies thats what my xp pc is for my consoles for gameing ...and cd's i aint got hooked up to live yet so cant vouch for the vids on there but im gueesing they aint free either are they?