View Full Version : HD DVD Porn!!!

13-Jan-2007, 06:16 AM
Giggidy giggidy! HD DVD pimply a$$es! Now we really can tell who is the natural red head and who isn't!

All jokes aside, I think this puts the nail in the coffin for Blu Ray... not the last nail, but one of them.

HD DVD gets boost from porn industry
Posted on Friday, January 12 @ 14:43:39 Eastern

By Dan Nystedt

Wicked Pictures, one of the leading names in adult films, released the first HD DVD adult video at a trade show this week in Las Vegas. Digital Playground Inc. plans to release its first HD DVD adult film on Jan. 18, and several others say they'll follow suit later in the year.

It may not seem like a big deal. But, like it or not, the adult industry has long been a first mover in using new technologies, and urban legend says the industry played a huge role in making VHS the winner in the video cassette fight with Betamax years ago.

"If Blu-ray isn't adopted by the adult industry, then HD DVD will win out," said Jake Richter, an analyst at Jon Peddie Research.

There are several reasons the adult industry is turning to HD DVD instead of Blu-ray Disc, including primarily the lower production costs and better technology support, adult companies say.
"It's a lot less expensive to use HD DVD," said Jackie Ramos, vice president of DVD production at Wicked Pictures. Wicked faced a huge hurdle because neither the HD DVD nor Blu-ray Disc camps seemed willing to help the adult industry mass-produce their films on high-definition discs, Ramos said. But some members of the HD DVD camp -- whom Ramos declined to name -- finally lent a hand.

"Suddenly we got help, and boom, we were able to move forward and do it," he said.

Blu-ray never offered such help. Wicked had no access to the "stampers" it needed to reproduce its films in bulk, Ramos said. Still, Wicked has not ruled out Blu-ray Disc and hopes to work with the format some time in the future.

Another concern raised about Blu-ray was its installed user base. Part of the reason ClubJenna Inc. plans to release its first high-definition title on HD DVD is due to concerns that the rival format isn't aimed at its target audience, according to Jay Grdina, the company's president. The PlayStation 3 appears to be a central part of the plan to increase the number of Blu-ray Disc players in use, but game consoles target a younger audience than ClubJenna would like, he said.

Richter says the HD DVD name will ultimately help it win the format war because it's an easier connection for consumers. "If you buy an 'HD TV,' the natural choice is to buy an 'HD DVD' player to go with it," he said. "Are there any 'Blu-ray TVs'? No."

He said there is truth to the legend that the adult industry helped decide the battle between Betamax and VHS, and that the comparison appears to fit the current situation. As in the current fight, it was harder for adult film makers to get technical help from Betamax.

But Wicked's Ramos has his own prediction on who will ultimately decide the winner between HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc.

"It will probably be Wal-Mart," he said.


13-Jan-2007, 10:02 AM
I've sort of been thinking HD DVD's gonna win this out, the name's more familiar, and like he said, they're called HD TVs and this is another reason I'm thinking it more.

But I'd recommend to anyone to still wait to see who the winner will be...

13-Jan-2007, 05:56 PM
no porn for the ps3 owners?:lol:

13-Jan-2007, 06:46 PM
I can't face another porn movie right now, especially on an extended HD-DVD. I'm all whacked out! :dead:

13-Jan-2007, 06:46 PM
It makes sense that the porn industry can effectively decide which format wins out, and if Sony are too prudish to realise the global cash cow that is the porno industry, then it's their loss. What's wrong with porn? Nothing.

Also, being an easier format to work with will definately be in HD's favour.

I've constantly heard about the similarity to the Betamax/VHS war, and it certainly appears to be the case, so it'll probably be HD-DVD then. :)

Mind you, I still maintain HD isn't all that necessary yet, DVD is frickin' excellent as it is and the average joe won't notice any difference - if they couldn't see Pan & Scan was raping the image, then how are they going to notice the difference between SD and HD?

Of course, if it means that standard DVDs coming crashing down in price, then I'll be going on a cheap-costin' spree, folks.

13-Jan-2007, 08:17 PM
I'm surprised the porn industry wants to move to HD DVD. From what I've heard the sharper format brings out all the minor skin blemishes and flaws on the participants. With high def the makeup process is more difficult.

14-Jan-2007, 11:42 AM
I saw a preview of HD porn, and it just looks weird, and not in a good way. They do look too clear and the mystery of it all is kinda wiped away with the proverbial kleenex ... now you can almost see the reality of porn, which isn't what you want really is it?

I still maintain that porn on DVD is too clear, porn should always be downloaded! :lol:

14-Jan-2007, 12:01 PM
I'm surprised the porn industry wants to move to HD DVD. From what I've heard the sharper format brings out all the minor skin blemishes and flaws on the participants. With high def the makeup process is more difficult.

.....:| ...:shifty: ......where exactly would you go to hear that?

14-Jan-2007, 12:25 PM
It's obvious isn't it? High Definition picks out all the little details - Rodriguez says that very thing on the commentary for Once Upon A Time In Mexico. So while on standard def porn you can make out plenty blemishes and spotty arses, with HD it's going to be like porn under a microscope...

*beats Hellsing to the joke-response punch*

*ooh, what does porn under a microscope look like, weird I bet!* :rockbrow:

14-Jan-2007, 12:32 PM
dammit, so close!

14-Jan-2007, 12:58 PM
And yet I knew there was a gag response coming anyway...:rockbrow:

14-Jan-2007, 01:46 PM
men and their porn:rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes:

14-Jan-2007, 02:54 PM
Women and their "We're exasperated by men lovin' porn but we'll sit down together and watch 'Shaving Ryans Privates', commenting about how all the good looking men are gay, whilst, talking about the fact that they're hung like rhinos, all the while slowly turning the sofa into a waterbed" :rolleyes:

14-Jan-2007, 02:57 PM

14-Jan-2007, 03:01 PM
Hey hey hey... women have a freakier side then men do. You guys have these sex toy parties, Slumber Parties they call them. Only women are allowed to participate and you gals get all nasty in what you talk about and what dildos you buy.

So don't act like we are the social parasites when it comes to the adult industry. :D


14-Jan-2007, 06:09 PM
Damn straight guys! Oooh ... sick burn! :D

Guys lovin' porn ... that's as old as time itself.

And exactly, women like porn just as much, and perhaps in a more twisted way. Porn is there to get off, not for plots! :D

Watching porn with women present is hilarious, I remember we had a massive Kazaa porn downloading session in the first year on campus at uni and we just downloaded this shedload of porn (anything and everything - that's legal, of course) see how long it took for the girls to freak out and run out of the room, but they didn't!

Mind you, the most common statement was "jesus christ ... that's ... that's HUUUUUUGE!!!" ... I guess porn does contain a lot of massive cock ... but I never noticed until the girls pointed it out, cos obviously I'm watching porn for the girls and the boobs - which come in a variety of sizes (which guys aren't fussed about, boobs are boobs).

Guys are really un-fussy ... not quite, but almost, it's a case of "if you can poke it, it's good enough" ... in fact, some guys are like that! :lol:

14-Jan-2007, 11:40 PM
Damn straight. Have you tried to watch a porno with the missus? They wont stop rewinding-fastforwarding-pausing.

"Ooh, let's try that."
"Wow, look at the size of that!"
"Cor, that's making me wet."
"Mmm, that was a lot."
"Ah, I wonder what it feels like up there?"
"Yeah, I'd make it with her!"

Women are waaay more perverted and depraved than men and I wouldn't have it any other way. I just wish the little cock-teases would drop the remote and get down to doing what they keep nattering about. :lol:

15-Jan-2007, 12:06 AM
its true cap

i let my friend borrow this
really awful porno movie i had
it was called "tomatoes" or something like that
and it had cartoon sound effects in it
like a "Boiiiing" noise at certian points and stuff

he would come home from the store or work and
find his girlfriend watching it all the time

also about HD porn
remember the old 70s porn
with the wild bushes and the women with
scars and bruises on thier beaten down bodies
thats the kind o f stuff you wanna see in hi def

15-Jan-2007, 12:19 AM
Women and their "We're exasperated by men lovin' porn but we'll sit down together and watch 'Shaving Ryans Privates', commenting about how all the good looking men are gay, whilst, talking about the fact that they're hung like rhinos, all the while slowly turning the sofa into a waterbed" :rolleyes:

I don't watch porn. it is boring. Bu maybe what I have seen in the past was poor quality porn.

Hey hey hey... women have a freakier side then men do. You guys have these sex toy parties, Slumber Parties they call them. Only women are allowed to participate and you gals get all nasty in what you talk about and what dildos you buy.

So don't act like we are the social parasites when it comes to the adult industry. :D


Funny. lol
I was not saying anything bad about men and porn. I think its kinda cute. It is just that I Am the kind of gal that would rather have sex than watch it on the TV. I can be a freak in bed without the help of porn.:D

Damn straight guys! Oooh ... sick burn! :D

Guys lovin' porn ... that's as old as time itself.

And exactly, women like porn just as much, and perhaps in a more twisted way. Porn is there to get off, not for plots! :D

Watching porn with women present is hilarious, I remember we had a massive Kazaa porn downloading session in the first year on campus at uni and we just downloaded this shedload of porn (anything and everything - that's legal, of course) see how long it took for the girls to freak out and run out of the room, but they didn't!

Mind you, the most common statement was "jesus christ ... that's ... that's HUUUUUUGE!!!" ... I guess porn does contain a lot of massive cock ... but I never noticed until the girls pointed it out, cos obviously I'm watching porn for the girls and the boobs - which come in a variety of sizes (which guys aren't fussed about, boobs are boobs).

Guys are really un-fussy ... not quite, but almost, it's a case of "if you can poke it, it's good enough" ... in fact, some guys are like that! :lol:

HEHE. I remember I was 15 when I saw porn for the first time. I did not know what a penis looked like till then. I was in shock. I thought they were fake. lol

Damn straight. Have you tried to watch a porno with the missus? They wont stop rewinding-fastforwarding-pausing.

"Ooh, let's try that."
"Wow, look at the size of that!"
"Cor, that's making me wet."
"Mmm, that was a lot."
"Ah, I wonder what it feels like up there?"
"Yeah, I'd make it with her!"

Women are waaay more perverted and depraved than men and I wouldn't have it any other way. I just wish the little cock-teases would drop the remote and get down to doing what they keep nattering about. :lol:

Ya some women are more perverted, but I tghink woman are less vocal of their sexual depraveities(sp?)

God I think I opened a can of worms on this thread best left closed. HAHA

15-Jan-2007, 09:41 AM
It's obvious isn't it? High Definition picks out all the little details - Rodriguez says that very thing on the commentary for Once Upon A Time In Mexico. So while on standard def porn you can make out plenty blemishes and spotty arses, with HD it's going to be like porn under a microscope...

*beats Hellsing to the joke-response punch*

*ooh, what does porn under a microscope look like, weird I bet!* :rockbrow:

The BBC have been filming in HD for sometime now... And when they started they had to redo/rethink ALL their makeup and costumes. Makeup which worked under conventional filming, looked terribly fake under HD, and likewise with clothes...

I suspect - as a number of people are saying here - HD porn will just be too clear... You'd probably end up having to reduce the image quality by doing something like smearing a layer of vasoline across the screen... Kinky! :sneaky:

15-Jan-2007, 10:15 AM
I think it's likely.... if the porn industry takes up HD DVD then it's likely to win the battle. The other point made is that the name is more familier - the average joe consumer is't going to know that much about the difference between Blu-ray and HD DVD but they are likely to know about HD TV and so when looking for their next gen dvd player they'll go for what they recognise.

As for HD porn... do you really need it?

15-Jan-2007, 11:10 AM
You'd probably end up having to reduce the image quality by doing something like smearing a layer of vasoline across the screen... Kinky!

Ooh, Neil, you kinky bitch. ;)

Perhaps porn will see a bit of a downturn in profits as a result, as guys start to see through the mystery and illusion of porn and start seeing the cracks beneath the surface, or girls with no other prospects than to suck 'n' fudge, their drug-addled eyes now popping - in High Definition - with red cracks and dark sunken skin...

Grrrrrreat ... that's just what you wanna see when you're busy in the tool shed ain't it?

Mind you, I suppose that's only a part of the industry, some companies will be very respectful and equal-minded, and of course there's chicks who are mega stars in the industry, so they'll command respect. But aye, who the hell needs to see every hair on the ass of the guy who keeps getting in the way, and then every bead of sweat dribbling down the dude's face as they cut to that really annoying close up of him just before the inevitable...:rolleyes:

15-Jan-2007, 11:15 AM
Ooh, Neil, you kinky bitch. ;)

Perhaps porn will see a bit of a downturn in profits as a result, as guys start to see through the mystery and illusion of porn and start seeing the cracks beneath the surface, or girls with no other prospects than to suck 'n' fudge, their drug-addled eyes now popping - in High Definition - with red cracks and dark sunken skin...

Grrrrrreat ... that's just what you wanna see when you're busy in the tool shed ain't it?

Mind you, I suppose that's only a part of the industry, some companies will be very respectful and equal-minded, and of course there's chicks who are mega stars in the industry, so they'll command respect. But aye, who the hell needs to see every hair on the ass of the guy who keeps getting in the way, and then every bead of sweat dribbling down the dude's face as they cut to that really annoying close up of him just before the inevitable...:rolleyes:

There's just far too much thought and insight in that description... :o

15-Jan-2007, 12:09 PM
There's just far too much thought and insight in that description... :o
What can I say? I'm a fan of porno. :lol:

15-Jan-2007, 01:21 PM
There's just far too much thought and insight in that description... :o

Indeed. lol

So fellas in the UK. I hear you guys get porn on regualar TV after 11pm is that true?

15-Jan-2007, 02:20 PM
Indeed. lol

So fellas in the UK. I hear you guys get porn on regualar TV after 11pm is that true?

Nope... You might get your standard U.S. titilation films... But not porn as such...

You have pay-per-view stuff on satellite, but don't know if its full (uncut) porn or not...

15-Jan-2007, 05:41 PM
Nope... You might get your standard U.S. titilation films... But not porn as such...

Oh yes you do.. I saw Baise Moi on Film Four last year and that had fully uncut fellatio, penetration (with close-ups) and a pop shot. No quick glimpses, good five-ten minute porn sequences. This has also been on Sky Movies, again totally uncut. Destricted is another movie Film Four will be showing soon. I own this on dvd (big Gaspar Noe fan, director of Irreversible) and it's a breakthrough title in this country. Check out the reviews, you will be surprised by what you read.

15-Jan-2007, 06:25 PM
Yeah there's a bit of a "thing" at the moment for showing art films which involve real f*cky-f*cky.

As for TV, you get softcore thrown about fairly willy nilly (channel 5 was a goldmine when it started, I was a teenager at the time, and channel 5 came about at exactly the right time. It was a big discussion point the following monday after "friday night porn night!" ... ahhh, memories ... the volume down insanely low, your finger hovering over the BBC1 button as there's something far less dirty on that channel (more likely some talk show or old action thriller movie), perfecting the art of capturing channel 5 on a portable TV aerial (and subsequently trying to make out T&A through the piss poor image quality) ... ahhh ... memories ... when Emmanuelle was shown, DAMN! (and that was the ripped-to-shreds cut version too).

The bit on the plane ... noiiice. :lol:

Then of course there's Sky TV ... and every bloke knows about the "900 channels", as well as all those things like "Babe Cast" and such (sad twats ring in to hear girls moaning as they practically hump the TV camera, positioning themselves so if the sad twat on the phone gets close enough to their TV they're practically playing 'hide the weenie') ... I've watched Babe Cast at uni, it's hilarious! :lol:

Yeah, us Brits are nowhere near as prudish as some folk over in Americaland seem to be (e.g. in "This Film Is Not Yet Rated").

16-Jan-2007, 12:01 AM
well it seems like the USA censors everything. all bad words are taken out of music on the radio. you will never hear sh*t or f*CK on the radio even at night. No porn not even soft porn. Now cable channels like HBO when cable was new, i think the late 70's, soft core porn was played at night. but i think that ended.

So fellas, have you and your significant other ever make your own home movies :) You do not have to answer for I know its not that appropriate of a question.

16-Jan-2007, 04:36 AM
By the way, The Brown Bunny has left Sky Box Office so that's another that'll get shown on the movie channels. Did anyone see that? I couldn't believe it when Chloe Sevigny dropped to her knees and started gobbling Vincent Gallo. Pure celebrity porn.

So fellas, have you and your significant other ever make your own home movies :) You do not have to answer for I know its not that appropriate of a question.

Er, then why ask. :rockbrow:

16-Jan-2007, 05:52 AM
High Def porn... hmmm. I dunno how many people really care if their porn is standard deffinition or not. I'd like to see what it looks like, though. Thankfully I have two friends with big screen HDTV's.

16-Jan-2007, 06:13 AM
oh i wage some greasy bastards'l want to watch there copy of ''screeched'' in high def:lol: .......:barf:

16-Jan-2007, 07:39 PM
oh i wage some greasy bastards'l want to watch there copy of ''screeched'' in high def:lol: .......:barf:

Only for the Dirty Sanchez. :lol:

16-Jan-2007, 11:38 PM
Only for the Dirty Sanchez. :lol:

I'll pass on the dirty sanchez....eeeeek:dead:

By the way, The Brown Bunny has left Sky Box Office so that's another that'll get shown on the movie channels. Did anyone see that? I couldn't believe it when Chloe Sevigny dropped to her knees and started gobbling Vincent Gallo. Pure celebrity porn.

Er, then why ask. :rockbrow:
because I am nosey and courious:D :D :D

17-Jan-2007, 05:23 PM
I've heard that BlueRay looks amazing.

But by how MUCH?

18-Jan-2007, 05:48 AM
I've heard that BlueRay looks amazing.

But by how MUCH?

The difference between BluRay and HDDVD is only in numbers, the human eye can't percieve the difference... but yes, it does look amazing.

18-Jan-2007, 07:33 AM
But HZ TV is higher resolution than real life!!