View Full Version : More savini student work

13-Jan-2007, 10:59 PM
been away for awhile guys, but i promised i'd post pics of work, so here ya go! what do you guys think? this was my food project, i used diff foods for it. making my brother lay in the snow was pretty fun also. its called "bears are a problem in colorado"


i'm almost done with 1st semester! yaay! you guys like it?

i did this also, made my white friend look indian.

also did this bullethole.

i did this evil clown make-up also.

and this 80's make-up, haha i cant belive i'm posting this one.

and this is me as bob marley, haha!

13-Jan-2007, 11:07 PM
Looks great! I would love to attend a school like that. The tution is steep, though. Maybe one day. Good job on the bloody stump.

13-Jan-2007, 11:08 PM
thnx, yeah it is kinda expensive, but damn is it fun.

13-Jan-2007, 11:30 PM
Great stuff! Looks like you're having a lot of fun there.

13-Jan-2007, 11:50 PM
Damn thats looks a blast Trance. Loved the little touch with the spaghetti on the stump. :D

14-Jan-2007, 12:03 AM
Damn thats looks a blast Trance. Loved the little touch with the spaghetti on the stump. :D

Ummm i was going to eat spaghetti tonight lol I loved the pics. Your cool.

14-Jan-2007, 12:16 AM
sweet, thnx guys! wow i'm cool even? haha, more to come.

16-Jan-2007, 01:26 AM
Sorry I'm late at looking at your pic's trance been busy this weekend!
Nice pic's GReaT job on the make up!!
I love the bloody stump very very cool!!! You are coming along very nicely!!!
Keep up the Great work!!!!:D the stump made me wanna :barf: lol

16-Jan-2007, 12:48 PM
Some kick ass pics there, with each new set of pics you can really see you improving at the craft, excellent stuff.

And that 80s make-up ... rofl. :D

17-Jan-2007, 01:54 AM
Some kick ass pics there, with each new set of pics you can really see you improving at the craft, excellent stuff.

And that 80s make-up ... rofl. :D

haha, thnx man. i really appresciate it. i can see my own improvment also, but i'm totally glad you see it! :) been awhile since i posted any also. like i said more to come though. i'm sure you guys can see that its still amateur at best, but it is getting better! :) i need to put sculpting pics up, i'll do that soon.

17-Jan-2007, 05:25 PM
the dude with the worm arm-wound...!


03-Feb-2007, 01:16 AM
This is a make-up my instructor did on me, and my roomate helped also. :p sort of a veiny zombie thing. not bad though huh?:thumbsup: also this is my jason sculpture from friday the 13th the final chapter. what do you guys think?

03-Feb-2007, 01:18 AM
great work man

keep posting this stuff
it is great to see

03-Feb-2007, 02:08 AM
great work man

keep posting this stuff
it is great to see


03-Feb-2007, 02:12 AM
Same here man. Keep up the good work Trance.

03-Feb-2007, 01:06 PM
Some excellent work there dude, you keep improving every time and it's looking great. That first pic also gave me a bit of a fright when I clicked on this window to bring it up, wasn't expecting that! :)

03-Feb-2007, 02:47 PM
Some excellent work there dude, you keep improving every time and it's looking great. That first pic also gave me a bit of a fright when I clicked on this window to bring it up, wasn't expecting that! :)

Awesome! yeah, i feel like i'm improving, but to hear you say it definatly rox. the forth semester kids graduated the other day, and my roomate and i went to see thier work because they set up all thier best stuff on tables. doesnt look like they posed much competition though, cuz most of it sucked! gave you a little scare huh? thats like the ultimate compliment ;)wish there was more savini kids here that posted stuff.

03-Feb-2007, 08:43 PM
dude that is a good idea

why dont you turn on some of your classmates to this site
and have them show us their stuff

i mean savini and romeros movies
are pretty much connected

03-Feb-2007, 09:20 PM
I am really noticing a progression with your work Trance and you know what? It's really cool to watch. Keep on keeping on man.

03-Feb-2007, 11:50 PM
nice work. looks real good.
good luck with the rest of your class's

04-Feb-2007, 12:14 AM
thats a cool zombie one, better than most the ****e zombie flicks that show up on the horror channel at least.

04-Feb-2007, 01:18 AM
I was thinking the same thing man. Dem last pics were quite impressive. :)

05-Feb-2007, 10:41 PM
All I can say is WOW trance you are really coming along nicely GOOD JOB!!!
You are really doing GREAT when you finish your schooling you will have to put up a progression of your schooling to show how well you did progess!
You can really see the difference from the beginning to now how good you are getting...Keep up the Great work!!!
Keep posting your work it is fun to see it!!!