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darth los
20-May-2009, 04:01 PM
actually, with live my ps3 was just a cheap bluray player, but when i was off the net for a while i got really into metal gear solid 4, disgea 3, resistance 1 and 2 and siren bloodcurse to name a few.

So its the gamecube of last gen, great offline, but when you can go on xbox live its a pale comparison, even if its free, i play the resistance 2 online 16 player co-op but i still havent tried anything like little big planet online because its just more a single player experience, sit down, enjoy a story filled game and move on to the next.

which in hindsight was pretty much the difference between my ps2 and original xbox really. so i guess nothings changed.

Good insight.

Imo, the difference between the gamecube and the ps3 is that I actually WANTED to play games on the gamecube. Whenever a game came out for both the ps2 and gamecube I would always get the gamecube version. Partly because of the common knowledge that the cube' is graphically superior.

No one wants to play games on the ps3 at all for some reason. I can't think of a single thing that it does better than the 360 despite sony touting it's machine's superior specs. They have to tout something in order to justify that exorbitant price tag after all.

It seems as if the time is right for sega to make a console comeback. Sony is weak. Go for the Jugular!! :hyper:


20-May-2009, 06:25 PM
Gamespot 6 minute review/preview (http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/ghostbusters08/video/6210009/ghostbusters-the-video-game-video-preview?hd=1)

They also have quite a few new screens.


darth los
20-May-2009, 06:31 PM
Those screens look awesome.

I'll bet you one thing though. That Murray and Akroyd had it written into the contracts that their game doubles have good, thick heads of hair. I mean did ya see the manes on those dudes!?! :thumbsup:


20-May-2009, 09:58 PM
Eurogamer seems to have posted their review, giving Ghostbusters a 9 out of 10. The site is in Spanish, but I ran it through babelfish to give a rough outline of the text. Aparently the only thing keeping it from perfection is the lack of Rick Moranis:

http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eurogamer.es%2Farticles%2Fl os-cazafantasmas-el-videojuego-analisis&lp=es_en&btnTrUrl=Translate

a few bullet points:

-main quest will take 8-10 hours
-there's some slowdown, but it's not a major issue
-great particle and fluid/snot effects
-online multiplayer could not be tested at the time of review
-most stuff in the environments is destructible
-rick moranis is not in the game (boo!)
-silent protagonist.
-some puzzles, but its mainly an action game.
-team AI is not shitty
-great learning curve.
-hud displayed in the character's backpacks for a higher level of immersion in the game
-one of the game's chapters is merely a filler (one of the few issues they mention)
-lots of different ghosts with epic bosses.

The final sentence of the review makes me smile:

If you like Ghostbusters, this is the game you've always dreamed of.

20-May-2009, 10:05 PM

thank you, now ill never get dan akaroyds sploodge face out of my head:lol:

21-May-2009, 11:53 AM
Eurogamer seems to have posted their review, giving Ghostbusters a 9 out of 10. The site is in Spanish, but I ran it through babelfish to give a rough outline of the text. Aparently the only thing keeping it from perfection is the lack of Rick Moranis:

http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eurogamer.es%2Farticles%2Fl os-cazafantasmas-el-videojuego-analisis&lp=es_en&btnTrUrl=Translate

a few bullet points:

-main quest will take 8-10 hours
-there's some slowdown, but it's not a major issue
-great particle and fluid/snot effects
-online multiplayer could not be tested at the time of review
-most stuff in the environments is destructible
-rick moranis is not in the game (boo!)
-silent protagonist.
-some puzzles, but its mainly an action game.
-team AI is not shitty
-great learning curve.
-hud displayed in the character's backpacks for a higher level of immersion in the game
-one of the game's chapters is merely a filler (one of the few issues they mention)
-lots of different ghosts with epic bosses.

The final sentence of the review makes me smile:

You know, I'm gonna take back some of the things I've said about you.

You.....You've earned it.


22-May-2009, 11:35 AM
Wii footage...


All looks kinda dull!?

22-May-2009, 11:48 AM
Might be better if the player wasn't just trying to destroy everything in sight...

I'm still on the fence about this Wii/PS2 version. If they had used the same design as The Real Ghostbusters, they would've had me from the start.


But I must say that those graphics look pretty good compared to the handful of Wii games I've seen...

22-May-2009, 04:06 PM
thank you, now ill never get dan akaroyds sploodge face out of my head:lol:
What about Egon's face, it looks like (from that image) he's been touched inappropriately. :lol::eek::lol:

22-May-2009, 04:53 PM
What about Egon's face, it looks like (from that image) he's been touched inappropriately. :lol::eek::lol:

thats because ray "reaches" that far.:|

darth los
22-May-2009, 05:39 PM
thats because ray "reaches" that far.:|

Now THAT"S what i call "inside information". :stunned:


22-May-2009, 05:57 PM
Now THAT"S what i call "inside information". :stunned:

Surely that's what you'd call the spoodgy evidence left behind (and inside) for the forensic team to gather? :lol:


I know ... I saw the line, danced around it, mocked it a little bit, then went screaming over it. :D

22-May-2009, 06:30 PM
Sorry guys,but from that footage it looks like the kind of game i'd get bored of within half an hour & never touch again!possibly worth a rent or a borrow off a mate,but i wouldnt buy it!thats just my personal taste though

23-May-2009, 08:46 PM
OXM gives the game a fairly solid 8/10. (http://protoncharging.com/gb/2009/05/22/oxm-hits-the-stands-with-ghostbusters-review-810/)

27-May-2009, 08:32 PM
I Was actually reading in a xbox magazine today that sony has secured the european release rights to this game, so while you yanks are gonna be playing this, it looks very much like us european xbox owners wont be playing this for a year at least.

27-May-2009, 08:58 PM
I Was actually reading in a xbox magazine today that sony has secured the european release rights to this game, so while you yanks are gonna be playing this, it looks very much like us european xbox owners wont be playing this for a year at least.

There's still hope for you guys. A slight chance that the US 360 version will not be region coded. Then you guys could just order from over here if you wanted. I should hear something about this pretty soon, so i'll be sure to let you know.

There's some new videos out there. They're from the guys over at 1up.com and it's pretty much the entire first three levels of the game. If you don't care about minor spoilers and want to see it, it's HERE (http://www.gbfans.com/). I'm loving how Atari/Sony are only showing off the first few levels or "training" of the game. It's going to be nice to not have the alternate dimension spoiled.....

28-May-2009, 09:28 AM
I Was actually reading in a xbox magazine today that sony has secured the european release rights to this game, so while you yanks are gonna be playing this, it looks very much like us european xbox owners wont be playing this for a year at least.

How behind the times are you, Andy? :p

This news is 3 weeks old now, and it's already been talked about in this thread, or possibly another.

Anyway - apparently us Brits will get it for 360 at the ass-end of October (so another reason why BioShock 2 will go on my Xmas list then, come to think of it). And I was really needing something new to play over the summer, but oh no, Sony have to be bell ends about it.

As for coding - it IS coded - or so I've heard anyway.

Also - we can't import it, not without incurring a massive whack of fines (an extra tenner at least for Customs & Exise to rape you, then at least another three quid for Royal Mail to claim they've helped you out by waiting two weeks to let you know your order has turned up and you owe the gubment money). Last time I got shafted with an import I had to pay an extra £13.

So a few years down the track, and with all this 'deflation' (that doesn't exist) the gubment keep banging on about, it's gotta be at least another £15 on top of the cost of the order AND the shipping.

So that's just daft - and that's if it's not region coded.

In the UK we have an £18 limit on imported goods - and that's FUCKING STINGY AS ALL BUGGERY-HELL, so it is. It's hard enough getting a DVD with shipping costs under £18, let alone the no-chance-in-hell of getting a new release game (£40) plus shipping past the customs wankers.

28-May-2009, 11:53 AM
First 12 minutes (http://www.gametrailers.com/user-movie/ghostbusters-first-12-minutes/318894)

Finally some extended footage without voice overs. And it's GREAT! I'm amazed at how good everything has turned out. It really feels like a third movie. Had me chuckling a few times. Check it out...

28-May-2009, 12:35 PM
First 12 minutes (http://www.gametrailers.com/user-movie/ghostbusters-first-12-minutes/318894)

Finally some extended footage without voice overs. And it's GREAT! I'm amazed at how good everything has turned out. It really feels like a third movie. Had me chuckling a few times. Check it out...

Sorry, what's this got to do with the game? It's just some pre-rendered footage?

I know reviews imply it's good, but I just have this feeling it's going to be dull & boring!?

28-May-2009, 12:54 PM
Sorry, what's this got to do with the game? It's just some pre-rendered footage?

There's game play too.:rockbrow:

28-May-2009, 06:01 PM
Well ... I guess I could go and watch this video ... after all, I've gotta wait till Oc-sodding-tober to play this because of a certain gang ... who's name rhymes with Tony. :p

By then I'll have forgotten this whole video most likely.

Goddamn, if this is coming out October, and if Episodes of Liberty City is the ass-end of September, and then CODMW-of-awesome-2 is out in the first half of November, then I'm gonna have a boatload of gaming on my hands - and that's not taking into account BioShock 2!


And where am I right now? Without a new game to play, and no Ghostbusters for months.

It's a stupid system, they should spread it out a bit more. If you can have summer blockbusters (a bunch of people leaving the sun to sit inside in the dark) doing really well, surely you can at least put out a couple of kick ass gaming titles in the summer too...less holiday competition, and a greater chance of the customer buying your product.

It makes sense to me anyway!

01-Jun-2009, 01:43 PM
Demo available for download this week (http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2009/06/01/whats-coming-up-on-psn-this-june/).

Looks like PSN will be the only network to get the demo. Man...Sony sure does seem greedy...

EDIT: New trailer from E3.


*rocks in a corner chanting* Two more weeks, two more weeks, two more weeks...

08-Jun-2009, 11:34 PM
IGN (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/992/992635p1.html) has posted their review:

Closing Comments
If you dug the movies, there's no reason that you should be disappointed with Ghostbusters: The Video Game. There are some moments that cause the game to stumble, but you're getting a new tale in the Ghostbusters canon, fun gameplay, a whole bunch of stuff to destroy, and some cool ghosts to scan. I felt that the game's ending was a bit flat and the romantic interest was forced, but Ghostbusters is a hell of a ride.

Presentation - 7.5
The game plays like the third movie in the way it opens and is presented to fans, but some scenes need work. There are moments that don't fit here and there, but overall, it's sweet.

Graphics - 7.5
The proton streams look great, the ghosts are detailed, and the CG cutscenes rock; but the in-game cutscenes are rough, there's screen-tearing and some aliasing issues.

Sound - 8.0
The voices make the experience, but I wish Murray didn't sound like he was doing an impression of Venkman. The original music is nice, but it's used a bit too much.

Gameplay - 8.0
Who doesn't love tearing apart ballrooms and libraries with a Proton Pack? The Meson Collider's worthless, but it's fun to wrangle ghosts into traps.

Lasting Appeal - 8.0
A playthrough should take about eight hours, however, there are hidden artifacts to go back for and the multiplayer is actually a lot of fun for ghostheads.

Sound's great!

09-Jun-2009, 07:23 AM
Man, the game's only 8 hours? Looks like I'm pretty upset I reserved this. The multiplayer better be a hell of an experience!!!

09-Jun-2009, 11:50 AM
Yep....some good reviews rolling in. Here's a list of a few of the big ones so far.

OXM - 8/10
IGN - 8/10
Nintendo Power - 75/100
Eurogamer Spain - 90/100
Pelit - 84/100
LEVEL - 80/100
Level7.nu - 70/100
Edge Magazine - 70/100

Not bad. Especially for a movie-based game.:)


If you live outside of Region 1, it's been confirmed today that the R1 360 version of this game is NOT region coded. So if you're foaming at the mouth for some GB action and don't want to wait another few months, you can buy it from the states.

09-Jun-2009, 05:46 PM
If you live outside of Region 1, it's been confirmed today that the R1 360 version of this game is NOT region coded. So if you're foaming at the mouth for some GB action and don't want to wait another few months, you can buy it from the states.

If you don't mind waiting an additional 2 weeks after your delivery arrival time to then get whacked with at least £13 ($21.16) of customs fines & Royal Mail charges...:rockbrow:

*starts twiddling thumbs for October*

10-Jun-2009, 11:46 AM
If you don't mind waiting an additional 2 weeks after your delivery arrival time to then get whacked with at least £13 ($21.16) of customs fines & Royal Mail charges...:rockbrow:

*starts twiddling thumbs for October*

I'm not sure how all that customs stuff works, but there are people on some GB forums saying they have their copies preordered and ready to be at their doorstep on the same day as the US release date. And they have found some places to get it on the el-cheapo.

I don't know how they did it, but.....that's what I heard.:|

10-Jun-2009, 12:12 PM
I'm not sure how all that customs stuff works, but there are people on some GB forums saying they have their copies preordered and ready to be at their doorstep on the same day as the US release date. And they have found some places to get it on the el-cheapo.

I don't know how they did it, but.....that's what I heard.:|
Either way, fact is with the UK at least, there is an £18 limit (including shipping costs) on all imports. Here in the UK, an Xbox 360 game costs £40.

Above that and you suffer the aforementioned fines and delays.

10-Jun-2009, 02:10 PM
I DO want to play Ghostbusters but I'll be posting my thoughts about it next year, when it's in the bargain bin for £14.99. Too many better games out towards the end of the year that take a much bigger priority.

15-Jun-2009, 11:21 AM
LOL! The PC version does NOT have online co-op!

15-Jun-2009, 11:35 AM
Yeah....apparently they gave the PC version the shaft. Several things missing from what I hear. I guess that's why the PC version is much cheaper than the others...

Today's the day for me, folks! This evening I'll be heading out and picking up the game at 12:01 am. I'll let you guys know what I think.

Oh...and FYI, if you do plan on playing this game watch out for youtube and gaming sites right now as the ending/cutscenes/major spoilers are out.

15-Jun-2009, 01:55 PM
LOL! The PC version does NOT have online co-op!
LOL, WTF? :confused:

Of all the formats you'd figure that the PC would have online co-op. How sloppy.

15-Jun-2009, 03:46 PM
LOL, WTF? :confused:

Of all the formats you'd figure that the PC would have online co-op. How sloppy.

This is most likely because Sony wanted their system to have all the perks. I'm surprised they have multiplayer on the 360, too.:rolleyes:

darth los
15-Jun-2009, 06:50 PM
This is most likely because Sony wanted their system to have all the perks. I'm surprised they have multiplayer on the 360, too.:rolleyes:


That may be the case but don't make the mistake of thinking that sony didn't fight tooth and nail to make sure they didn't. It's just that Sony can't bully MS around.


15-Jun-2009, 08:48 PM
LOL, WTF? :confused:

Of all the formats you'd figure that the PC would have online co-op. How sloppy.

Sounds terrible doesn't it!

16-Jun-2009, 07:36 PM

I'm roughly halfway through the game now. I know that everyone here thinks this "halfway review" will be biased as I am a huge fan of the franchise, but I'll do my best to be fair. So I'll split it up into a few different categories...

Controls/Gaming - Whoa. I feared the act of trapping a ghost would get boring in this game, but at halfway through it's only becoming more fun. It's hard to put a finger on, but they truely found a way to make this fun, original, and never old. You're introduced to many new "equipment" pieces throughout the first half of the game and each one of them is important and most importantly...fun.

The best way that I can describe all of the capture equipment is "fishing". It reminds me of fishing. The ghost pulls one way while you have to pull another. You can't pull too far or you'll lose the fish. It turns into a certain balance of the two. Not to mention in the middle of all this you have to throw out your trap and switch between different firing modes depending on the ghost.

Story - With only half the game down, the story is just OKAY. They've found a way to incorporate classic ghosts/scenes from the first film and also make new ones.

Characters - The boys in beige are back, guys! Remember all those classic lines from the films? There's plenty of new ones here.

So this is a kinda half assed review because I'm tired, but so far I can say this....If you're a child of the eighties and like Ghostbusters, buying this game is a no-brainer. If you're a hard core gamer looking for something a bit new, this is probably a rental, possibly a purchase. I think this game is going to do well on several different levels. It's entertaining and fun WITHOUT Ghostbusters being the source, and it's just better that Ghostbusters IS a source. Easily one of the best movie-based video games. A sequel is probably coming...

16-Jun-2009, 08:56 PM
Best wishes for a bang up, balls to the walls last half of the game, Bassman!

Thanks for the review. This is on my list to pick up, but sadly not this month.

17-Jun-2009, 07:27 PM
A pretty solid game, I would say. I've just re-started it on the hardest difficulty setting.

The ending is a bit dull, but still fun. And there are SOOOOO many little references in the firehouse. This game really oozes with respect to the franchise/fans. Quite a few famous guest voices in the game, too.(Max Von Sydow is back as the voice of Vigo. He's alot of fun. I ended up talking to him for about 30 minutes...)

If you don't have it, at the very least give it a rental. It's definitely worth that. My only major complaint is that it felt a bit short the first time around, but this time I'm going to take it slow and make sure I don't miss any of the little achievements and artifacts.

The 8 out of 10 reviews that it's been getting are correct. It's a solid game.

17-Jun-2009, 10:17 PM
A pretty solid game, I would say. I've just re-started it on the hardest difficulty setting.

The ending is a bit dull, but still fun. And there are SOOOOO many little references in the firehouse. This game really oozes with respect to the franchise/fans. Quite a few famous guest voices in the game, too.(Max Von Sydow is back as the voice of Vigo. He's alot of fun. I ended up talking to him for about 30 minutes...)

If you don't have it, at the very least give it a rental. It's definitely worth that. My only major complaint is that it felt a bit short the first time around, but this time I'm going to take it slow and make sure I don't miss any of the little achievements and artifacts.

The 8 out of 10 reviews that it's been getting are correct. It's a solid game.

please tell me i was right about a stream crossing achievement.

17-Jun-2009, 11:44 PM
please tell me i was right about a stream crossing achievement.

Without giving anything away....It happens, but I'm not sure if it was an achievement. I'll have to go look through the list and get back to you on that. Crossing the streams isn't a good idea though....

18-Jun-2009, 03:57 AM
No crossing the streams achievement...Check em out http://www.xbox360achievements.org/game/ghostbusters-the-video-game/achievements/

18-Jun-2009, 04:18 AM
I picked it up today. Only had a chance to play the first level and a couple of online matches.

TONS of fun so far, though.

Also got a free t-shirt with the game. :cool:

18-Jun-2009, 11:48 AM
I picked it up today. Only had a chance to play the first level and a couple of online matches.

TONS of fun so far, though.

Also got a free t-shirt with the game. :cool:

The first level sort of got on my nerves. I know they have to teach the player how to control the pack, but they take it so slow when it's not that difficult at all...

The Times Square and Public Library levels are when the game really picks up and gets going. The Library level is creepy, too. Little kid voices echoing around the room and handprints that appear and disappear on the walls. *shivers*:|

EDIT: I found this interesting video (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/360-ps3-comparison-ghostbusters/51637) comparing the graphics of GB:TVG on the 360 to the PS3. With this game being Sony's franchise, you would think the PS3 would win out. But you would be wrong.

Man I love this fucking game. Setting up tonight for Xbox live for the first time. I've got about 6 of those free month trial cards, so i'm going to give it a go. Anyone want to meet up for some multiplayer?

19-Jun-2009, 06:47 AM
I rented the game yesterday afternoon,but haven't played it yet.

19-Jun-2009, 03:57 PM
ahh next gen consoles. i have a pretty large inventory of ps2 games that i trade in for the essentials like ghostbusters. i payed nothing for this game except ps2 games :) and i must say it was worth it. so much fun! i am a longtime fan as well. i wouldve KILLED for this when i was a kid haha. i find myself saying that a lot these days. as i left gamestop, the fellow behind was also trading in ps2 games. i doubt they sell too many. i wonder when gamestop will stop taking them. i'll bet it's soon.

19-Jun-2009, 04:49 PM
I've never even considered trading in all my old console games. They still take regular xbox games?:confused:

Glad to see people around here enjoying the game. Trust me on this...it gets better and better as the story progresses.

And for fans of The REAL Ghostbusters cartoon...look on the workbench in the basement of the firehouse. And also make sure you listen to all the messages on the answering machine on the top floor of the firehouse. A character from another popular 80's franchise calls about the vigo painting that the ghostbusters have. Any guess as to who it might be and what franchise it is?:p

And BTW...I'm hearing that Ghostbusters is the number one selling 360 game in the country right now. Yay.

darth los
19-Jun-2009, 05:23 PM
Man I love this fucking game. Setting up tonight for Xbox live for the first time. I've got about 6 of those free month trial cards, so i'm going to give it a go. Anyone want to meet up for some multiplayer?

I was wondering if it was for multiplayer. lol

I just recieved it in the mail today so maybe it would be a good idea to get my feet wet first so you don't have to babysit me. But yeah, I'm down. Just send me the request.

Question: How many over the lines from the film have you found yourself quoting so far? :lol:

Aim for the flat top !!! :hyper:


19-Jun-2009, 05:27 PM
Question: How many over the lines from the film have you found yourself quoting so far? :lol:

Aim for the flat top !!! :hyper:

Pretty much all of them.:lol: It's so easy to let them fly when this game feels so much like the movie.

I'm at work right now, but I'll have to get back to you tonight with my username and whatnot. Hopefully I can get Live hooked up without any trouble. I really know nothing about it...

19-Jun-2009, 05:55 PM
yeah they take original xbox games i think. thats what i'm sayin i wonder for how much longer they will. and yeah, trade in your old POS console games! haha

19-Jun-2009, 06:48 PM
yeah they take original xbox games i think. thats what i'm sayin i wonder for how much longer they will. and yeah, trade in your old POS console games! haha
lol - I've still got my Mega Drive 2, and all the games I had for it (14 if memory serves) - all tucked away in my cupboard. I wouldn't think of selling them on.

Also, thinking of it - I saw in Total Film today that some company is putting out a plug & play version of a Mega Drive with 15 games inside it - and another (or same) company is putting out a hand-held version of the Mega Drive.

But here I am with the original hardware, awwwwwwww yeah. :cool:

21-Jun-2009, 07:28 PM
I finally got my Xbox live set up. Took me about 3 hours because of my IP. Or some shit like that.:confused: Then on top of that it won't let me use my existing user name, so my name on Live doesn't have all my games and achievements.

Anyway, if anyone wants to team up for some bustin', my name is bassmanfincha.

darth los
22-Jun-2009, 03:22 PM
I finally got my Xbox live set up. Took me about 3 hours because of my IP. Or some shit like that.:confused: Then on top of that it won't let me use my existing user name, so my name on Live doesn't have all my games and achievements.

Anyway, if anyone wants to team up for some bustin', my name is bassmanfincha.

Dude I'd love to. I haven't fiished the campaign tho.

I just fiished the public Library level. Imo, the game is pretty fun so far. I can't slam a ghost into a trap to save my life!! :lol: (And yes I purchased the slam trap upgrade).

The gameplay seems pretty average to me, not a knock but nothing that blew my socks off. I'm getting a much bigger kick out of hanging out with the guys from the movie. I think they really pulled of recreating the characters well.


22-Jun-2009, 05:13 PM
Beat the game last night. Its a nice weekend renter.

22-Jun-2009, 06:05 PM
What difficulty are you guys playing on? Professional is fucking insane. It probably wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to revive the other GB's every 5 seconds. I'm stuck on Shandor Island...

darth los
22-Jun-2009, 06:59 PM
What difficulty are you guys playing on? Professional is fucking insane. It probably wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to revive the other GB's every 5 seconds. I'm stuck on Shandor Island...

That's all I did when I fought the Boss of the Library level (I think it's level 3 or 4) was run around picking Egon and Ray up. To be fair the did their fair share of picking me up too.

I'm on experienced right now.

That's the worst dude. When you pick a harder difficulty and then when you get to the latter stages of a game you start regretting it and wishing you put it on easy. (It also happened to me with silent hill: homecoming. I put it on the hardest level and halfway through the game I had to restart it. I had to fight 3 needlers and a Siam. I was like the hell with this shit.)


23-Jun-2009, 04:20 PM
Fucking hell, man!!!! It's pissing me off. The last few levels seem impossible on the hardest setting. It's making me want to just give up and play it again on an easier difficulty.:(

darth los
23-Jun-2009, 04:23 PM
Fucking hell, man!!!! It's pissing me off. The last few levels seem impossible on the hardest setting. It's making me want to just give up and play it again on an easier difficulty.:(

Well, if you do go that route then just make lemonade and try for the achievements you didn't get the first time around.


23-Jun-2009, 05:22 PM
Bassman fails to unlock the Professional achievement? Man, just when we thought he was the Boss Buster... ;):sneaky:

23-Jun-2009, 05:33 PM
Wait until you give it a try. I guarantee you that you'll want to throw your controller at the screen after trying to deal with these little fucking dead baby statues....

23-Jun-2009, 05:39 PM
I generally know by the level before the hardest as to whether I will attempt such difficulties. I barely completed Stranglehold on 'Normal' difficulty, so 'Advanced' and the even harder 'Hard Boiled' levels were not going to be attempted. Like Halo 3, 'Heroic' was just a dirty smelly little bitch (I did it though), so 'Legendary' can well and truly f**k off!

23-Jun-2009, 06:46 PM
I generally know by the level before the hardest as to whether I will attempt such difficulties. I barely completed Stranglehold on 'Normal' difficulty, so 'Advanced' and the even harder 'Hard Boiled' levels were not going to be attempted. Like Halo 3, 'Heroic' was just a dirty smelly little bitch (I did it though), so 'Legendary' can well and truly f**k off!

halo 3's legendary is piss easy compared to halo 2's "fuck this i'll never finish this!" legendary setting.

23-Jun-2009, 08:57 PM
halo 3's legendary is piss easy compared to halo 2's "fuck this i'll never finish this!" legendary setting.
People try to hard...do what I do and just go for the "easy" setting every time, yeah dude. :D

23-Jun-2009, 10:03 PM
People try to hard...do what I do and just go for the "easy" setting every time, yeah dude. :D

:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


that is all.:lol:

23-Jun-2009, 11:21 PM
nice one, hellz.

and until you've completed any of the call of duty games on veteran, you don't know the true definition of "frustration".

i was thinking of picking this up the other day, but i'm gonna wait till the price is a bit closer to 40 bones.

24-Jun-2009, 10:22 AM
I could complete games on higher difficulty settings - but why bother?

I'm not playing videogames for a challenge - the real challenges are those you face in your real life, and those are worth more time, effort and so on - meanwhile, in the realm of videogames, I personally just want to ... what's that thing called again... ... ... ...

Oh yeah - have fun.

Hence, easy & casual modes. Like I've said numerous times before every time I'm faced with such snobbery from the likes of hellsing, I just wanna see what I can do, enjoy the graphics, enjoy the plots, and just have fun.

If someone else wants a challenge, far be it from me to criticise them, not that I do anyway - so likewise, shut the fuck up about me just wanting to have fun with videogames. :sneaky:

24-Jun-2009, 12:14 PM
Ah fuck it. Two days and still stuck in the same place.

I'm going to take MZ's advice and go back to easy. Better to enjoy a game instead of getting so frustrated with it that you want to beat the system with an aluminum bat.

And I swear if I keep hearing Venkman's lines for revival, i'm going to be suicidal. "Yo! Over here! Lil help. Lil help!":mad:

24-Jun-2009, 12:41 PM
nice one, hellz.

and until you've completed any of the call of duty games on veteran, you don't know the true definition of "frustration".

i was thinking of picking this up the other day, but i'm gonna wait till the price is a bit closer to 40 bones.

call of duty 2 on veteran is one of the most fun fps experiences ive ever played, same goes for the "one shot and your dead" mode of GRAW it actually requires a little more thought than random button mashing and its so much more fun and satisfying to complete a harder challenge like that.

darth los
24-Jun-2009, 04:24 PM
Ah fuck it. Two days and still stuck in the same place.

I'm going to take MZ's advice and go back to easy. Better to enjoy a game instead of getting so frustrated with it that you want to beat the system with an aluminum bat.

And I swear if I keep hearing Venkman's lines for revival, i'm going to be suicidal. "Yo! Over here! Lil help. Lil help!":mad:

I think that's the right call dude. In the big scheme of things what level you finish a game on is only psychological. You're still going through the same storyline and in most cases get the same achievements.


24-Jun-2009, 05:03 PM
I'm going to take MZ's advice and go back to easy. Better to enjoy a game instead of getting so frustrated with it that you want to beat the system with an aluminum bat.

Damn straight, games are supposed to be fun - so enjoy it rather than get frustrated by it. I know I've had that when I've been stuffed by a game, or stuck at a point, or had a really inconvenient freeze or whatever - it's lame, and it makes playing the game unenjoyable. So it's about finding the fun again - in your case, dropping the hard setting and just having a swell time.

24-Jun-2009, 07:02 PM
Yeah, I don't give a toss about completing every setting (except Tony Hawk's games because they are religion to me), it's all about enjoyment. I used to attack my cousin because he used cheats in GTA - it's not my style of play but I have learned to accept it because that's how he likes to play. And he probably got more fun out of the game than I did.

I remember someone had a sly dig at me when I admitted that I selected Easy on my first playthrough of L4D. "I wouldn't even think of playing L4D on any other setting but advanced" - good for you but that's not how I roll it and it don't make you a better player. Even on Tony Hawk, I always begin on Novice (when I could probably slaughter it at the highest level) because I like to progress naturally. That's what I like to do.

24-Jun-2009, 07:37 PM
I used to attack my cousin because he used cheats in GTA - it's not my style of play but I have learned to accept it because that's how he likes to play. And he probably got more fun out of the game than I did.

I restarted GTAIV using the cheat codes and it was a friggin blast! It was so much fun having everything at my fingertips while going through the story.

Speaking of GTA, does it have live? If so, what is it? Now that I'm on live I need to go back and see what my older games have to offer...

darth los
24-Jun-2009, 08:12 PM
I restarted GTAIV using the cheat codes and it was a friggin blast! It was so much fun having everything at my fingertips while going through the story.

Speaking of GTA, does it have live? If so, what is it? Now that I'm on live I need to go back and see what my older games have to offer...

Cheat codes rule !! Half life 2 bored me to tears without them.

I prescribe to the marijuana theory. If it wasn't meant for us to use then why is it here?.... :confused:


24-Jun-2009, 08:59 PM
Speaking of GTA, does it have live? If so, what is it? Now that I'm on live I need to go back and see what my older games have to offer...

yeah, gta4 has online play, you access it through niko's cell phone. the lobbies are kinda lame, given that the person selected as the host (the player with the crown icon next to their gamertag) gets to select what weapons will be used, the area of map available, police on/off options, friendly fire, etc...

and like with most games, some people are almost unnaturally good and impossible to kill, meanwhile they can put you down with a single headshot from a block away.

gta4's controls and movements made for some boring online play (when it comes to deathmatches and whatnot, especially since you always gotta chase down a decent weapon and some armor to even stand a chance against previously mentioned video game gurus), but just dicking around in free-roam with some buddies is usually a good time.

24-Jun-2009, 11:23 PM
and like with most games, some people are almost unnaturally good and impossible to kill, meanwhile they can put you down with a single headshot from a block away.
Yeah, that gets right on my tits. I was playing Stranglehold live and some invisible c**t kept killing me. Whenever I was back in play, I would be dead within another ten seconds and there was absolutely no way of telling where this dude was. And those maps are small.

If people want to play, they should just play instead of hiding, the flimsy little pussies! :mad:

25-Jun-2009, 02:14 AM
"And I swear if I keep hearing Venkman's lines for revival, i'm going to be suicidal. "Yo! Over here! Lil help. Lil help!"

Yes - the background chatter is repetitive. The problem is that you generally have talent in for so many days that to get them to read all the secondary lines is hard to schedule. ( For example, we had about 6000 battle chatter lines in COD: World At War - but it wasn't JUST Sutherland reading the lines - they had several actors)

I think they should have gotten some knock off voices for that - you would have never noticed and it would be less annoying.


01-Jul-2009, 01:31 PM
So I guess I've pretty much done everything there is to do with this game. I've beat both the next gen and wii versions on all three difficulties, collected all of the artifacts, and just about got all the achievements.

All things considered, I still give the game a 7.5 or 8 out of 10. It's solid as a video game, but incredible as a third story in the Ghostbusters franchise. Most of the flaws are minor and you can overlook them.

Now bring on the DLC!:hyper:

10-Jul-2009, 11:58 AM
If there is anyone interested, the demo is now available on PSN and Live...

10-Jul-2009, 01:58 PM
Thanks, Bass. I think I'd rather give the demo a shot before wading in and buying.

10-Jul-2009, 04:09 PM
Thanks, Bass. I think I'd rather give the demo a shot before wading in and buying.

No problem. I hope you enjoy it!:D

The weird thing is....it's a different demo for each system. So if you have both ps3 and 360, you can actually play two levels for free.

And I guess this gives our pals overseas who got f*cked on the release date a chance to see what it's about.....

darth los
10-Jul-2009, 04:56 PM
Releasing a demo a month AFTER the release !?! What will they think of next.

My son actually plays the game more than I do and it's no left 4 dead but I really like it as well. In terms of game purchases you could do alot worse.


11-Sep-2009, 12:16 PM
Bad news for some of you guys across the pond. It looks like it was pushed back a bit more (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/ghostbusters-360-slips-to-november). Only a week or two....but it's still ridiculous. The game is FINISHED. Why keep holding it back?

Anyway...you can still order the region-free US version if you're tired of waiting.

11-Sep-2009, 12:48 PM
I can wait an extra two weeks, that's not too harsh. Played a bit on my cousin's chipped Xbox and then got the pleasure of watching a friend do the last few levels on the PS3.

By the way UK Wii-ers, if you preorder GB from Argos, you get it for £20.

darth los
11-Sep-2009, 03:48 PM
It's a decent enough game. I think you'll enjoy it.

I any case game delays, no matter what region, are the nature of the beast nowdays.


11-Sep-2009, 03:51 PM
It's a decent enough game. I think you'll enjoy it.

Yeah. It doesn't re-invent the wheel or anything, but as a game based on an already established franchise....it's at the top with Arkham Asylum, imho. The best movie-based game.:)

11-Sep-2009, 03:52 PM
And still I wait for a real Ghostbusters game...



darth los
11-Sep-2009, 04:46 PM
And still I wait for a real Ghostbusters game...



Holy shite dude!! There I remember the cartoon with similar characters in it.


11-Sep-2009, 04:52 PM
Holy shite dude!! There I remember the cartoon with similar characters in it.


That show is the reason the Ghostbusters cartoon based on the movie is called "The REAL Ghostbusters".

30-Sep-2009, 05:17 PM
Do people actually still own PSP's?:stunned:


18-Jan-2017, 12:01 AM
Surprisingly, this is now backwards compatible, online, and available for download on Xbox One. No word on a release for PS4.

18-Jan-2017, 10:25 AM
Surprisingly, this is now backwards compatible, online, and available for download on Xbox One. No word on a release for PS4.

How does the backwards compatibility thing work with playing Xbox 360 games on Xbox One? I've got no idea.

Do you use the disc itself, or do you have to download the entire game from the Internet onto your HDD?

I sold my copy a while back, but I've been wanting to play it again for a while and thinking I'd maybe pick up a cheap used copy sometime.

18-Jan-2017, 08:27 PM
I'm not 100% sure, as I've got a PS4, but I believe if you have the disc you can put it in and play with a minor update. If you don't have the disc, you can download the game from Xbox live.

03-Jun-2019, 11:42 PM
It’s baaaack!!!


04-Jun-2019, 01:30 AM

04-Jun-2019, 09:21 AM
Ooh, that was a good game! :cool::thumbsup:

Might I be tempted to double dip on this, at least when it's on a sale? Hmmm... :)