View Full Version : how much time?

15-Jan-2007, 02:26 PM
i think this may have been talked about b4,but i never understood why the length time of a bite changes in each movie?

other than stephen practically being killed is why he came back so soon,when you are bit i noticed the time change isnt the same, and mind you im only talking about being "bit"!!!

in NIGHT the little girl changes after a few hours being bit,
in DAWN peter mentions it takes no more than three days,
in DAY the soldiers act as if he's going to change on the spot,
and in Land Riley says his brother turned after an hour?

what the hell is going on...anybody?:eek:

15-Jan-2007, 02:48 PM
even though i dont like the virus theory, if ti is, then the strees level and amount of adrenaline and how fast your bloods pumping might spread it faster, but i reckon its just different for everybody.

15-Jan-2007, 02:48 PM
just off the top of my head....

I would think there are several factors.

1. where you are bit, how severly you are injured.

2. how strong you are, just like getting the flu...some people can fight it off before succumbing.

I think the little girl had a weak immune response, Stephen was obv killed by the bits, or was so weakened by them he couldnt fight of the infection, Roger on the other hand seems like he had the wounds cleaned out and they were not in vital places and he was a stong man. I think the soldiers in day wanted to shoot people really quick because if you do it doesnt give you time to think, you are bit you get shot, you cant talk us out of it, we cant wait til you turn, you are bit you are shot no execptions

15-Jan-2007, 02:50 PM
I always figured it was how bad you were harmed.

The girl was only bit once, I think. Stephen was bit multiple times all over his body. Cholo was bit only once, had a long walk, then got shot to seal the deal.

So yeah.....I think it's just a matter of how long it takes you to die.

15-Jan-2007, 03:13 PM
I dunno
I think it depends
if the bite is bad enough to kill you
you'll die and come back quickly
if its in a bad place like the neck or shoulder your prolly gonna bleed to death

if your taken care of like roger
im guessing you can hold out

it prolly depends on

where you are bit
your weight/height
health/immune system
how many times you were bit
whether you got the wound bandaged up/your given medicines and such
how fast you got medical treatment or amputation
other wounds
activities after being bit (I know with snake venoms running around only sends toxins to more places faster)
how deep the wound

those are all the factors i can think of

the little girl was there longer than hours
she was bit before ben and barbara even showed up
stephen died of blood loss not the bites
technically the bites made him bleed
but htey didnt reanimate him, dying did

in day the guy that got his throat ripped out was dying and knew hed return if he did
miguel prolly had awhile like roger
but also he jut lost his arm
he might just die of that
but then he went and sacreficed himself
so we dontknow really

steele got a neck bite
prolly knew it was the end and didnt want to be eaten alive or reanimate
so he shot his brains out

cooper in night 68 died of the gun shot if i recall? or maybe he got bit i dont remember
the mother was stabbed with a trowel

johnny was killed or maybe bitten

in the night remake ben ws shot a ton

the mom was bit, and it took no time at all
maybe cos it was a neck bite

johnny was definately killed on that grave in the remake

land is a mess

the noob kid
he polly could have had a long ie like roger, the wrist isnt that bad and he seemed healthy

brubaker seeme to reanimate from a bite
maybe an hour later
this ones random

cholo would have had a while

that bullfighter soldier dude would have a while

rileys brother
i dunno where he was bit or how
but if he was a little kid and it was bad
an hour sounds good

I think of it like
taking poison, drinking booze,venom, infection, virus or bacteria
who knows
maybe you just die from the bite due to normal Staph infections that youd get from a filthy mouth
but then again
that could be treated with some basic to powerful antibiotics

i spent too much time on this

15-Jan-2007, 03:40 PM
You guys are missing the most obvious reason...Plot Advancement.:D

16-Jan-2007, 06:34 PM
Its where youre bit I think that counts the most and how much blood is running through it. For example if you were bit on the side of youre neck Id give it an hour if that but if you lost a pinkie finger then youd get a day maybe more? Just my take on it but I say its where youre bit. How vital it is to you and how much blood is running through it and how much flesh is there to bite into..Finger example comes back a small amount of infection since only a small amount of infection but the neck would have a high amount of infection since a neck is just full of good ole fashioned meatiness.

17-Jan-2007, 08:51 PM
You guys are missing the most obvious reason...Plot Advancement.:D
:lol: :lol: :lol:

24-Jan-2007, 09:44 PM
This same debate also appears on message boards and fan pages for the Alien series, in slightly modified fashion.

"How come it takes less time for an alien to burst out of someone's chest in some Alien movies than it does others?"

In Alien, it seemed like that dude was in limbo forever. In some of the other movies, like Alien vs Predator, they popped out as quick as 5-10 minutes later.

For a director, I don't think they have a real reason for doing it. It boils down to this. When you have a franchise that is long in the tooth, such as GAR's zombie movies or the Alien series, the opinion of a director seems to be that those things don't have the same effect anymore. Night and Dawn were built (at least partially) around waiting for key characters to turn into zombies and the suspense that comes with it. Same with the Alien movies, all of the suspense involved with waiting for something to happen to that character with an alien inside him.

Nowadays, a director doesn't want to tread the same ground by building a movie around something like waiting for a character to die. We already know it is going to happen. They see fit to use the 90-125 minutes of screen time to further develop the story in other ways. The old "been there, done that" syndrome. So there is a reason that these things happen much quicker in more recent installments of a movie franchise. Important people working on the movie believe that those things aren't as mesmerizing to an audience as they once were. As a result, they move to get these "events" out of the way as quickly as possible to speed things along.

Cholo said it best when he quipped "You know what is going to happen" or something like that when he was in that apartment with the man who hung himself.

24-Jan-2007, 09:55 PM
It was only in AvP that the aliens hatched so quickly, and that was only because that film sucked ass.

In Alien it takes up to one day, maybe more, for it to hatch.

In Aliens we get no example of it.

In Alien 3, the dog is infected for roughly a day. Maybe a bit more, again. In the deleted scene, the cow that is infected is actually dead, but yet manages to give "birth" to an alien. Which is kind of wierd, I guess.

In Alien 4, The aliens hatch after roughly a day again, except for Purvis who seems to take almost two days.

As for the Dead films, they follow different rules, really. Contrary to popular belief, nothing was really set in stone in them. While there are some basic rules such as "destroy the brain" and "anyone who dies becomes a zombie", there are also points where they differ. Fire in Night was never used in the sequels and George even said that by the time he made Night, he hadn't developed any real idea for the ghouls. It was first in Dawn when he started to think more seriously on how he wanted them to act, which explains why they are so different there.

The time it takes to turn is simply something that is unique to each movie, rather than something that is unique to the series.