View Full Version : Oliver Krekel's Final Unltimate Edition DOTD

16-Jan-2007, 01:53 AM
I know it may be slow paced, but does anyone know where to purchase this edition?!?!?


16-Jan-2007, 05:49 AM
I picked mine up from from guy in Sweden who mailed me a rather good quality bootleg dvd with cover (the Krekel version is a bootleg anyway). Not many people sell it anymore and it's release in Germany was a very limited one. Other than some rare, expensive and bad quality VHS copies on the internet, I have no idea where to obtain one. My contact no longer sells them and I imagine theres not many people that still do. Given the semi-illegal nature of it's assemblement you can pretty much rule out an official release (contrary to some peoples beliefs) and not only that, the whole thing is in German.

16-Jan-2007, 09:26 AM
I have no idea where to obtain one.
Umm...you do have the DVD copy correct? Well, if you do, with a DVD burner, I mean you could....well...nevermind!;)

16-Jan-2007, 10:45 AM
Which "D" are you referring to Day or Dawn?

and also, can someone post a scan of the DVD cover? what's it like? What's it all about...?? Is this the fabled 153 minute version of Dawn?

16-Jan-2007, 01:13 PM
Umm...you do have the DVD copy correct? Well, if you do, with a DVD burner, I mean you could....well...nevermind!;)

I figured the man would want an authentic copy. Saying that, it's not really an really authentic version. On top of that, if I started burning dvd's everyone would want one. I'm not about to begin a new career as a bootlegger anytime soon Philly. :lol:

Which "D" are you referring to Day or Dawn?

and also, can someone post a scan of the DVD cover? what's it like? What's it all about...?? Is this the fabled 153 minute version of Dawn?

It certainly is. Here's a quote from Wiki.

The name of this version refers to Oliver Krekel who owns the German DVD company Astro, an underground label that specializes in re-releasing movies that have been banned in Germany. This version runs 156min (PAL) and is often called the Ultimate Final Cut, as Krekel edited together material from the every available version. Although this is by far the longest version of Dawn of the Dead, it is despised by many fans as the pacing is much slower and it includes a less professional soundtrack.

I thought the soundtrack was okay actually. Here's a small pic of the cover.

If anyone knows where to get a copy, send it to tju in a PM otherwise the thread will probably get closed. The Japanese version intrigues me the most though. I know it's a PG over there but I gotta see that holocaust beginning. For all those not in the know, here's another Wiki quote.

The Japanese version distributed by Herald Films saw heavy cuts to Argento's European version, with censors removing practically all instances of violence and gore. An interesting difference is that this version begins by explaining that the zombie holocaust is the result of a meteor exploding over the atmosphere, releasing radiation. Herald Films felt that the lack of explanation would confuse viewers, but it also removes the ambiguity that Romero had created.

16-Jan-2007, 05:00 PM
mr Knut, thanks dude - nice information there.

i'd love to own this, this is the only version I don't have. I am guessing the Jap version with the intro is writen in Japanese anyway, so might not be as good as hoped.

16-Jan-2007, 09:25 PM
I didnt realise there was this version but i will be getting it at some point

it wont let me put the address, as ive not posted enough, but its there.

16-Jan-2007, 09:36 PM
mr Knut, thanks dude - nice information there.

i'd love to own this, this is the only version I don't have. I am guessing the Jap version with the intro is writen in Japanese anyway, so might not be as good as hoped.

isn't the word "Jap" alittle politically incorrect?

"but i do have a pocket full of worst one's you can use"!!!

btw: yes it does blow!!lol;)

16-Jan-2007, 11:52 PM
I wasn't aware that this was hard to get. I think Dawn works amazingly well in the 156 minute cut, but the German language makes the rewatch value slim. They stripped the sound, and added in Goblin only and German voice actors.

17-Jan-2007, 04:40 PM
Everyone should at least see the DE version
For Roger yelling

18-Jan-2007, 09:58 AM
isn't the word "Jap" alittle politically incorrect?

"but i do have a pocket full of worst one's you can use"!!!

btw: yes it does blow!!lol;)

Oh....dude, it never even crossed my mind that it was a derogatory term. not for a second. I love Japanese culture - I was just abbreviating for time.

If anyone found that offensive I'd like to offer my apologies

18-Jan-2007, 01:32 PM
some of his best friends are Japs
get off his case :lol:

22-Jan-2007, 11:30 PM
Axlish... What ever happened with the "ultimate cut" you were working on? :confused:

23-Jan-2007, 12:04 AM
I have that 156 minute version of DAWN. The quality is pretty bad, itis 4:3 no color correction for the inserted footage, and yes it is all in german.

23-Jan-2007, 03:01 PM
Which "D" are you referring to Day or Dawn?

For future reference just about everyone here uses "DOTD" for Dawn and plain old "Day" for Day.

23-Jan-2007, 04:12 PM
Jap is like saying nigger. But then again, it's just a word.

23-Jan-2007, 11:53 PM
I got a 146+ minute version (i dont think i counted the ending credits as time)a very long time ago on VHS. I don't know if this is just a copy of the one you guys are refering to, but it's in all english, VHS though unfortunatly(crappy quality), this was in the days of "DVD...nah that will never catch on."

24-Jan-2007, 12:36 PM
It wouldn't surprise me. There are so many versions of DOTD available now that I've lost count.

24-Jan-2007, 01:13 PM
Axlish... What ever happened with the "ultimate cut" you were working on? :confused:

Abandoned, perhaps?

24-Jan-2007, 02:54 PM
I'll pick it back up eventually. I think some other folks are working on one now.

24-Jan-2007, 08:42 PM
I'll pick it back up eventually. I think some other folks are working on one now.

I know they threw down the gauntlet for someone to have a crack at the 'ultimate edition' over at the originaltrilogy.com fan edit/preservations forum but, as far as I know, there's been no response. I'm damn tempted to have a go myself but fear I may be lacking on the technical side of things (not to mention being intimidated by the sheer amount of work that would be involved).