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View Full Version : Best Horror Conventions to buy a table at?

Todd Tjersland
18-Jan-2007, 08:22 AM
I'm trying to plan out some personal appearances to promote my new book, Deathbreed: A Zombie Novel, and am wondering which cons are the best to buy a table at. I'm in Seattle and prefer west coast cons as they are easier for me to attend, but I've heard good things about Chiller back east.

I've only attended three cons in my life (all local) and these many years ago, none horror-related, so I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to proceed...

Is there a list of all conventions this year? Thanks in advance!

18-Jan-2007, 12:39 PM
For Horror Novels, get to Horrorfind in Baltimore. They usually have their convention in August, and feature a ton of authors, so I'm sure you'll stir up some interest there.

Todd Tjersland
18-Jan-2007, 10:06 PM
Thanks, I'll look into it. :)

Todd Tjersland
20-Jan-2007, 12:40 AM
Any idea on attendance for Horrorfind?

20-Jan-2007, 02:35 AM
It is one of the best attended conventions going. They don't get much bigger. They are doing two shows this year. March and August.

Todd Tjersland
20-Jan-2007, 03:37 AM
Good. The conventions in my neck of the woods (Seattle) are a joke attendance-wise and are all geared toward comic book fans or Star Trek fans. If I want to see a fat lady with no teeth dressed up like Wonder Woman or Lt. Uhura, I'll hire a hooker. :lol:

27-Jan-2007, 03:47 PM
I know you said west coast, but if you're ever in the midwest Flashback Weekend (http://www.flashbackweekend.com) is a great horror one. Once upon a time, CTD (http://www.circling-the-drain.com) had a dealer table at Flashback with the cast of Day of the Dead in attendance and even George himself. 2007 is set to have Robert Englund and Heather Langenkamp as guests.




27-Jan-2007, 08:32 PM

Now that's what I call Rock 'N Roll. :evil:

29-Jan-2007, 01:06 AM
Now that's what I call Rock 'N Roll. :evil:

I'll never forget it ... I was sitting at our table with the some of Camp CTD. Most of the weekend we sat at our table with a cooler filled with alcohol. So needless to say I was a little buzzed when I noticed that the entire ballroom had frozen and all eyes were on the door. And then I see the familiar head and shoulders lumber in taller than most and above the crowd. I vault over the table and drunk-skip over to the man (Apocryphism following close behind me, cam in hand). The last time I saw George was at Movieside Filmfest (http://www.preciousnightmare.com/cgi-bin/emAlbum.cgi?c=show_thumbs;p=Look/2004/May;i=12;pg=2) when he signed my arm underneath the Dawn tattoo.

I breached the throngs of frozen onlookers and ran up to him. "George, check it out" showing my arm.

"Whoa! Man, you did it! You actually did it!" he says laughing.

And that moment was frozen in time. :)