View Full Version : Real-life "Halo" suit...how cool is this?!

18-Jan-2007, 12:30 PM

Kinda looks a tad unwieldy at the moment, but it seems like a pretty kick ass bit of kit to me! With the helmets on the soldiers would look rather intimidating, like robots almost...

I wonder how the suits (and the men inside) would cope with the heat of the Middle East though?

18-Jan-2007, 12:56 PM
holy crap life imitating art or what?, if that real the us would snap that up, the british might ,but only if it had somewere for a flask for some tea aor bovril, then that might be a winner;)
looks a little like the gears of war ones, only without the obvious gay characters residing in it. :lol:

18-Jan-2007, 01:37 PM
But this one looks better.


So I wonder when we'll have a legion of Spartans marching down the street a la the Rose Bowl Parade?

18-Jan-2007, 02:48 PM
Now THAT'S a kick ass Halloween costume! :cool:

Not much cop against bullets and Afghans though I'd bet...:p

18-Jan-2007, 02:51 PM
When they say it's proof against an elephant rifle, it begs the question what kind of ammo is being used? Jacketed Soft Point or Hollow Point ammo is going to be much different from military grade FMJ or AP.

18-Jan-2007, 03:10 PM
I wonder how the suits (and the men inside) would cope with the heat of the Middle East though?

Minature air-conditioning units (like the Philly Phanatic has) duh!

18-Jan-2007, 04:22 PM
But this one looks better.


So I wonder when we'll have a legion of Spartans marching down the street a la the Rose Bowl Parade?


19-Jan-2007, 12:49 AM


21-Jan-2007, 05:39 AM
i can see a halo fan wearing that while playing the game

21-Jan-2007, 08:32 AM
Ive been a big fan of this guy since the Bear Protection Suit....

I did like reports about him way back in highschool...because hes like that type of crazy thats willing to go to extreme extents to try to make sci fi fantasy feasible....

22-Jan-2007, 01:04 AM
I want one. I would wear it to walk around Detroit, you can never be too safe.

22-Jan-2007, 06:25 AM
That's the coolest ****ing thing I've ever seen.

The second picture (the actual duplicate) looks nicer, but the first one... Wow, that would make our footsoldiers damn near invincible in conventional warfare. Could you imagine how an opposing army would react with an entire company full of soldiers in that equipment?

22-Jan-2007, 06:27 AM
uhh....theres no eloquent way to say "crap there pants" is there?:lol:

22-Jan-2007, 10:37 AM
The 2nd suit looks fantastic, however, the military would be nuts not to look into the first suit. I mean soldier protection gear should be a first priority. It is sad when troops on both sides cannot get the proper protection gear period, you'd think we would want to protect them but I guess in the eyes of this oil & power hungry administration our troops are expendable.

22-Jan-2007, 10:43 AM
There was news over here recently where a soldier who was ordered to relinquish his bullet proof body armour ended up being shot dead...great eh?

There have been multiple stories from the British soldiers about how the ill-prepared gubment have let them down constantly, a lack of vehicles, a lack of ammunition, a lack of protection. Utterly stupid - the definition of "botch job", and that's the greatest insult, if it's involving lives it most definitely should never-ever be a botch job. :mad:

22-Jan-2007, 10:45 AM

The military today isn't prepared our forces for the ground wars we fought 50 years ago and more. They think wars can be won by air.