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View Full Version : I know we all like our zombie and horror movies..but what about the dramatic?

21-Jan-2007, 01:32 AM
I mean, lets be fair, if all we watched were horror movies, we'd be a little, how would you say, weird...so, in light of this, what movies would you conisder amoung your favourites that aren't horror or all action related? Personally, i find forest Gump and the Green Mile as my two favourite movies period. I mean, they are both just so beautifully crafted, and the main roles are played amazingly by those involved...I mean, Micheal Clarke Duncan (i think thats his name) was the best actor in the movie..

what are your favourites?

21-Jan-2007, 01:46 AM
green mile was great. what was wrong with tom hank's knob though? did he have the clap or what? his character seemed too wholesome for that...

"drama" movies i like...

withnail and i (classic)
requiem for a dream (technical masterpiece, brutal viewing though)
frankie starlight
antonia's line (nobody had seen this, it's f'king brilliant, i seriously recommend)
one hour photo
the elephant man
a beautiful mind
lord of war
city of god (awesome)
la haine
american splendor (a real suprise, i loved this)
fight club (natch)
american history x (ed norton is terrifying, fairuza balk is hot :p )
romper stomper (russel crowe as a nazi. lollers.)
das experiment

21-Jan-2007, 01:49 AM
I forgot about the elephant man..i mean, i was so stunned when i saw it, and i believe that they set the benchmark for make up effects for years to come. It was also touching, and i felt so much pity for him. The way he was treated just becasue he looked so drastically different from the rest of us.

21-Jan-2007, 02:00 AM
yeah it's a choker, when he arrives back home after his experiences on the continent and looks at that picture of the little kid on the wall. just about did me in.

produced by mel brooks and directed by david lynch, who woulda thought that pair could deliver that movie?!

21-Jan-2007, 02:03 AM
isn't Mel brooks one of the spaceballs fame? If it is, then, he did a hell of a good job in making a movie about such a tragic, but ultimatly inspiring figure.

21-Jan-2007, 02:15 AM
yeah and blazing saddles, the producers etc.

dunno if youve seen any other david lynch, but here's a clip of another one of his movies to demonstrate how restrained he was when he made the elephant man...

21-Jan-2007, 11:35 AM
Before Sunrise/Sunset
State of Grace
Withnail & I
Chasing Amy
Ivans XTC
Blue Velvet
Christane F
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
A Clockwork Orange
City of God
True Romance

That's just to name a random 15.

21-Jan-2007, 12:33 PM
city of god
the green mile
forest gump
chasing amy
batttle royale
advent children

granted a few are action but every film has action in some form or another.

21-Jan-2007, 01:39 PM
My favourite movies are: Gladiator, The Patriot, Kelly's Heroes, and WWII movies. I hate romantic movies..

21-Jan-2007, 02:14 PM
Drama isn't really a genre. It's just something the video stores use to place everything without action or comedy in it.

My favorite Melodramas however are:

The Shawshank Redemption
Das Boot (more of a suspense flick than a melodram, I guess)

24-Jan-2007, 12:21 PM
....sorry guys but the musicals are coming out ;)

Dirty Dancing
Best Little Whore House in Texas
Superman etc
Finding Nemo
Green Mile
Last Samurai
Battle Royale
Spirited Away
Stand By Me
Minority Report
Kung Fu Hustle

oh too many more to mention.....

24-Jan-2007, 01:11 PM
My Favorite "Other Genre" Films are:

True Romance
Shawshank Redemption
American Beauty
The Verdict
A Time to Kill
Pay it Forward
Walk the Line
Green Mile
Forrest Gump
Beverly Hills Cop

(Tip of the ice Berg)

24-Jan-2007, 01:24 PM
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Citizen Cane
American History X
Requiem for a Dream
Waking Life
Before Sunrise/Sunset
The Fountain
Lawrence of Arabia
Fight Club
Ben Hur
Taxi Driver
Mean Streets
Raging Bull
The Departed
Godfather 1 & 2
Apocalypse Now
To Kill A Mockingbird
Young Frankenstein
Reservoir Dogs
Donnie Darko
Ben Hur
The Deet Hunter
Back to the Future Trilogy
The Big Lebowski

And that's enough for now.:)

24-Jan-2007, 01:33 PM
yknow the best little whorehouse in texas is the same house from either house of 1000 corpses or the beginning of the devil's rejects...

26-Jan-2007, 09:25 AM
yknow the best little whorehouse in texas is the same house from either house of 1000 corpses or the beginning of the devil's rejects...

Is it? I never knew that....thats abit freaky though!

You learn something new everyday, thanks Liam for expanding my knowledge. I doth my imaginary hat to you sir :D

26-Jan-2007, 12:44 PM
another one i saw last night im gonn add to the list, jet li's 'hero' is easily the most beautiful film ive seen in an incredibly long time and though it goes over the top with the wire-fu its stll visually awe inspiring, if you want to make films yourself, even if your allready heading down that route i doubt you coud think "man i could do that".
check it out, its freakin' amazing.