View Full Version : Odd thing I've found in Windows XP

24-Jan-2007, 04:11 PM
It might be an easter egg type thing...

1. Open Windows XP and go to Start, then run.

2. Type in or copy "telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl" without the commas.

3. Sit back and watch the ASCII movie :)

I never expected it...

24-Jan-2007, 06:10 PM
ASCII movie, wozzat when it's at home? :confused:

I ain't typing sh*t into my Run window. :D:shifty:

24-Jan-2007, 06:19 PM
ASCII movie, wozzat when it's at home? :confused:

I ain't typing sh*t into my Run window. :D:shifty:
is this one of those things that crashes peoples OS when they try it?

24-Jan-2007, 09:19 PM
thats nothing but method for remote login to another system
(don't leave telnet running as a service kiddo's)
by all accounts it should just show you login screen (Name PW)
prolly customized query scrolls by IMHO