View Full Version : Loudmouth morons

25-Jan-2007, 06:45 PM
While out walking the dog today, some yob yells at me from a passing car "You flabby ****."
In the past that would have bugged me but this time something occurred to me, imagine how pathetic someone must be, how low they must feel to try and get negative attention.
Acknowledging that idiot by any form of retalliation, which I didn't do, probably would have been the highlight of his day.
Keeping my previous assertion in mind makes me feel better it might not be entirely accurate but it could be close to the truth.
Wierd but all those years, all those periods of feeling down and depressed and not once did that ever occur to me, I've always thought it's best to ignore what is said, turns out acknowledging and thinking about it works better.
I'm not even ashamed of the fact I am a bit overweight, I'm satisfied with not suffering heart burn, breathing difficulties or panic attacks.

25-Jan-2007, 06:49 PM
Better than being a weedy, scrawny little blow over! :)

Guaranteed that tosser in the car you're on about is completely insecure and hates his life and himself, so he can only attempt to make himself feel better for a few moments by shouting down other people ... what a loser.

Well done for not giving him anything in return. :thumbsup::)

25-Jan-2007, 07:48 PM
**** him.

25-Jan-2007, 08:08 PM
Best I can tell the real problem is these children grew up in an era of zero tolerance toward violence in schools. Thus they believe they can do or say just about anything toward people in public without any ill effects. While this careless attitude works fine within their own peer group, it clashes with "old school" values.

25-Jan-2007, 08:13 PM
Best I can tell the real problem is these children grew up in an era of zero tolerance toward violence in schools. Thus they believe they can do or say just about anything toward people in public without any ill effects. While this careless attitude works fine within their own peer group, it clashes with "old school" values.

Yeah, I agree man. Except for one thing....they aren't just "Old School" values, but they are just "The right" values.

I'm only in my early twenties and because of the way I was raised and the things I was taught, I went through school with these sorts of morons all around me(and still to this day) but they could never get to me. I would always shrug it off and basically think "karma's a bitch":lol:

I've only been in one fight in my life and it was for "the right" reasons. This guy was having a fight with his girlfriend while everyone was watching in the hallway. All of a sudden he grabs the girl by the neck and throws her back into the lockers. NOT ONE MALE IN THE HALL DID A SINGLE F*CKING THING!

So I started making my way through the crowd and threw the guy off of her. He proceeded to fight me instead of her and I ultimately kicked his ass.:) He got expelled and all other sorts of trouble, while I got nothing. When no one was around, the principal actually shook my hand and said I did the right thing.

I don't like fighting....but I'm proud of that one.:)

25-Jan-2007, 08:16 PM
I don't like fighting....but I'm proud of that one.

Damn straight, good on you for kicking his ass. And correct-a-mundo about it being simply "the right values" - spot on, and yep ... karma's a bitch. :D

25-Jan-2007, 09:00 PM
So I started making my way through the crowd and threw the guy off of her. He proceeded to fight me instead of her and I ultimately kicked his ass.:) He got expelled and all other sorts of trouble, while I got nothing. When no one was around, the principal actually shook my hand and said I did the right thing.

Good on you Bass, I would've done the same thing man.

25-Jan-2007, 10:32 PM
While out walking the dog today, some yob yells at me from a passing car "You flabby ****."
In the past that would have bugged me but this time something occurred to me, imagine how pathetic someone must be, how low they must feel to try and get negative attention.
Acknowledging that idiot by any form of retalliation, which I didn't do, probably would have been the highlight of his day.
Keeping my previous assertion in mind makes me feel better it might not be entirely accurate but it could be close to the truth.
Wierd but all those years, all those periods of feeling down and depressed and not once did that ever occur to me, I've always thought it's best to ignore what is said, turns out acknowledging and thinking about it works better.
I'm not even ashamed of the fact I am a bit overweight, I'm satisfied with not suffering heart burn, breathing difficulties or panic attacks.

People like that are pathetic. I have experienced that. Being overweight does not make you any less of a person. People that insult strangers do it to feel good about their own pathetic lives and they do not deserve a second thought.

There is a woman at my work that thinks she is above everyone else. She does not follow policy and procedure for she thinks she deserves special treatment. She even tells people to call her "princess" rather than her real name. She threatens anyone that brings to her attention that she is not doing her job. It is beyond me why she has not been fired.

25-Jan-2007, 10:46 PM
Best I can tell the real problem is these children grew up in an era of zero tolerance toward violence in schools. Thus they believe they can do or say just about anything toward people in public without any ill effects. While this careless attitude works fine within their own peer group, it clashes with "old school" values.
People did that when I was a kid when your parents could beat your ass daily and a man could beat his wife without going to jail. Thats those also part of "old school values". Kids did that when I was a kid in the 70s and 80s. Yelling sh*t at people from a car is nothing new
such as "Hey Mother, want another?".

I was riding a bike down the street around 1980 and somebody sprayed a McDonalds ketchup in my face. I was blinded, fell off my boke and cracked my face on a curb. It burned my eyes like hell. "Take that you fat f*ck!". I wasnt even that fat at the time. I was about 12 and the guy was 25 or so. So he was born around 1955. Thats the era of "old school values". This is a tangent but I think Old values and good ol days are yearning for an era that doesnt exist except in peoples fantasies.

25-Jan-2007, 11:52 PM
This things happened because today we haven't discipline. In my times, if a child does a thing bad, we can hit him, today, we can't do nothing because the law protec the bad guys...

26-Jan-2007, 01:48 AM
This things happened because today we haven't discipline. In my times, if a child does a thing bad, we can hit him, today, we can't do nothing because the law protec the bad guys...

hehehe those villainous children...

the dude who heckled RF was just an idiot. people shout stuff at me because of the way i dress, but they always have ugly girlfriends and cars that are modified/tarted up to the extreme. compensating for something else, etc. plus they wont come up to my face and say it, arf arf:evil:

basically, your'e fundamentally better than that dude, imagine doing something like that yourself...i bet you can't, cause you arent a retard...:cool:

26-Jan-2007, 01:58 AM
This is true. This kind of people, shout you a lot of meters ahead, but if you go to their position, they always withdraw...!. In Spain, we have a phrase over people that have modified the car: "somebody spoke of his car, and others spoke of his pen" (I hope that it was translated)...

26-Jan-2007, 08:18 AM
The C word is used quite a lot by youths and yet it's blatently apparent not one of them has any clue to any of it's meanings or they wouldn't really use it. Just shows that they are mindless parrots makinf vocalisations and that itself is laughable.

26-Jan-2007, 12:59 PM

thats the truth, i was walking through a local town cnetre at about 1am cus my and my freinds had been doing some building for a freind makin' em a new shed, and its 1 am and i swear to god there was like groups of 12 years olds out in the streets, the sort i reckon any other brits seen with hoodies up over baseball caps and track suits on, rebok classics and allways black gloves on (apparently yo leave no finger prints).
anyhoo out of my freinds ,who were all dressed slightly chavy themselves me, in my converse sneakers, long hair and a dawn of the dead t shirt was obviously the main target of there attenion.


so they walk up using that old "s'cuse me as y'got 20p fer't bus ticket?", we tell em no, they follow us giving us the usual "oh, y' dickeds, come on give it -us". i ask how far 20p's gonna get 5 kids on the bus.

a puase. contemplation...

"yeah?, well what makes you so smart you goff ****!"

they laugh and think there cool, till someone im walking with says "do you know what that word means?"



"its a loser who dresses in black and listens to gay "metul" music"

he pulls the lead on aside and the others follow, i never heard the exact words but he basically gives them a workthrough of the workings of the female sex organs, and specifically naming and describing several types of vanarial diseases.

.....they all yelll "uhhh!, how would you know are you gay or summing!" and then the guy says yes, becuase he is actually a gay bloke (though you wouldnt know it since hes a fat guy with a beard,lol.) they literally scream and run off, having learned something new.

dont stay out late kids or you might learn something, stay safe at home in your flat listening to 'babycakes' ignorant to the real world.:D

26-Jan-2007, 01:06 PM
lol, great story there hellsing. :)

Parents of kids like that should have been neutered before they had the chance to "get gay with each other" (if you use the understanding of sex those retarded kids had).

Another reason why I like living in the country, people are generally more chilled out and you don't get groups of hoodied kids asking for 20p.

Maybe someone should round all these moronic kids up in the back of a black truck and take them to an education camp to teach them the basics - you know, like eating with your mouth closed and how to wash your hands as well as how not to be a complete drain on society. :D

26-Jan-2007, 03:50 PM
he is actually a gay bloke (though you wouldnt know it since hes a fat guy with a beard, lol.)

LOL. For some reason I just thought of George Michael. :lol:

26-Jan-2007, 04:21 PM
nah, think more like a "person from the shire" sorta bloke and your halfway there.

26-Jan-2007, 04:43 PM
Take my stance,i go taxi driver on their asses with a paintball gun!drive by shootings on trouble making charvas with a paintball gun are not rare around here ;) and they dont like it i can tell you :lol: obviously you cant do that in the states as you'd get some real fire coming back at you :eek:

26-Jan-2007, 04:49 PM
Tricky - bravo, chap - bravo! :) :cool:

Something tells me that paintballin' scumbag chavs with paintballs is satisfying ... as long as you don't "PEEEEEEEEH-JAAAAAAY" them. :lol:

26-Jan-2007, 04:53 PM
Its immensely satisfying :lol: you can spot a swaggering scumbag a mile off so its not hard to pick the right target and give them a round.I know its illegal & all that,but it feels like your getting one back for the decent folks,making a scally pap his pants

26-Jan-2007, 04:53 PM
i see many chav drive by paintballings in the future.... and i reckon at least one guy would yell "ah-leeeroyy...jeeenkiiinsss!":rolleyes: :lol:

26-Jan-2007, 05:00 PM
i see many chav drive by paintballings in the future.... and i reckon at least one guy would yell "ah-leeeroyy...jeeenkiiinsss!":rolleyes: :lol:

You dont even need one of the expensive co2 jobbies either,this spring loaded one here is perfect for car use & very cheap :D

I do own a "proper" paintball gun as well,semi auto & gas powered,but i think its a bit too powerful & big to use for charva paintballing,as much as its tempting!

26-Jan-2007, 05:31 PM
i did actually see this happen in Weston Super Mare once, a guy paintballed a bunch of chavs at a busstop and screamed "MERRY CHRISTMAS MOTHERF****R!" in a 70s blaxploitation type voice! i was cacking myself laughing, they ran down the road after him :lol:

ah, aint britain civilised ;)

26-Jan-2007, 05:32 PM
hehe, one of my housemates at Uni got one of those, we used to have a big "ROAD CLOSED" steel plate sign in our living room and we'd pelt that indoors ... as well as the walls...it's amazing, but the paint in those balls stripped the colour out of that steel sign! :eek:

I never got hit by one from that gun, does it hurt much?

26-Jan-2007, 05:35 PM
hehe, one of my housemates at Uni got one of those, we used to have a big "ROAD CLOSED" steel plate sign in our living room and we'd pelt that indoors ... as well as the walls...it's amazing, but the paint in those balls stripped the colour out of that steel sign! :eek:

I never got hit by one from that gun, does it hurt much?

:lol: it stings enough to let you know you've been hit,but its nothing like being hit by a real paintball gun!
Enough to put the sh*ts up a charva anyway!

26-Jan-2007, 05:42 PM
lol @ "Charva"

Liam - damn man, I would have loved to see that going down - "merry xmas motherf*cker!!" ... did he had a Shaft costume on? If he had, that would have been immense!

26-Jan-2007, 05:42 PM
have i missed something "charva", i thought the correct term was chav/kappa slapper or a flange of chavs.

26-Jan-2007, 06:09 PM
The best way to deal with loud mouthed morons is to A.) ignore them or B.) gouge their eyes out.

Either way, that's one less annoyance you have to deal with.

26-Jan-2007, 07:44 PM
I was thinking if it ever happens again and if the individual in question is held up in traffic I could burst their tires, gouging out a eye is a bit too messy do it wrong and penetrate the eye and the fluids squirt out like a fountain.

26-Jan-2007, 08:01 PM
^creepily that sounds like a voice of experience.:rockbrow:

26-Jan-2007, 08:09 PM

no the dude was one of those beanie & a different coloured top under a short sleeved tshirt guys, they sorta slowed down in front of the bus stop, i knew they were gonna do something, didnt expect that though! it was like, the middle of may as well, which made the "merry christmas..." thing even funnier.

paintball guns hurt a bit, you get a brownish yellow bruise the next day, but not a black/purple one, so it aint that bad. and when youre rushing your bollocks off in the woods somewhere, i think the adrenaline cancels out the pain until the next day. wow that sounded manly

its a good laugh though, seriously recommend going. the 2nd time is always way better.

26-Jan-2007, 08:22 PM
lol, in May?? - noiiice! :thumbsup:

You're spot on, the adrenaline of a round of paintball totally negates the pain of being hit. You feel a "flick" of "pain" at best, but you've long since gone all "Rambo" and you just want more, you're so into it you've got "Adagio for Strings" running through your head and you're one step away from tying a piece of cloth around your head while screaming, your lip lodged to one side - your eyes wild and wide...

Yep, I f*cking LOVED it when I went paintballing (taking out a weekend warrior - replete with *ahem* URBAN camo (in the woods), bandana and custom gear - with a HEADSHOT smack bang in the middle of the forehead after we had one of those frantic face-to-face slow-mo "oh sh*t!" shoot-outs, is one of my favourite moments in my entire life. I was so triumphant and chuffed after that point (the guy was PISSED :D) that I had a blinder of a round the next time, took out a bunch of enemy soldiers (including a rather painful shot in the neck to my housemate), all the while screaming things like "INCOMING FIRE!!!" and "COVER ME!!!" ... f*ck it was glorious. Then at the end I went all "no-ammo hero slow-mo charge" after our captured flag but (after literally diving for cover at full pelt) I was rinsed up the left side of my back - the referee was rather impressed by my paintball "death" as well. :)

The welts came up, but they didn't hurt at all. My muscles were pretty f*cked though, we were all crawling around the house the day after groaning and inhaling through our teeth going "oooooh" - but it was worth it, most definately.

29-Jan-2007, 01:31 AM

29-Jan-2007, 05:35 AM
Bas is tha man!!! I saw this clip a while back on the combat sports forum I am a member of. Funny, but effective.

29-Jan-2007, 12:55 PM
Who the hell was that retard anyway? Surely that was a comedy skit and not a combat instruction video. :lol:

29-Jan-2007, 01:02 PM
Who the hell was that retard anyway? Surely that was a comedy skit and not a combat instruction video. :lol:

That's what I'm hoping. If that dude is serious and people take him seriously.....whew.:confused: ...

29-Jan-2007, 04:20 PM
He's someone who would f#ck both of yall up. Sorry, but that's the truth. His name is Bas Rutten a former UFC world champion and mma legend. That's just Bas being Bas to entertain the camera. He's really a major bad ass in real life. He helped sponser another UFC fighter and friend of mine Yves Edwards. Here's a link on him.


29-Jan-2007, 04:42 PM
I'm not saying he can't fight. He's a big fella and I'm sure he can. But it does seem like he got his head smashed in a few times.:lol: I don't think he has all of his cheese on his cracker.

29-Jan-2007, 04:53 PM
I know what you mean. *L* But that's just Bas. He's a cut up and a funny guy. Its just his personality.