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27-Jan-2007, 06:34 PM
Out on DVD now my fellow english mo' fo's!Its not so much a movie,rather a long collection of stunts that the sanchez boys are famous for!and it is absolutely hilarious,i havent laughed so hard in a long time.It will also make you want to puke,sheer childish excellence
heres a taster...

27-Jan-2007, 08:45 PM
I used to like these guys but the stunts are sooo staged in this movie that it's almost laughable in it's own right. Nothing will beat the first series, same goes for Jackass too. I got mates who have their own dvd out now and it s**ts on both shows put together!

27-Jan-2007, 08:54 PM
I've been meaning to watch the Sanchez movie, it sounds like some sick sh*t...the first series was good, the second a little bit less and the third wasn't that good at all, rather dull actually with a lot of stunts you'd seen before.

Jackass is still better, one of the main reasons being the ingenuity, whereas the Sanchez boys just do stunts that are sickening, rather than clever...or somewhat clever.

27-Jan-2007, 09:02 PM
Sickening. Clever. That doesn't matter, just as long as it's FUNNY.

28-Jan-2007, 03:07 PM
I've been meaning to watch the Sanchez movie, it sounds like some sick sh*t...the first series was good, the second a little bit less and the third wasn't that good at all, rather dull actually with a lot of stunts you'd seen before.

Jackass is still better, one of the main reasons being the ingenuity, whereas the Sanchez boys just do stunts that are sickening, rather than clever...or somewhat clever.

i agree,though afte rhaving seen number two for the first time the other day i noticed they ripped a few ideas of season one of sanchez for the 2nd movie:shifty:

28-Jan-2007, 04:42 PM
i agree,though afte rhaving seen number two for the first time the other day i noticed they ripped a few ideas of season one of sanchez for the 2nd movie:shifty:
Which ideas were those? I ain't seen DS Series 1 in ages ... Number Two definately stepped up the gross-out level as well as the ingenuity level I felt.

I wonder if there is a group of girls out there that do these kind of daft stunts, or is it purely a male thing?

28-Jan-2007, 05:08 PM
i reckon guys only, and the only ones that immediatly spring to mind are the beer enema, the giant tyre rolling, and the "wanking off a horse", all been done before by sanchez for mtv uk and i guess they just "borrowed the ideas", not saying ti aint a great film but a few ideas were rehashed, hell even the title was a big brother vid ive got on this pc in fact.

28-Jan-2007, 05:15 PM
that one where they made a circle of upturned drawing pins and then took turns at headbutting it to see who could get the most lodged in their forehead :lol: knobs

28-Jan-2007, 05:48 PM
i allways thought the screwing with pancho while he was asleep was funny as hell, like were they strung him up and turned him into a puppet in a bar and feigned masturbating, thats a sign of trust and friendship right thar':lol:

28-Jan-2007, 05:59 PM
i agree,though afte rhaving seen number two for the first time the other day i noticed they ripped a few ideas of season one of sanchez for the 2nd movie:shifty:

Totally agree, just finished watching it again not 5 mins ago. The Ice Horse stunt (where Dunn gets his balls stuck to a block of ice) was a blatant Sanchez rip off (didn't one of the Sanchez boys lose a portion of their foreskin in a similar gag). The fact that the Jackass boys have upped the pain somewhat makes you wonder if they deliberately did that to let the boyos know who's boss. The skit with the old guy (Knoxville) and his grandson was f**kin' hilarious! :lol:

28-Jan-2007, 06:12 PM
aye its still the funniest movie in years, much better than the first, which is kidna lame looking back on it, what with jumping over a wall into water with a stick and the old sholifter,this one definatly raised the bar.:cool:

28-Jan-2007, 07:03 PM
it looks funny, I wish I had volume here so i can listen and watch.

28-Jan-2007, 09:00 PM
i allways thought the screwing with pancho while he was asleep was funny as hell, like were they strung him up and turned him into a puppet in a bar and feigned masturbating, thats a sign of trust and friendship right thar':lol:

Pritchard takes a p*ss on his head while he's asleep in the movie :lol: :lol:

And they turn him into "the incredible alch" when he falls asleep from drinking a load of vodka


28-Jan-2007, 09:12 PM
Bam saying - "please God don't let there be a Jackass 3!" was hilarious, the funniest part of the movie for me was Bam crying, mainly from the snake and that whimpy "yeah", but complaing and saying something about being a skater after the riot box thingy, hahaha! :D

I'm getting DS: The Movie, so I'll see what all the fuss is about soon.

28-Jan-2007, 10:08 PM
I'm getting DS: The Movie, so I'll see what all the fuss is about soon.

There aint no fuss. Just staged pranks made by a bunch of copycats.

29-Jan-2007, 02:06 AM
man the jackass lot are way more staged, you ever seen viva la bam or wildboyz?

29-Jan-2007, 10:13 AM
But Viva La Bam isn't a stunt show flat out, each episode has a "story". Some are really staged, others are more classic - like "Fort Knoxville" (3x03).

29-Jan-2007, 12:45 PM
I would rather watch Viva La Bam than ANY of 'em. It has more belly laughs than Jackass and Vito is da man. People always go on about how it's a reality show and not a stunt show but I don't care, it makes the Osbournes look sane by comparison and anything that rivals them is good enough for me.

29-Jan-2007, 01:44 PM
yeah, dico and vito stole the show.

29-Jan-2007, 02:25 PM
Jackass was of course legendary, but it's pretty tame and kinda boring now it's been around so long.

Viva La Bam kicked Wildboyz's ass, who wants to see Steve-O (who you can only put up with for so long) and that twat Pontius (he just does that retarded laugh and talks about his dick all the time) swim with sharks or poke bears with sticks?

VLB has some annoyances - the first 2 or 3 seasons (particularly the first and second) had far too many interruptions - i.e. the "paint splash" title cards, f*ck me those were annoying. Also, Bam using the Heartagram on friggin' everything (and likewise, the show makers - I don't care whether they licensed it or not, it ain't Bam's symbol and it's been done to death with him plastering it over everything like it's the Nike "tick" or the Adidas "three stripes" :mad:)

Dico is a freakin' comic genius though, there needs to be more Dico thrown about, likewise Dunn is a comedy hobo-lookin' kinda dude. Vito is such a train wreck, but a funny one.

VLB has a lot more imagination that Wildboyz, by far. It's quite outlandish and crazy and over-the-top, but the bits that are blatantly staged are annoying - like the "cannonball" blowing up (complete with big bright orange flame cloud) the island bar in season 3 when they were on that ship - sh*t like that is annoying.

The show is a lot more staged than the average passing fan would realise, I guess this is the curse of being a film/tv guy, you look at everything from the practical stand point of "how would I do this?/how do I think they did it?" and then things that appear off-the-cuff on screen are completely staged, but there's two types of staging - organised (which is fine by me) and then just complete flat out lies (cannonball, 'blowing up Ape's house' :rolleyes: etc).

Some of the best episodes of Viva La Bam were the ones that were a bit more stunt orientated, than story - like the last episode of season one, or the Fort Knoxville episode in season three and so on.

30-Jan-2007, 10:45 PM
i know what you mean, i tried watching dunn's show homewrecker, and 5 mins in episode 1 he is seen in a shot driving towards you then spinning into a donut, then we see from a camera mounted on the bonnet into the car as dunn "struggles to control it", but before it cut to viewing inside there was no camera on the bonnet, and "finding" a mobile phone in a hunk of ice...yeah right.
since i dont work in tv or film (yet:cool: ) and im just a film student i think its more likely that 2 out of 2 means its the film classes that give you that "watch it and ruin it view", and it does ruin some stuff, but in things like a film like azumi you'll see a shot like a camera rotating around a full 12 o clock position round to 12 again whislt 360-ing and thinking "how the **** did they do that?!?":D