View Full Version : What is your IQ.

28-Jan-2007, 06:45 PM
Well I kinda sucked at this. But hear it goes.


I do not know how accurate these online tests are. One test i took I was 130 IQ another I took I was 150 this one I really sucked at and I got a 98. LOL!

28-Jan-2007, 07:00 PM
Well I got 128 and that was by hitting random answers (excluding mathematics and general knowledge). Maybe I'll take it properly one day but it's just too long to sit through.

28-Jan-2007, 07:17 PM
168 :eek:

Shouldn't I be working in a cancer lab?

y'all better watch yourselves...

IQ is only indicative of the size of the bucket, however, and not the degree to which it is filled. I've always been good at those sorts of questions, and i sometimes point left when i mean right, etc...

kuh kuh

28-Jan-2007, 09:50 PM
I got 118 ... not bad considering I had Yawn04 on in the background and the fact that I had an absolutely atrocious maths education throughout my life (seriously, it was useless - mainly due to me going to four primary schools, all of which taught maths differently - the Scottish and English systems of teaching maths are also very different, so that made it even harder - add in a couple of useless teachers in Primary and Secondary school and it was a real uphill struggle for me with maths).

So yeah, 118 ... not bad, I'm "high intelligence" ... and to be even more hand-wavy "awww pishaw" about it, I was purely guessing on some aspects - again, due to ropey education where you don't learn a broad overview, but a microscopic analysis of a handful of topics. :rockbrow:

I'm chuffed with my 118. :D

28-Jan-2007, 10:10 PM

Internet IQ Tests are always much easier than real ones. This is because they want to you to take their REAL tests, which are alot harder... and cost money.

28-Jan-2007, 10:11 PM
I think 124 is the minimum pass. :D

28-Jan-2007, 10:19 PM
Yeah, to pass into their fruity little club. :lol:

EvilNed - geez, lay out some hard evidence ... and way to piss on the proverbial bonfire. :lol:

I honestly hold, however, that that is the area of my intelligence as I've been told that consistently over the years from various sources and tests.

:smug IQ grin: :lol:

That said, there's nothing wrong with any IQ level.

29-Jan-2007, 12:40 AM
125. It says it places me in the top 5 percentile. This seems accurate considering all through elementary school I had to take IQ tests and always got placed in the top 2-3 percent of the population.

29-Jan-2007, 02:16 AM
this is bull i got 149, and i aint a genius, though i do know 124 is no benchmark genius its the average, i know since the test i took at college a while and got 128 and they asid it was 4 above the average.
and yeah the reason i got 149 on this is because it was much easier, were the hell were the philosophical ones or the "pen is mightier than the what?" type questions?

29-Jan-2007, 10:20 AM
124 is not the average IQ, 100 actually is the average IQ across the board - Mensa even say so.

But like Liam was saying - it's the size of the bucket, not what's filling it. :lol:

This test is a "taster", if you will, gives you a vague ballpark of where you might be, but it's not the most accurate as it's not that lengthy and isn't that broad.

So while I wouldn't say "yes, I'm high intelligence band" from this test, what I'm saying is that it correlates to other tests I've taken throughout my life, how I've performed in tests at school and throughout my education.

Then of course there are people who "train" for an IQ test ... but that's a whole other ballpark.

29-Jan-2007, 10:43 AM
Got me a 121. :D

Me got sum edumacation back in da day. Yes'um I did!

Location of my brains --->:moon:

29-Jan-2007, 11:31 AM
That test sucks, but I got 130 on another one which is supposed to be the most accurate test on the internet. I am an insightful linguist. Fuck yeah.

29-Jan-2007, 11:40 AM
So where's this test that is said to be the most accurate online one?

Make with the clicky clicky. :)

29-Jan-2007, 12:09 PM
So where's this test that is said to be the most accurate online one?

Make with the clicky clicky. :)

Somewhere on Tickle.com. I don't remember the exact link, because it was over a year ago that I took the test. Also, if you take any of the Tickle tests that have a Paid Report with more info, and want the full report without the paid part, just change the part of the URL on your unpaid report where it says "Result" to "paidresult".