View Full Version : "Dead Men Don't Rape!"

29-Jan-2007, 05:53 PM
Can anyone else say "lunatics"?


Wow ... men like sex ... you know what, so do a lot of women. They may be offended by porn, but there's a sh*tload more people who aren't offended by porn and nothing will stop porn existing.

Work towards ensuring safety and fairness for those in the industry (which is already well in place - but could go further), rather than yomping around like a self-chuffing nutter slapping stickers on anything. :eek::rolleyes:

I find this part particularly charming:

Bea put them nicely in their place by reminding them that dead men don’t rape, nor do men who have had their dicks and their testicles cut off.

29-Jan-2007, 06:41 PM
It's obvious to me that they are a group of lesbians that have nothing better to do with their time other than pissing people off, especially men. They're hippicrates who are against violence on women, but are for men being killed or casterated.

29-Jan-2007, 06:49 PM
women like this are as much of a problem as the kind of men they villify.

on either side of them are normal men and women not giving a sh!t, getting on with their lives.
i liked this bit

"and how the male security guards could not understand the problem of a giant penis in a rally against rape, because of their male standpoint."

no, because of their INSENSITIVE PERSON standpoint, you sexist idiot.

it's just like hairbrained conspiracy theorists, they do this kind of thing to make themselves feel more important and to reinforce the victim status they secretely revel in.

demonising porn is not going to make the demand for porn go away. the best they could hope to do is make porn illegal, which would simply create a market for illegal porn, which would be a lot dodgier for the girls involved.
do they hope to change human nature by sticking stickers everywhere and feeling self righteous?

immature, idiotic and annoying! it would be far more sensible to concentrate their energies into combating the abuse of women by UN peacekeepers & the trafficking of women within europe & the UK by sex slave traders.
whlie they feel clever for sticking a sticker on someone's magazine on the train, women are bought and sold like cattle.
sh!t, on a less grand scale, it would be more effective to prowl the sreets at night, spying on domestic disputes and intervening if it gets ugly.

perhaps if some women werent so condescending and arrogant, there would be less woman hating men in the world? did they ever consider they may be ADDING to the problem?

29-Jan-2007, 07:08 PM
Yeah, you didn't read about them stickering a Playgirl or any all nude male mag.

29-Jan-2007, 08:12 PM
I wonder what happens if you die with a boner?

How in the hell does the mortician get rid of a post mortem hard-on and if it's possible to ejaculate if you're dead?

29-Jan-2007, 09:22 PM
They seem to forget many, many women (them excepted) love to bone. I had a couple of extremely kinky GFs and didn't need much prompting to be photographed.

Most (if not every single one) of those anti porn broads are hideously fugly.

I wonder what happens if you die with a boner?

How in the hell does the mortician get rid of a post mortem hard-on and if it's possible to ejaculate if you're dead?
I don't know about corpse boners:eek: but sometimes they have to break bones to fit them in a position. Rigor dissipates after a couple hours, so I imagine a rod would too.

30-Jan-2007, 01:21 AM
i think your blood gets absorbed into larger organs upon death and dries up. so a post life stiffy should be no biggy.

i hear albert fish got a boner in the electric chair :lol:

30-Jan-2007, 06:51 PM
i think your blood gets absorbed into larger organs upon death and dries up. so a post life stiffy should be no biggy.

i hear albert fish got a boner in the electric chair :lol:
I read he shorted out the chair because of all the long needles shoved into (and healed over) his groin. Placed there by his kids. Noice!

30-Jan-2007, 07:56 PM
I would be tempted to post and point out the inconsistencies they seem to have developed.

But I doubt Ghandi himself could have talked sense into them.

So on that note....

HOORAY FOR BOOBIES :D (couldn't resist)

30-Jan-2007, 08:12 PM
i spend a lot of time arguing with both radical feminists and neo nazis on the internet, and they are very similar.

they both give their end of the political spectrum a bad name,

they both hate a certain group of people (men/jews/whatever)

they both only see the bad examples of these groups they hate and refuse to acknowledge the good majority.

they both usually had a bad experience with these groups which colours their judgement (irrational vendetta masquerading as rationalised political viewpoint), ie bad boyfriend, rape, racial discrimination or crime. but often it's just baseless hatred.

they both refuse to even consider your side of the argument for two seconds.

so in conclusion

30-Jan-2007, 08:16 PM
very well said

31-Jan-2007, 11:42 AM
Many moons ago, on a BBS (remember those? It was like the Interweb, but with less tubes, limited spam, and little mention of penile enlargement drugs) I chanced across a discussion being held by radical feminists defending the concept that 'dead men don't rape'.

I simply suggested that if the women were dead, they'd present a less likely target to be raped.

Wow. Sarcasm was apparently difficult to convey using the old-school smileys.

Needless to say, the horrifying onslaught which followed is probably still curling ears and eyes some fourteen years later.

They began posting with the signature 'Dead Men Don't Rape', and my response was substantially less than intellectual.

I found the idea that if a man, being dead, would be unable to rape a woman was found to be 'logical', I posited a different response:
"When you've successfully used this method to prevent all rape from ever happening, how will you breed a new generation of women?"

With that, I held my head up high and wandered back off again.
-- --------
"Bea put them nicely in their place by reminding them that dead men don’t rape, nor do men who have had their dicks and their testicles cut off."

Bea, I guess, is not a big fan of the actual literature of the multiple-offense sexual criminal -- after a 'double orchidectomy' (ie: goodbye, wedding tackle) sex offenders have been found to frequently resort to an act defined as 'object rape'. As in, a simulacra of the affected organ.

Castration (both surgical as well as chemical) is only effective in limiting *some* of the sexual urges in *some* sexual offenders; it does not limit the mind's sense of entitlement, empowerment and urges towards sex crimes.

I used to think feminism meant someone read a lot of quality research; now, I realize its like a lot of other 'ism' beliefs -- self-supporting 'us v. them' thinking, wrapped in lingo which spirals around some unfortunate statistics which weren't hurting anybody until someone misused them.

By the way -- I'm not anti-woman, nor pro-man -- criminal and deviant minds are assexually assigned to our gene pool. We both draw our 'special problems' from the same poisoned wells.

For every man who philanders, lies and steals, there's always the mirror across the gene pool, waving back.

:evil: Angry312; "Color me disillusioned.":evil:

01-Feb-2007, 11:39 AM
Personally I dont have a problem with porn mags/films.

I just think a lot of women have low self esteem (including me) and feel they need to live upto what is show in these mags/films. I mean you guys get to look at some big breasted skinny thing and we girls get big fat hairyness :( wheres the fairness in that!

You men should just asked your ladies for dirty sex if thats what you want! Thats all my has to hubby do :p

01-Feb-2007, 12:33 PM
Not entirely true, a lot of porn features muscled up beach-Gods with epic sized wang-doodles ... they're not average men.

And blokes like pretty much all boobs (well, not man boobs) but basically all boobs attached to the fairer sex. We're not fussy, and while we'll watch a lotta porn, a lot of the chicks in it are a bit rank, too skinny, look kinda skanky, or you just flat out know they'd be hell to spend any time around. Plus they're mainly all made-up and have those weird fake boobies that look like two lazy eyes pointing in different directions.

There was an interesting bit of research I saw recently, and it was all about male self-esteem in regards to men in the media (porn/magazines/film etc) and that now blokes are very concerned about their bodies and such as they can't possibly live up to the leviathons portrayed in the media, and likewise feel that women all want a Brad Pitt - and blokes can't live up to that.

And on top of that, we're getting all soft and taking part in polls like the one I just mentioned, talking about our feelings...:lol:

I guess everybody fantasises about "a bit of rough", but what they actually want to keep is something in the real world.


And girl's need to stop asking guys "do I look fat?" :)

01-Feb-2007, 09:58 PM
Personally I dont have a problem with porn mags/films.

I just think a lot of women have low self esteem (including me) and feel they need to live upto what is show in these mags/films. I mean you guys get to look at some big breasted skinny thing and we girls get big fat hairyness :( wheres the fairness in that!

You men should just asked your ladies for dirty sex if thats what you want! Thats all my has to hubby do :p
I am not into skinny girls or big knockers. I am an ass man all the way. And alot of porn chicks are gross as hell.
Im a tad over weight and pretty hairy and chicks STILL dig me.:D

My girl likes porn, which is way sweet:o

There was an interesting bit of research I saw recently, and it was all about male self-esteem in regards to men in the media (porn/magazines/film etc) and that now blokes are very concerned about their bodies and such as they can't possibly live up to the leviathons portrayed in the media, and likewise feel that women all want a Brad Pitt - and blokes can't live up to that.

And girl's need to stop asking guys "do I look fat?" :)

I have dug a few girls that started talking about being all into big money and that kills it for me. Thats the girls version of "no fat chicks". Its like you are worthless if you cant bankroll these hoes. Hoes. heheh.;)

funny thing is , if a girl is a beyotch and not at all fat, you can can say "shut up fatso" or something anf you KNOW they are gonna dwell on that fatso comment for days.
Am I evil? Yes I am :_

01-Feb-2007, 10:55 PM
I am not against porn. I had a subscription to Play Girl once:o

What bothers me and I think also bothers other women is that some man replace real sex with porn. Some men have a willing and eager woman as a girl friend or potential girl friend but they rather wack off to a porn flick or magazine. I mean in my opinion having sex is more fun that watching someone else have sex. I know not all men are like that. If a man can watch porn and still have normal relationships than go enjoy your porn. lol

02-Feb-2007, 05:23 AM
I am wondering if they defaced any magazines like Cosmopolitan as there is more porn in any issue of Cosmo than there is in Maxim (well, the US version). I think that one feminazi's responce in stabbing that guys fake penis should be reported as an act of vandalism as well as their stickering of magazines and other objects.

The funniest part, they put a sticker in the urinal. The imagery of men pissing on their message is so damn funny that I can't stop laughing at it.

02-Feb-2007, 11:12 AM
Blokes that do that are probably just lazy and selfish, because having sex means you have to please the other person as well. With porn, all that happens is the porn is there to please you and you alone ... so some blokes, who are probably selfish in bed, are just looking for a quick release without all the hassle ... which might include instructions throughout the process or provide a bunch of pressure because some chicks don't understand blokes enough.

Don't bark orders, but likewise don't leave us guessing ... because there's always the easy porn mag/film just a reach away. :lol:

But I think most blokes switch and don't bother with porn when they've got access to the real thing. If they're away they'll download porn (a housemate of mine did that, he was away from his girlfriend all week you see, so downloaded porn for those 5 days :lol:) ... or of course, it's been said that blokes need sex more than women do - or at least the ultimate part of sex/wanking anyway. So it's quite regular for a bloke to "get to the finish line" every day, or every other day ... 3 or 4 days is kinda pushing it...although I'm speaking for folk around my age, no idea what people over 30 do. :D

04-Feb-2007, 12:25 AM
But I think most blokes switch and don't bother with porn when they've got access to the real thing. If they're away they'll download porn (a housemate of mine did that, he was away from his girlfriend all week you see, so downloaded porn for those 5 days :lol:) ... or of course, it's been said that blokes need sex more than women do - or at least the ultimate part of sex/wanking anyway. So it's quite regular for a bloke to "get to the finish line" every day, or every other day ... 3 or 4 days is kinda pushing it...although I'm speaking for folk around my age, no idea what people over 30 do. :D
Almost every dude has a porn stash. I got laid at your age plenty and I still had a porn stash as well as most guys I know.
My bud always has really smokin girlfriends, but his porn..
Zit butt plumper skanks. Real gross. ugly girls. Funny.

04-Feb-2007, 01:14 AM
i foresee this turning into a "funny porn stories" thread, so ill share one.
i dont check out porn, just the whole things too greasy in my opinion, dont get me wrong i have i dont like it i aint just saying "its morally wrong" and whatnot but im saying this to point out i am 19 in april, i go round my freinds house for his 19th a few weeks back and he send me into his younger 14 year old brothers room to grab a family guy dvd or something and what od i see has replaced the pokemon posters but a massive poster, the size of a large canvas painting on his wall of an incredibly obese black woman spreading her legs like a soaring eagle. :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:


setting aside the idea of a 14 year old likeign that kind of imagery, why in plain site, like when his mom comes in for his luandry is she supposed to just go "oh, look at that, my 2nd borns become a man....a perveted man" and then his dad would have to sit him down and give him an extended version of "the talk" adding in "so you like fat chicks.".
i would like to see anyone find a more "awqardly placed porn" story than that, *shakes head* bloody hell fire...:rolleyes:

04-Feb-2007, 05:09 AM
i foresee this turning into a "funny porn stories" thread, so ill share one.
i dont check out porn, just the whole things too greasy in my opinion, dont get me wrong i have i dont like it i aint just saying "its morally wrong" and whatnot but im saying this to point out i am 19 in april, i go round my freinds house for his 19th a few weeks back and he send me into his younger 14 year old brothers room to grab a family guy dvd or something and what od i see has replaced the pokemon posters but a massive poster, the size of a large canvas painting on his wall of an incredibly obese black woman spreading her legs like a soaring eagle. :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

Because its funny? He's 14 for christs sake. Though if my Mom saw me do that she would've beat me to death with her King James Bible. He's 14 , just doscovered he is interested in tang and has the wonders of the Web at his disposal.
The first porn I saw I found in the woods and the pages were sticky. Though I didnt know why at the time. And nothing wrong with big girls. I loves me a fat ass.:D

And yes, porn is greasy. It is its natre and so is good sex. Forget all that love sh*t. When your banging away all super nasty you dont think "Oh, Im so romantical right now" all starry eyed and sh*t. you think "oh God, look at that ass. Lokkat them there boobs! YEAH! UHHHHH!"

At your age, you should be spankin it NON STOP. Or at least non stop banging if you can.

My advice to you. If a girl wants to do something "icky", do it anyway. You wont regret it. Do that enough times and porn wont seem so "gross" anymore.
To be fair, once you drop the spooge, Porn turns instantly disgusting. Kinda like the 3AM slag you shouldnt have brought home.:p:mad:

I just reread that post and I missed something important. Canvas Painting? That sounds AWESOME. I'd put that thing in my Music Studio toot sweet. Thast not porn. Thats ART.
My friend , whose a great painter, did a giant big woman nude kinda psychedelic in oils and it is fantastic.

I paint too and in Art school we had this model who was mad huge, lke 350lbs. I painted her several times. I still dont know what the pootie looks like, due to the overhang.:)

04-Feb-2007, 06:05 AM
OK, so here is an update about that site. I posted a reply to them asking if they also defaced female magazines such as Playgirl and Cosmopolitan (not sure if its available in the UK) and also added that their vandalism of other peoples property is not ok just because they are trying to promote their cause.

It was there after I posted it, I checked about 10 minutes after posting just to make sure. They deleted it along with about 5 other posts that were done by males. Not only that, the only males posts that they keep are the ones who they can easily attack.

Nothing like the feminazis to try to promote their cause by doing the things they are rallying against.

04-Feb-2007, 11:12 AM
Jonas - typical "cause-nazis". :rolleyes:

Coma - now you're a dude who appreciates porn ... I like that.

Damn straight, it's eerie how disgusting or "hmmm ... maybe not" porn becomes after *ahem* the obvious, whereas before it's a turn on ... interesting.

Porn in the woods? :lol: Now that's some old school porn collecting. I guess I was rather spoiled, Channel 5 started showing softcore when I was around 13 so that was a major introduction to one of the key aspects of being a bloke. Then the legendary 10 minute previews on the 900 channels on Sky TV ... then Max Power magazine (modified cars and air-brushed "must be pains in the arse in real life" slags wearing nothing/tight skimpy stuff) ... then of course - THE INTERNET! haha!

Totally ... you need to watch a lotta porn to lose those inhibitions ... at first you're like "IT LOOKS LIKE THAT?!?! ... ewwwwwww!" ... then it ends up becoming the about the best thing ever. :lol:

Then of course a bunch of drunken students hanging around a computer googling up the most bizarre/sick (yet legal) porn for fun is another eye opener ... that'll get rid of your inhibitions ... or help desensitise you a bit, at least! :D

Ahhhh ... porn.

04-Feb-2007, 12:53 PM
^that reminds me i got another one, 8th grade in I.T class, thats the class for teaching your basic computer skills if you didnt know, and im talking with a friend in another room on messenger when a big ruckus breaks out behind me and its a load of chavvy/jocky types around a pc, the teacher breaks them up and whats on the screen?, nothin' but midget porn:lol: they had to "take him away and speak with him privately" and he wasnt allowed on the internet at school again since this wasnt the first time.

now the point is ,i dont have a problem with people looking at porn anyone who says theyve never looked once is a liar, especially if they have a net connection, but why do people do stupid **** like that in public?:rolleyes:

04-Feb-2007, 01:33 PM
Those guys are just idiots, we had people like that at High School, they'd manage to circumvent the Cyber Patrol sh*t and download a load of hardcore porn to the school computers - and over friggin' DIAL UP ... which was SHARED. :eek: Now that's (misplaced) commitment.

04-Feb-2007, 04:57 PM
We never had a problem with the internet when I attended high school. But we didn't have internet access at the time either. I wasn't exposed to the net until my first semester of college.

04-Feb-2007, 05:01 PM
you werent missing ****. back in year/grade 7 when pokemon was all the rage, when the pope said it was demonic cus' the deputy head was a catholic (and a powermad nutjob who made long haired people wear wigs) banned looking em up on the net as "occult worship".

no joke.

04-Feb-2007, 08:45 PM
OK, so here is an update about that site. I posted a reply to them asking if they also defaced female magazines such as Playgirl and Cosmopolitan (not sure if its available in the UK) and also added that their vandalism of other peoples property is not ok just because they are trying to promote their cause.

It was there after I posted it, I checked about 10 minutes after posting just to make sure. They deleted it along with about 5 other posts that were done by males. Not only that, the only males posts that they keep are the ones who they can easily attack.

Nothing like the feminazis to try to promote their cause by doing the things they are rallying against.

yeah i left a really sober, articulate messaging asking for a dialogue to be opened via email to discuss the problem like adults. DELETED.:rolleyes:

like i said, they just want something...anything...to cling to. nazis.

04-Feb-2007, 09:44 PM
I am not against porn. I had a subscription to Play Girl once:o

What bothers me and I think also bothers other women is that some man replace real sex with porn. Some men have a willing and eager woman as a girl friend or potential girl friend but they rather wack off to a porn flick or magazine. I mean in my opinion having sex is more fun that watching someone else have sex. I know not all men are like that. If a man can watch porn and still have normal relationships than go enjoy your porn. lol

"Not All". Let's put it like this, even if we did like porn as much as girlfriends, we'd be creative and say "why don't we watch this and copy what they do".

To say not all implies a majority, which I hope you'll find to not be the case, and if it is, refer your girlfriends to my address, pm me for directions :)

The funniest part, they put a sticker in the urinal. The imagery of men pissing on their message is so damn funny that I can't stop laughing at it.

Thank you for the image, a smile is spreading it's way across my face for those piss-mop messages :)

04-Feb-2007, 09:44 PM
nutters. simple as, if you cant ligitimately argue your case your just being like taht for the sake of attention.

05-Feb-2007, 09:56 PM
if we didnt have porn mags where would we get the pictures to stick on the back of ugly girls heads while we did them

05-Feb-2007, 11:26 PM

.........*owl hooting*.........

....*strikeing midnight*......

....*cant think of another cliche' to show slience*.....

06-Feb-2007, 12:38 AM
...*dog barks in distance*...


06-Feb-2007, 01:24 AM
...*car alarm goes off a few streets away*....

06-Feb-2007, 03:26 AM
if we didnt have porn mags where would we get the pictures to stick on the back of ugly girls heads while we did them

Donkey Punch!:p


06-Feb-2007, 04:10 AM
^ thats like a line from star wars but in babelfish ,changed to japanese, then back to english or somethin', cus i have no idea.:lol:

06-Feb-2007, 12:52 PM
*cant think of another cliche' to show slience*

*Fox cries in the distance*

*Clap of thunder*

And yeah, really, what kind of person calls themselves 'fartpants'? :lol:

06-Feb-2007, 07:15 PM
sad that you guys dont get the english sense of humour.... and as far as i know only 1 guy calls himself fartpants...... ME

you all know what im talking about....... you just aint got the balls to agree.... whats the matter is your girlfriend looking over your shoulder...

sorry guys just found out my 12 year old son has been login on with my username so ignore the last couple of posts...... now where is he hiding

07-Feb-2007, 12:28 AM
sad that you guys dont get the english sense of humour.... and as far as i know only 1 guy calls himself fartpants...... ME

Kind of Ironic, since everyone else who commented is British but me.

07-Feb-2007, 01:55 AM
yeah and i dont get it, though to be fair if you call yourself fartpants, odds are you are 12 years old.

07-Feb-2007, 11:27 AM
A time limit on Rape...

Here is an interesting article in regards to rape from time magazine. After you read it you will be scratching your head.


07-Feb-2007, 12:28 PM
Now that's a weird article, and indeed, it's kinda insulting to guys.

Any decent bloke (and there are many) will stop if the lady says so, but it could take a few seconds if you think about it - you're in the moment, you're busy doing your thing, you might have some music on, you might be grunting away like a hyena - so it's gonna be a few seconds until you snap out of the tunnel vision and be like "ah dude..."

But then what if the bloke isn't a 'strong swimmer' so to speak, and just happens to finish the job in those few seconds after being told to stop - and his finishing is a kind of co-incidence, happening during his 'come down' from the tunnel vision - does that constitute "rape"? :rockbrow:

Really, a decent bloke will stop or slow down or whatever when the lady says so, and likewise a gal should have made up their mind before rather than during - sure, if it hurts or she suddenly finds the guy repulsive (probably due to some scuzzball acting like a nice guy just for some ass) then say to stop, but otherwise any sensible member of the fairer sex should have - in the world of common sense - already made their mind up beforehand.

So that article is kinda pointless, and kinda daft ...

The rape laws in the UK were gonna be tweaked around a bit, but the changes were rejected and the laws remained as they were. A significant chunk of the reasoning for changing the law came down to basically 'we only succeed in convicting 6% of rape cases', so therefore the law needs to be tightening? Hmmm ... I'm not so sure, there are many factors and reasons why that number is so low.

With the UK thing it was going on about blokes having sex with drunk women - but in such a situation the bloke is probably gonna be drunk as well. You can be drunk, but still capable of knowing what you do or do not want to do. And if some hot chick comes up to a bloke and they're both a bit wrecked, the bloke is just really chuffed he's gonna get some ass.

In that situation it comes down to both parties knowing their limits and being aware of the affect of alcohol, and also, some girls should really bone up on their knowledge of how the male brain works. In many cases female attention - I'm talking affectionate style attention - immediately suggests "aye-up, ring-a-ding-ding?", blokes are simple creatures, we're a stones throw away from grunting "fire ... hot" and peeing on the floor.

I've seen it many times before, a girl thinking she's just being friends with a bloke, but meanwhile she's lying between his legs against his chest playing with his hands - to a bloke, that blatantly suggests you're guaranteed some ass, but to a girl it's just being friendly (that situation happened exactly like that when I was in the Sixth Form, and us guys had to explain to the girl what such gestures suggest to blokes).

So really - edu-ma-cay-shun, on a social level, for both ends of the deal...

...where was I?

07-Feb-2007, 06:43 PM
I've seen it many times before, a girl thinking she's just being friends with a bloke, but meanwhile she's lying between his legs against his chest playing with his hands - to a bloke, that blatantly suggests you're guaranteed some ass, but to a girl it's just being friendly (that situation happened exactly like that when I was in the Sixth Form, and us guys had to explain to the girl what such gestures suggest to blokes).
She knew, shes a tease and likes attention. When she played dumb she was lying. Unless she was really, really young. I have nio idea waht Sixth form is.

That case from Maryland is nuts. 1st degree rape?! how does holding a girl down or intimidating have to do with
"What? wait a minute"
"crap! Aw OK"
Now he's in jail.
Thats not justice.

I had a gf when i was 18 who always changed her mind. That deosnt make me a rapist. Jeez.

if we didnt have porn mags where would we get the pictures to stick on the back of ugly girls heads while we did them
btw, I did get the joke and thought it was funny, but rude. I Like bad taste.
I guess YOU dont know what a donkey punch is

07-Feb-2007, 09:18 PM
Nah she genuinely didn't realise that was the message she was giving off to this guy (who was secretly infatuated with her I might add). She was longing for this other guy who didn't go to our Sixth Form (which is post High School, age 16 through 18, where you do your A-Levels, I think the American equivalent is becoming a "senior", although I'm not entirely sure that's the correct equivalent, "senior" is probably more like our two-year GCSE stretch (age 14 through 16) ... although again I'm not sure).

Anyway, she most definately wasn't teasing deliberately, she's definately not a flirty type of girl or a cock tease or anything like that, but she is naturally more touchy feely (I guess like a lot of girls can be), but she's kinda touchy feely with most people, just that kinda person I guess.

The guy, just to flesh out the story, went out with this other girl around that time, and it was blatantly a kinda rebound thing after realising he wasn't getting anywhere with the girl I'm talking about, and ended up breaking her heart, which sucked.

lol, the Sixth Form was kinda like a British episode of Dawson's Creek what with all the love triangles and "complex" situations, hehe ... ahhh, back in the day...

07-Feb-2007, 09:35 PM
Nah she genuinely didn't realise that was the message she was giving off to this guy (who was secretly infatuated with her I might add). She was longing for this other guy who didn't go to our Sixth Form (which is post High School, age 16 through 18, where you do your A-Levels, I think the American equivalent is becoming a "senior", although I'm not entirely sure that's the correct equivalent, "senior" is probably more like our two-year GCSE stretch (age 14 through 16) ... although again I'm not sure).

Anyway, she most definately wasn't teasing deliberately, she's definately not a flirty type of girl or a cock tease or anything like that, but she is naturally more touchy feely (I guess like a lot of girls can be), but she's kinda touchy feely with most people, just that kinda person I guess.

The guy, just to flesh out the story, went out with this other girl around that time, and it was blatantly a kinda rebound thing after realising he wasn't getting anywhere with the girl I'm talking about, and ended up breaking her heart, which sucked.

lol, the Sixth Form was kinda like a British episode of Dawson's Creek what with all the love triangles and "complex" situations, hehe ... ahhh, back in the day...
Just young and Naive. a 30 yr old girl does that you want to throw her off the roof. That soap opera stuff goes on into the 20s, so it aint over for you and your friends yet, its just a little more sophisticated:)
I like a touchy feely girl if they have a drink and diddle yer balls. When you really dig a girl and they are just stringing you along, intentionally or not, it is real bad, and often, thoroughly painful
11th grade Junior 16-17 years old )ages approx.)
12th grade Senior 17-18 or even older. I had some dumass mofos in my school.
14 is 9th grade or freshman. The lamest year in HS. I went to a junior high. 7th=9th grade so I got to be a senior twice. There was only a hundred 10th graders (most went to a 1oth grade only school). That sucked. At the mercy of thugs with no backup and stuck in classes with much older kids.
Though at the end of 10th grade a touchy feely girl with a boyfriend did diddle my nads in the upstairs girls bathroom after school (see upper paragraph). Took me a year to get her to get with it. Her BF was a tool, so that rocked. She was very giving. Heh.