View Full Version : Carnegie Mellon Mascot Needed

30-Jan-2007, 02:15 AM
I was reading online today that Carnegie Mellon University has never had an official mascot in the schools 106 year history. They had this dog mascot or something, but it is not official. They are now asking people whether they shoudl use the exisitng thing as the offical mascot or choose a new one, because they now want to have an offical mascot that they can trademark, make profits off shirt sales, etc.

I think they should have a Zombie as a mascot. What do you think? The unique nature of this would definately get some free pub on ESPN and other news outlets, and GAR fans worldwide would likely buy licenced meerchandise. Do you think that they would even consider this, or is it too out there?

30-Jan-2007, 02:22 AM
I think it is a brilliant idea. The Carnegie Melon Zombies. It has a certain ring to it. With the recent Flyboy float, this idea might actually get tossed into the hat. Count me in for a tshirt :)

30-Jan-2007, 02:31 AM
How about a big walking pair of GAR glasses, with a ponytail. :)

30-Jan-2007, 03:39 AM
I dont even think they are changing the team nickname, just looking for a mascot. Like the Atlanta Hawks, their mascot is called "The Gorilla". Your right, with the recent Flyboy blowup that was downtown, that shows the area still has a findness for Romero.

30-Jan-2007, 03:42 PM
Well where do we go to suggest it?

30-Jan-2007, 09:03 PM
that would be the coolest mascot ever. i would be in for sure on the merchendice.
that school does have a few alumni from romero's films as well,does'nt it not?

31-Jan-2007, 05:26 AM
Well where do we go to suggest it?
I dont know. They are probably just asking locals and/or college people who are there. Maybe a few emails wouldnt hurt. We could try the C-M website.

that would be the coolest mascot ever. i would be in for sure on the merchendice.
that school does have a few alumni from romero's films as well,does'nt it not?
Yes it does. Romero himself went there as well, but he didnt graduate.

31-Jan-2007, 06:40 AM
The Fighting Sand Crabs.

01-Feb-2007, 04:28 AM
Slow undead corpses doesn't really speak to the athletic crowd. Maybe evil helper monkey could get some support.