View Full Version : Boston Terror scare hoax...

01-Feb-2007, 12:45 PM
Ok, I just read the article about the hoax, and now how boston wants to blow this completely out of the water and make it a huge issue, well F**K boston and their BS. I mean come on. They are getting their panties in a bunch for nothing.

This is retarded


Making a big deal out nothing and trying to act like they are getting tough on terror.

01-Feb-2007, 01:31 PM
A wierd way to promote a movie though.

01-Feb-2007, 01:34 PM
You heard about whats happened over here?some muslims have been arrested over a plot to kidnap & murder other muslims who are serving in the British army! :shifty:

01-Feb-2007, 04:01 PM

I saw this on the news this morning. I guess everything with blinking lights is a terrorist act.:rolleyes:

I think it's a funny way to promote the show/movie(which i'm eagerly waiting for). If I would have been on the interstate and seen that on an overpass, I would have pissed all over myself....

01-Feb-2007, 04:27 PM
just goes to show how paranoid americans are. I mean blinking lights? come on!

01-Feb-2007, 04:43 PM
Heheh, yeah I saw that on the nexs too.

I knew who it was before they said ATHF because you see one of the guys pulling down a picture of ignignokt. :lol:

01-Feb-2007, 05:03 PM
"The 1-foot tall signs, which were lit up at night, resembled a circuit board, with protruding wires and batteries. Most depicted a boxy, cartoon character giving passersby the finger — a more obvious sight when darkness fell."


01-Feb-2007, 05:11 PM
I'm glad to read that I am not the only one who thinks this crap is blown out of the water.

01-Feb-2007, 06:11 PM
it is so nice that the city of boston
is protecting its citizens from cartoon promotions

if they only cared as much about thier highways
then the people would be safer

The Big Dig- one of the largest and most expensive
road projects ever was handled by the boston govt
a large section of concrete overpass fell on top of a car
kiling a family because it was constructed poorly by
crooked companies working with crooked politicians

so i am glad that boston has stopped worrying about
things like familys getting crushed to death by tons of
concrete while they drive on thier super expensive highways
and can now focus on the big threat of cartoon promotions

01-Feb-2007, 06:38 PM
If it were in Vegas, nobody would even have noticed.

01-Feb-2007, 07:01 PM
Those two dudes who are "responsible" were in court today, and after the court hearing, they were outside, just totally pissing off the media morons. It was frakking hilarious. When asked about the incident, all the dudes wanted to talk about was hairstyles from the 1970's!!! I was crackin' the fudge up. I hate the media and all this "terrorist are gonna take over the world" crap they spit out, and these guys were totally making them look like the paranoid vultures that they are.

02-Feb-2007, 01:15 AM
Heheh, yeah I saw that on the nexs too.

I knew who it was before they said ATHF because you see one of the guys pulling down a picture of ignignokt. :lol:

I love your picture of hand banana. Funny stuff.

02-Feb-2007, 05:01 AM
It is not a hoax, the word is being misused.

hoax /hoʊks/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hohks]
–noun 1. something intended to deceive or defraud: The Piltdown man was a scientific hoax.
–verb (used with object) 2. to deceive by a hoax; hoodwink.

[Origin: 1790–1800; perh. contr. of hocus]

So, since these were merely signs to advertise Aqua Teen Hunger Force and were not intended to decieve people in anyway, the word hoax is being misused here. It was not a hoax, it was an advertising campaign that some old folks didn't understand so they flew off the handle and blew things out of proportion on an atomic bomb scale.

I just cut and pasted the rest of this this from my post in the other thread about it:

Next thing you know Bugs Bunny will be arrested for cross dressing, Elmer Fudd charged with poaching, and Aladdin will be accused of kidnapping and terrorism...

I love how they constantly refer to this as a "Hoax" when it was a F*CKING ADVERTISING PROMOTION! It is not a hoax, they did not say "OH WE PLACED MOONINITE BOMBS ALL OVER BOSTON... HAHAHAHA JUST LIGHTS WE FOOLED YOU BOSTON"

Next thing you know somebody will be arrested because their Christmas lights are still up and some jerk-off thinks they are some sort of terrorist signaling device.

02-Feb-2007, 01:33 PM
^ thats straight up mad magazine style **** right thar':lol:

02-Feb-2007, 09:41 PM

02-Feb-2007, 11:38 PM
ive noticed since this that on sky it normally says [adultswim]-aqua teen hunger force , or [adult swim] - robot chicken.
but now for only aqua teen hunger force its lost the adult swim bit and now its being shown 30 mins afte rthe rest of the adult swim block on sky now, guess they didnt want to be assosciated with it but its too popular for the networks to cancel, since its one of about 3 adult swim toons that aint ****e.

02-Feb-2007, 11:54 PM
Apparently the two guys charged didn't take it very seriously. Notice the media reaction to all the "hair questions"


Though adult swim did broadcast an apology

03-Feb-2007, 12:14 AM
A joke within a joke times squared.

When do I sign the petition to get hese gods out of jail?

03-Feb-2007, 02:24 AM
I was watching this on the news a couple of nights ago when it happened. They said some of those devices had been in place for days without ever being noticed. How great is that? They want to get mad over a promotion when what everyone in this nation should be pissed about is the fact that something mistaken for a bomb was left in multiple places in some of the largest cities in the N.E. US and were unnoticed for days!

But I have to strip down to my skivvies at the airport because I might have knitting needles or a nail file somewhere on me.

04-Feb-2007, 06:16 AM
They want to get mad over a promotion when what everyone in this nation should be pissed about is the fact that something mistaken for a bomb was left in multiple places in some of the largest cities in the N.E. US and were unnoticed for days!

Yes, they were left there for days, I heard they were actually in place for 2 weeks. Either way, if you actually see one it looks like a lightbright screen with one of those battery boxes for construction barrerl flashers attacted to it. They really don't look even remotly close to a bomb, it's just people over reacting because the war on terror has become a war of terror on the American people, they try to keep us scared with this crap so that people don't stand up and say "Hey Bush, the things your doing are worse than what Nixon did, why aren't you resigning?"

But thats a discussion for another post and another day.

05-Feb-2007, 05:34 AM
Mooninites are teh suck.