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24-Mar-2006, 10:23 AM
Hey people,

I thought I'd share this link with you guys:

Soul Searcher - The Movie (http://www.soulsearchermovie.com/)

It's a kind of horror/fantasy/action indie film from my neck of the woods - Herefordshire right here in Britain (Midlands area). I've been working freelance with the Rural Media Company of late (also stationed in Hereford) and James Clarke - kinda my mentor at RMC - was the co-writer on the project. He brought this flick to my attention the other night after we'd been off filming more content for BBC Local TV and I was being dropped off at the Hereford multistorey carpark - where they filmed some of the movie.

I'm annoyed I wasn't more pro-active during my time at Uni in finding experience earlier (but my generation is all about procrastination it seems), looks like just the sort of thing I'd have been well up for.

Anyway, it's coming to DVD ... although might only be for UK folk ... so I'm gonna nab a copy and figured I'd let you guys here know, looks like an interesting flick.