View Full Version : getting ready for the media circus

03-Feb-2007, 02:40 AM

This trail is set to start soon, it happened about 15 miles from where I live.

Steven Avery spent 18 years in prison after xonvicted of a sexual assualt he was later cleared of by DNA evidence, the time was also for threatening an officer's wife and child with a gun and parole violations. Ths guy was not a saint.

After being released he sued the county for his wrongful conviction and claimed that he is being framed for murder because they county doesn't want to pay him.

I am a little too close to this having met the victim several times and knowing various Avery family memebers in my lifetime.

I think it is insane to think the police would kill a young lady to avaiod paying a lawsuit. They would have killed this lady on his property, burnt her remains there and hid her vehicle on his salvage yard. Also taking his blood from a state crime lab and placing it in his vehicle.

This case has had natinal media attention since day one. It will be interesting how my little city handles it all.

Just wanted to vent about it, I hope the bastard burns.