View Full Version : HD or Blu-ray??

03-Feb-2007, 07:37 AM
So I have Land of the Dead on HD-DVD and it looks great! I also just heard that porn is going with HD and NOT Blu-ray.
What's your take?

p.s. Are there any other zombie movies on either format??

03-Feb-2007, 02:52 PM
Probably the Dawn Remake. I wouldn't spend a penny on that, though. Even if it was in HD. What the hell is blu-ray?

Oooh. HD porn. Now you can see what you're missing even more clearly.

03-Feb-2007, 03:06 PM
HD is still a novelty to me, so the HD channels I have are HD enough for me right now. I am intrigued a bit by the new formats, but they are both too sketchy to buy into at this time, in my honest opinion. There are no titles out that I am itching to buy, so that helps. Exclusive content such as HD only featurettes could pave the way.

03-Feb-2007, 09:05 PM
i think that blu -ray signed their
death warrant when they refused to
convert porn

that was what made vhs win over betamax
in the video tape battles

also like the previous post said
people dont know what blu-ray is

HD-dvd is the natural thing to want if
you are buying a HD television

they are both too similar now to judge them
but it is funny how the porno
industry will decide which format wins

03-Feb-2007, 09:19 PM
You can't be too sure I'd just wait it out until who wins the battle; then I'll buy a HD player & a HD TV!!!:cool:

03-Feb-2007, 10:10 PM
i think that blu-ray signed their
death warrant when they refused to
convert porn

Truest words I ever saw. :lol:

03-Feb-2007, 11:14 PM
Probably the Dawn Remake. I wouldn't spend a penny on that, though. Even if it was in HD. What the hell is blu-ray?

Oooh. HD porn. Now you can see what you're missing even more clearly.

sony are royally boned.

and hd dvd by the way, its just an upgrade of a simple to use and relatively glitch free cheap format, back in the day harder to find VHS tapes were upwards fo 80 quid in "the dark ages of the video nastys".

03-Feb-2007, 11:22 PM
Neither are worth the money at this point, in my opinion. ABC, FOX, NBC, CBS, HBO HD and Discovery HD Theater are all I need at this point. Land of the Dead has been on HBO HD these past few weeks, in fact. I just recorded The Empire Strikes Back in HD and it looks phenomenal, as well. HD DVR is a better value I think.

04-Feb-2007, 12:05 AM
well we can fit movies on a dvd now, so this "better quality for more money" sucks, i dont know about you but i like my films, especially horror films to look grainy and scratched, its part of the charm of cinema, making it all clean and crisp makes films just look like feature tv specials.

04-Feb-2007, 02:05 AM
But imagine the carnage of a great zombie flick in HD....Come on! That would be AWESOME! Blood and flesh where you can see every speck of gore! It also means that horror movie makers have to have better physical effects, since we will be seeing them as if they were in our living rooms.

04-Feb-2007, 02:28 AM
i dont care for gore, that usually seems to be a crutch for poor script writing, seriously, watch some movie like night of the living dead, which is recognised as a "real movie" not as a gore fest, then some low budget zombie piece of crap like vampires vs zombies, which has like 20 rough minutes of gore.
the more gore the cheaper the movie, unless its not takeing itself seriously, like brain dead or the evil dead, then its good.:)

04-Feb-2007, 03:13 AM
Dead Alive is an awesome movie. I agree, the gore can't be taken seriously, but Dead Alive and Evil Dead and the Like are great gore romps

04-Feb-2007, 03:59 AM
aye but you cant be taken seriously with it, unless its got one or two small points of gore, that way they stand out more in a serious narrative, dj's film deadlands has three gore scenes i can remember but they were spaced so far apart and done with such speed and then back to the plot that it didnt seem like he was one of those amatuers who go "look ,gore!, see its horror", after all the reason romeros movies and comics like the walking dead rock is becuase in all post apocalyptic drama/horror its about the people, not the horror itself that sells the story, you have lame characters with no backstory and - wait.....thats dawn 04' isnt it?:lol:

04-Feb-2007, 02:29 PM
true ture:lol:

08-Feb-2007, 09:40 PM
Blu-Ray. It's already won.

08-Feb-2007, 09:54 PM
uh....proof please.


08-Feb-2007, 10:12 PM
uh....proof please.


Using data provided by consumer research firm Nielsen VideoScan:

* Blu-ray has surpassed HD-DVD in cumulative sales.
* Blu-ray titles outsold HD-DVD titles by more than a two-to-one margin during the first week of January (47.14 HD DVD titles for every 100 Blu-ray titles)
* Blu-ray titles outsold HD-DVD titles closer to three-to-one during the second week of the month (38.36 HD-DVD titles for every 100 Blu-ray titles)

*Notice your sources include such sites as bluraysucks.com while my source comes from the premier consumer research group, Nielsen Videoscan. :D

Any questions?

Blu-Ray has come from behind, and is dominating HD-DVD in all IMPORTANT areas.

If you got to www.thedvdwars.com, you can see blu-rays domination, and Blu-Ray can only really go up from here.

Blu-Ray wins:
Salesrank of top 10 products
Salesrank of top 25 products
Salesrank of top 100 products
# in top 100
# in top 1000
# in top 10000

HdDVD wins:
Total copies in stock at Amazon
Number of DVDs that can ship today
Average Amazon.com price
Google Searches

08-Feb-2007, 10:36 PM
that was what made vhs win over betamax
in the video tape battles

Partially, but VHS being able to record 8 hrs or more over Beta's 5 hrs also had something to do with it.

08-Feb-2007, 11:38 PM
Using data provided by consumer research firm Nielsen VideoScan:

* Blu-ray has surpassed HD-DVD in cumulative sales.
* Blu-ray titles outsold HD-DVD titles by more than a two-to-one margin during the first week of January (47.14 HD DVD titles for every 100 Blu-ray titles)
* Blu-ray titles outsold HD-DVD titles closer to three-to-one during the second week of the month (38.36 HD-DVD titles for every 100 Blu-ray titles)

*Notice your sources include such sites as bluraysucks.com while my source comes from the premier consumer research group, Nielsen Videoscan. :D

Any questions?

Blu-Ray has come from behind, and is dominating HD-DVD in all IMPORTANT areas.

If you got to www.thedvdwars.com (http://www.thedvdwars.com), you can see blu-rays domination, and Blu-Ray can only really go up from here.

Blu-Ray wins:
Salesrank of top 10 products
Salesrank of top 25 products
Salesrank of top 100 products
# in top 100
# in top 1000
# in top 10000

HdDVD wins:
Total copies in stock at Amazon
Number of DVDs that can ship today
Average Amazon.com price
Google Searches

Sorry to take the wind out of your "sales" (pun intended), but videoscan has admitted that it did not include HD-DVD - SD combo disks in their totals. Given quite a bit of HD-DVD releases are of the combo variety, it is clear that the 2 to 1 sales figure is largely...incorrect.

Don't get me wrong though. The HD-DVD Promotional Group is blowing this war by virtually sitting out of the first quarter and not releasing enough titles.

I own HD-DVD now, but I have no qualms picking up a Bluray HD Dvd combo player once they hit $400 or so. In any event, nobody really will have a clue who will win until after the next CES.

08-Feb-2007, 11:45 PM
You can't be too sure I'd just wait it out until who wins the battle; then I'll buy a HD player & a HD TV!!!:cool:

Why wait buy the HD tv now... then just buy an HD up-res DVD player so you can watch stuff in 1080P or 720P

13-Feb-2007, 12:14 PM
Sony proclaim they're the winner...


13-Feb-2007, 12:46 PM
Like Kortick said... without Blu-Ray adopting porn I just don't see how they can declare themselves the winner. I wouldn't rush out to buy the Blu-Ray player just yet, also remember Sony bragged they won the Betamax vs VHS WAR back in the day, and where is Betamax now? :p

13-Feb-2007, 01:23 PM
Sounds like "on the ropes" talk to me. It's a very natural thing to claim you're winning when in fact your losing. It's almost instinct to say that.

13-Feb-2007, 02:22 PM
Porn mattered a lot more back when the VHS vs. Beta war was raging on, because that was the only outlet for private use in the home. Now, when 3/4 of all porn is being accessed via streaming media over the web, it isn't a factor anymore.

The simple fact of the matter is, Blu-Ray entered this race late but has managed to climb ahead of HD-DVD on total sales. Blu-Ray is out selling HD-DVD by 3 to 1 and has more titles available for the first time since the battle lines were drawn.

At this point, porn is about the only thing that's supporting HD-DVD, only because Blu-Ray shot them down in the first place! :D

13-Feb-2007, 02:34 PM
Yeah but Betamax initially did well and then VHS still got picked up by the masses.

I saw something interesting online earlier today, some folk at Sony are claiming the war between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD already won and they say they've won it, just because at this moment in time they have more titles out (and simple mathmatics would means they're selling more next-gen DVDs ... because they have more films out at the moment) ... but to say the war is won already?

Yet more arrogance, the fat bitch ain't sung yet...:lol::elol:

13-Feb-2007, 03:20 PM
Sounds like "on the ropes" talk to me. It's a very natural thing to claim you're winning when in fact your losing. It's almost instinct to say that.


I think he is on Sony's payroll now...
