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03-Feb-2007, 05:38 PM
Well, we are about to see a totally unrelated "remake" of Day of the Dead, so I thought that maybe someone would pick up the rights to a Land of the Dead remake. Yeah, only 2 years after it's release. It wouldn't be so surprising. They DID kind of run out of GAR Dead films, and so they need a good one. hey, maybe it will be better? No Hawkbies (Hawking Zombies, my name for the uber-smart zeds of Land) and a better ending. Anyone agree?

Obviously, this thread is satire.

03-Feb-2007, 10:01 PM
Obviously, this thread is satire.

Totally but even still, the idea of someone remaking Land real soon (5 years?) is on ALL of our minds no matter how hard we try to deny it.

04-Feb-2007, 12:51 AM
By the time Land is up for a remake, the whole "remake trend" will have died down.

04-Feb-2007, 01:22 AM
you never know man, you never know.:shifty:

04-Feb-2007, 01:38 AM
By the time Land is up for a remake, the whole "remake trend" will have died down.

Trust bro, it's in the pipeline. :lol: "God, I hope not!"

04-Feb-2007, 08:45 PM
Maybe we should wait a few more years before we see any proposals to remake Land of the Dead. :)

05-Feb-2007, 06:04 PM
It's not a proposal, I'm poking fun at Hollywood.

Todd Tjersland
06-Feb-2007, 01:31 AM
All you gotta do is get a better script, cut the smart zombies, and never, ever cast John Leguizamo. Even as a zombie. He makes everything suck. :evil:

06-Apr-2007, 02:59 AM
Let's see. The Night of the Living Dead remake was over 20 years after the original movie. Same with the Dawn remake. The remake of Day is also around 20 years after the original movie. Why would anyone even consider a remake of Land of the Dead so soon? If it is made, then going on the previous remake history it won't be before 2024. You can take that to the bank.

Although everything that gets released is ripe for a remake, or an unauthorized sequel, you can't even guarantee there will be a remake of Land in the future.

06-Apr-2007, 06:51 PM
unfortunatly while the fat cat movie producers would rather make an inferior remake than take a chance on something original remakes will be around forthe foreseeable future. But can anyone name 1 remake that has even come close to its original...

06-Apr-2007, 07:22 PM
unfortunatly while the fat cat movie producers would rather make an inferior remake than take a chance on something original remakes will be around forthe foreseeable future. But can anyone name 1 remake that has even come close to its original...

What do you mean by "close"? I'm guessing you mean whether it's as good as the original or not. If that's the case.....

"Ben Hur"
"The Thing"
"Cape Fear"
"The Fly"
"King Kong"(not the 70's version)
"Ocean's Eleven"
"The Ten Commandments"

These are a few that come to mind at the moment. Remakes can be a good thing if placed in the right hands. The thing is, most of the time they're not placed in the right hands.:confused:

07-Apr-2007, 03:08 PM
fair point, it must just be zombie film remakes that always suck:(

07-Apr-2007, 03:22 PM
Agreed, that's a great list of great remakes.

Remakes should be used sparingly, and like you said, put in the right hands ... otherwise you end up with Yawn04 ... or that new version of The Fog (currently running every bleedin' night this week on Sky Premiere), I watched several chunks, and I just had to keep turning off ... it was so shockingly atrocious, it missed the mark so much it was more like the maker's weren't aiming at a target, but at their own damn heads!

Bitchy blonde from Lost, 'Russian terrorist' from 24 (season 6) ... dude from that Superman show ... what are they doing getting wrapped up in this shiite? ... well, money and credits and keeping their faces out there I suppose ... but damn, the film sucked balls ... Selma Blair as Adrienne Barbeau's character? Oh no no no no noooooo...

The original was a masterclass in horror filmmaking, I originally hated it, but rewatched for the second ever time recently, and it was superb, sh*tted me right up.

darth los
27-Jun-2007, 06:37 AM
Why remake land when you can make a totally different movie, perhaps even do better? When you remake a film you're stuck within the confines of that vision. I think the guys are right. The remake trend will die down soon as the sheeple figure out that they're just spending their hard earned money on regurgitated ideas that aren't even as good as the originals.

04-Jul-2007, 07:25 AM
A remake of LOTD would have to be reaaaaaaaaaaaally good for me to go see it... I mean now i'm beginning to think LOTD was more of a remake of LOTD only they lived above ground... in both cases it was either Miguel or Chulo who eff it up for everyone... totally silly...

darth los
04-Jul-2007, 06:35 PM
A remake of LOTD would have to be reaaaaaaaaaaaally good for me to go see it... I mean now i'm beginning to think LOTD was more of a remake of LOTD only they lived above ground... in both cases it was either Miguel or Chulo who eff it up for everyone... totally silly...

I think cholo's actions indirectly helped everyone. Riley was planning to go up north in a hooptie. It was because of cholo that he was able to leave with dead reckoning. If it wasn't for him they would have had dead reckoning to deal with the zombie hordes at the gate and in all likelyhood would have obliterrated them and the status quo would have remained.