View Full Version : I know, Myspace sucks @$$...

04-Feb-2007, 08:41 PM
But, check out my Myspace page and tell me what you think.

I pimped it out last night a little more with a fresh new background, new multiple music selections, retro games you can play in your browser and a video or two of nerd $hit.

Check it out here and ask to be my friend if you have Myspace as well:


:dead: Dawg

04-Feb-2007, 09:51 PM
i may make all the emo jokes i can about my space but that is pretty cool, and since it IS technically:rolleyes: a good advertising medium for independant films i guess i gotta give it some props. i probably have to start one myself one day to get the name out there fore free, cus im cheap as fook :lol:

...and you know what?, with 20 mins to spare i did, to see what the fuss was about :lol:


05-Feb-2007, 04:58 AM
nice page

05-Feb-2007, 10:58 AM
Nice page, and nice pics - a face to the name at last! :D

I'm still too lazy and sour to get into MySpace ... but I've totally gotten addicted to the much smoother running, much less popular (and therefore good) and better organised FaceBook ... I'm now off to go add more to my profile there, lol ... I'm such the crack-whore for that site now...

05-Feb-2007, 11:08 AM
I've been trying to get a Myspace account for god knows how long now. Just never accepts my details no matter how many times I enter them. Oh and nice page by the way.

05-Feb-2007, 11:42 AM
MySpace is a great medium for pimping your indie films. My Deadlands blog gets quite a few reads and I believe I have 1985 hits on my profile for the film.

My trailer only has 9 views, but it is the new trailer and I dumped the last two that were on the page. I don't remember their exact view count but one was over 175.

I just started a Yahoo Group for Deadlands, because it allows everyone to participate and do what they want as far making comments, adding photos etc etc.

05-Feb-2007, 03:54 PM
i noticed that on myspace a few people i know i real life say there gay on there, but dont in real life, yet theres pictures of them on there, now that i just dont get.:rockbrow:

05-Feb-2007, 09:24 PM
It's amazing for advertising for films as well as music... I have a particular obsession with it though. I've actually found a few friends I haven't seen since grade school on there.

That's actually a pretty sweet layout and stuff that you've got on there, Dawg. You've got it set up all nice and pretty, haha.

I added both of you guys, there's at least 5 people from HPotD on there so far I believe... Mine's right here (http://myspace.com/nothingoriginal).

05-Feb-2007, 09:26 PM
I may be the lurking type ( : cough : lazy : cough: ) but its good to actually put some faces to the names.

So far Ive led a crusade against my space, Ive seen far to many teens diseppear into the mass of self inflicted shots and dull blogs but my eyes have been opened.

It can be used for good or emo pretty much like a bear with chainsaw paws.

05-Feb-2007, 09:27 PM
i must admit for networking ,it works faster than setting up your own independant site, especially if you making the step from amatuer to full fledged independant filmmaker.

though, there is a lot of emo kids on there still:rolleyes: :lol:

05-Feb-2007, 09:41 PM
I wonder what the next trend will be..chavs swarmed then the geeks summoned Emotep creating the myspace loving children who fill the country..Any guesses?

05-Feb-2007, 10:01 PM
lol @ emo tep.

the only way to make myspace less emo is to sign up and flame their self indulgent blogs.

what's the best thing about emo grass?
it cuts itself :lol:

05-Feb-2007, 10:16 PM
Tosche! ( Cant spell )

In response: What do emo kids use as birth control?

Their personalities.

Ive seen people try that and so far they have only managed to be swallowed by the swirling mass. Maybe Ill give it a shot, god knows I have enough friends on their.

No..Must fight the emo bastard powers..

05-Feb-2007, 11:20 PM
what's the best thing about emo grass?
it cuts itself :lol:

thats a piece for stand up right there.

06-Feb-2007, 06:11 AM
I wonder what the next trend will be..chavs swarmed then the geeks summoned Emotep creating the myspace loving children who fill the country..Any guesses?

Emotep used to be the name of a local band near me... and they played metal lol