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View Full Version : Deadlands has nice article in THE DVD REPORT

05-Feb-2007, 07:59 PM
Clickith here


Modified with alternate link

I love the Quote

"Unless Ugarek is hit by a bus (or devoured by the Walking Dead) you can expect to see more from this filmmaker--- His first genre effort is an effective post apocalyptic thriller that makes excellent use of Maryland locales and a spirited cast of unknowns"

05-Feb-2007, 09:18 PM
"document not found":(

05-Feb-2007, 09:36 PM
Weird it is working for me...


it is a PDF file, 493kb won't fit in the forum as an attachment. i tired.

05-Feb-2007, 11:27 PM
deadlands is a thriller?:rockbrow:

05-Feb-2007, 11:32 PM
it seems everyone calls horror films thrillers now. It is very rare you see or hear them referred to as Horror film anymore. However, at IMDB it is listed as Action Horror Thriller.

06-Feb-2007, 01:28 AM
i think its cus the sheer amount of crap and exploitation cinema released in the horror genre has given it a piss-poor name in the industry, wereas thriller has an air of proffesionalism around it, so people say thriller since just horror nowadays will get people in there head to associate with mtv generation movies about teens in an isolated location getting killed off one by one.

screw it i say deadlands is a horror, just like all zombie movies, im takin' the name back for the little guy!:lol:

06-Feb-2007, 03:38 AM
screw it i say deadlands is a horror, just like all zombie movies, im takin' the name back for the little guy!:lol:
Porchmonkey 4 Life, yo:)

Nice blurb. Youre getting some attention and thats cool. Its weak that none of you guys makes movies anywhere near me. I got skills that are going to waste.

06-Feb-2007, 10:18 AM
You need to travel out this way. You would get a lot of work for your skills. BTW, what skills do you have?

07-Feb-2007, 10:23 PM
You need to travel out this way. You would get a lot of work for your skills. BTW, what skills do you have?
Strong Musical Skill, foley and sound design, plus mix, restoration on set recording. Good with a camera(compostion a strong point). Much prop experience (Did the Blackzilla set for Dave Chapelle.) as well as set up and breakdown (professional experience). People tell me I write good dialouge. I think so, but everybody thinks they can write.

Also. I can act. Not a pro, but I get accolades as a stand out in things I have done. I see acting in some of these no budget Zombie films and I literally ache to do it better. What I really want to do is act. I love making music but everybody already knows somebody (though I think I can do it better. Sorry for the ego stroke, but someones gotta do it:))
Plus Im enthusastic and dont act all high and mighty and never do the douchey stuff associated with actors.
If I get punched in the face during a scene, Im not getting all weepy and huffy. And I will say the lines on the page. If the lines blow, I wont take the gig.

Wow, my resume looks way better than I thought.
I would act for nothing, but most of the projects I look into end up being wack.

And I have never bailed on a project. When I commit I go to the bitter end no matter how tough it gets

Some of the projects on this board look exciting to me. You and living dead boy are far away. you would think in NYC, there would be more good Zombie action around

07-Feb-2007, 10:36 PM
Strong Musical Skill, foley and sound design, plus mix, restoration on set recording. Good with a camera(compostion a strong point). Much prop experience (Did the Blackzilla set for Dave Chapelle.) as well as set up and breakdown (professional experience). People tell me I write good dialouge. I think so, but everybody thinks they can write.

Also. I can act. Not a pro, but I get accolades as a stand out in things I have done. I see acting in some of these no budget Zombie films and I literally ache to do it better. What I really want to do is act. I love making music but everybody already knows somebody (though I think I can do it better. Sorry for the ego stroke, but someones gotta do it:))
Plus Im enthusastic and dont act all high and mighty and never do the douchey stuff associated with actors.
If I get punched in the face during a scene, Im not getting all weepy and huffy. And I will say the lines on the page. If the lines blow, I wont take the gig.

Wow, my resume looks way better than I thought.
I would act for nothing, but most of the projects I look into end up being wack.

And I have never bailed on a project. When I commit I go to the bitter end no matter how tough it gets

Some of the projects on this board look exciting to me. You and living dead boy are far away. you would think in NYC, there would be more good Zombie action around

man, too bad they dont still do the rep system anymore, cus thats worth some:cool:

07-Feb-2007, 11:21 PM
I agree Hellsing...

Nice resume their coma. Might have to talk to you about Deadlands 2. :D

07-Feb-2007, 11:34 PM
man, too bad they dont still do the rep system anymore, cus thats worth some:cool:
Thanks! I didnt get to meet Dave Chapelle though. The other people said he is super cool.
I also met the Man who created Mr Potatohead! His was really nice, as you might expect. His son, however was a big dick. Super rude to his dad who mustve been 85 or 90. Really old. Grrrr.

I agree Hellsing...

Nice resume their coma. Might have to talk to you about Deadlands 2. :D
Thanks to you too! So your making D2 (sounds good huh? Im a marketing whiz:p). Havent seen you flick yet (tight $$) but I liked what I saw.

I have done some FX work, but not so much. I worked on a low budg Monster flick in the 80s that gets props for the monsters, My brother is a FX man and he has me assist him somethies. He is really good with Monsters, guts, slashes and gunshot wounds I may have been able to be in Class of Nuke Em High, but I wouldve had to get a mohawk and I was too hick and vain at the time to go for that.
I think Cerevals work is good too. I wouldve loved to be in his short that he mailed me.

I can play a good guy , but I really like to play asswipes. I am not afraid to be hated in a movie. In fact, I enjoy that alot. I was in a film my bud made in San Francisco and the class had a feminist debate about how I was Misogonystic scumtard. That was a highpoint. Hehehe.
C'mon zealots, he gave me lines and I said em. I had to tell the joke "What do Mopeds and Fat girls have in commom? Fun to ride but you dont want anyone to see you on it". So threatening and scary. I said a bunch of more horrible stuff, but they focused on that.

08-Feb-2007, 10:44 AM
Its a movie for christs sake. Funny Joke though. Too bad you didn't do Nuke'em High. That is the only other Troma movie I like besides Toxic Avenger part 1. Could have seen the Coma man at work.

BTW, is it friday yet?