View Full Version : I just looked out the window

07-Feb-2007, 08:13 PM
And we have a huge fire down the street. Looks like an f5 tornado from where I am at with all the smoke.


08-Feb-2007, 05:35 PM
God Heidi

didnt we tell you to stop
lighting things on fire?

you lovely pyro you

08-Feb-2007, 05:38 PM

08-Feb-2007, 06:24 PM
I don't understand how a chemical plant burns down yet none of the smoke/fumes going into the air were toxic???

09-Feb-2007, 12:50 AM
It was rather bad. we all joked about holding our breaths till we got to our car. I was about 8 blocks from it, they evacuated 5 blocks around it. It was still burning when I arrived at work this morning. When it happened our lights flickered on and off . I am on the top floor of a high rise building so I got a good view of it all. me and the others by my window were freaking out. We really felt we should have been evacuated as well. They set up shelters for everyone that lived within a mile. its funny that they said the smoke was not toxic for then they said they could not use water to put it out for the severe environmental impact the run off would cause.