View Full Version : Old Woman Keeps Zombies in Her House

Todd Tjersland
10-Feb-2007, 06:42 AM
True story! :confused:


10-Feb-2007, 09:24 AM
interesting, how even in modern times people can belive a school girl saying an old lady keeps zombies and go and burn her houses down.

10-Feb-2007, 01:28 PM
Well, it's no joke with zombies in that part of the world. The practice of zombification carries a rather stiff punishment over there. If a little girl says she saw zombies, that is enough to be taken seriously. Even though it's been proved that zombies ain't dead, they might as well be and are pretty much a burden to whoever decides to look after the affected, probably for the rest of their days. Paranoia is such, that after death they even cut off the head and feet and place them in the casket at opposite ends and that just shows how seriously it is taken. Complete madness!

10-Feb-2007, 03:50 PM
its crazy what peaple will belive.

10-Feb-2007, 06:35 PM
i was thinking "woah voodoo style kidnappings",... until i read this.

"The girls told the community that local witches no longer use brooms to travel but teaspoons. They claimed that teaspoons were faster and carried 15 witches at a time.":rolleyes:

10-Feb-2007, 07:28 PM
i was thinking "woah voodoo style kidnappings",... until i read this.

"The girls told the community that local witches no longer use brooms to travel but teaspoons. They claimed that teaspoons were faster and carried 15 witches at a time.":rolleyes:

I was trying to get with this Dominican Girl with a hot ass I worked with until she told me her grandfather could shape shift at night into different animals like a wolf or a bat and that he could only do it in DR, not here. btw Dominican Republic and Haiti are both on the island of Hispaniola
I asked her if she really believed that
She said"Yeah, don't you?"


10-Feb-2007, 09:21 PM
thats a piece of stand up or something.

12-Feb-2007, 05:19 PM

I was trying to get with this Dominican Girl with a hot ass I worked with until she told me her grandfather could shape shift at night into different animals like a wolf or a bat and that he could only do it in DR, not here. btw Dominican Republic and Haiti are both on the island of Hispaniola
I asked her if she really believed that
She said"Yeah, don't you?"


I think you should hit that anyways. A crazy friend with benefits.

12-Feb-2007, 06:43 PM

15-Feb-2007, 09:37 AM
I think you should hit that anyways. A crazy friend with benefits.

He's right. Psycho sex is the best sex--the worst relationship, but the best sex! Hit it and bug out before her grandpa the werewolf gets his paws on you! :lol:

15-Feb-2007, 07:16 PM
He's right. Psycho sex is the best sex--the worst relationship, but the best sex! Hit it and bug out before her grandpa the werewolf gets his paws on you! :lol:
IT didnt get that far. I ended up crashing at her house (no action) and I woke up with a giant roach on my face. I woke up with a start and said "I got a giant roach on my face"
She just shrugged.
Low Class.
Like Subterranean

I dont think she was crazy, just lacking in reasoning powers and basic intelligence.

I would've hit it, but I didn't want to put in the effort if she was just playing me to get something, as was the feeling.

Another reason. This is really stoopid.
Everybody in her crib is speaking Spanish. No other foreigners do this, but if you are around latin people they will totally leave you out of a conversation by switching to spanish.
I told her that that is annoying as hell because I dont speak the language
"you DON"T?!?!"
"Jesus, look at me!" (Im am a decidedly American Caucasian. Almost none of us speak a second language)
She was dumb as a retarded brick.
Her body was banging but her brain was a shriveled as an old french fry that fell behind the refrigerator.
Any Latin Americans read this, STOP DOING THAT!!!!!! Its basic manners, for Christs sake!:mad:

16-Feb-2007, 06:56 AM
I got ya. It sounds to me that she is a hood rat. The roach would have killed it for me, too. Anyone with a roach infested house and doesn't give a sh!t is a turn off for me. She reminds me of this hood rat I used to bang for fun. She was dumb as a brick and never finished the 9th grade. Her body was kicking, until she got fat. I wouldn't touch her with Pizzoff's d!ck. :lol:

18-Feb-2007, 08:36 AM
She reminds me of this hood rat I used to bang for fun. She was dumb as a brick and never finished the 9th grade. Her body was kicking, until she got fat. I wouldn't touch her with Pizzoff's d!ck. :lol:

Send her my way. I'll bang any broad once, and twice if she's ugly--just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating the first time! :D

18-Feb-2007, 05:16 PM
Nah, you don't want her. Four years ago it would have been a diffrent story. I would have rated her a strong 8/10. But she began abusing drugs and alcohol. She let herself go. Then she had a kid with some loser and ballooned up to at least 200 lbs. I saw her a couple of years ago and her head was the size of a basketball. No joke. She's now a 2/10. She's a complete parody of what she used to look like. Which is a shame.

18-Feb-2007, 05:45 PM
What a horror story. Lucky you got out while the gettings good.
I had a GF in college for a little while. She was cute, not real pretty but cute. I saw her like only a year later and she gained about 75 pounds and wasnt cute at all. It was wierd because gaining weight shouldnt take the cuteness away, I dont know what happened, but she got hideous. I was with my bud when I saw her. She was all snotty because I broke up with her (Normal breakup, not mean at all). he asked...
"what was that about"
"She mad that I broke up with her"
"You went out with...THAT?!?"
"Yeah She didnt look like that at all, though"
"Yeah right. You'll f*ck anything, huh?"

I saw her a couple of years ago and her head was the size of a basketball.
Jesus Christmas!!!!!

Im 38 and I still pretty look good. little fatter, but not to bad. Alot of the chicks that dogged me look like crap now, which I find

18-Feb-2007, 06:59 PM
Nah, you don't want her. Four years ago it would have been a diffrent story. I would have rated her a strong 8/10. But she began abusing drugs and alcohol. She let herself go. Then she had a kid with some loser and ballooned up to at least 200 lbs. I saw her a couple of years ago and her head was the size of a basketball. No joke. She's now a 2/10. She's a complete parody of what she used to look like. Which is a shame.

yes ladies guys really do grade you out of 10, its a shame i know but it happens:lol:

18-Feb-2007, 11:02 PM
Im 38 and I still pretty look good. little fatter, but not to bad. Alot of the chicks that dogged me look like crap now, which I find

Totally. I hear ya, brother. Women depreciate in value appearance-wise as they get older 99% of the time, and the 1% either got great genetics (that will fail them sooner or later, probably sooner, like by the time they hit 40), or else got plastic surgery and probably will end up getting more and more freak-like from one operation to the next.

They also get ugly (and fat) from having babies, getting hideous stretch marks or doughy loose-skin blob bellies that creep me out!! And if you marry them, they butch their hair and get fat and stop doing anything FOR you--they just start doing things TO you, like spending all your money, cutting you off from your friends, nagging and harping and crushing your dreams... So never marry them, just keep them around until a better one comes along.

Men tend to get more attractive as we age not only because we grow more "distinguished" looking, but because we usually gain more power and money, the two qualities women find most attractive in a man for their next-building schemes... A man's success is not tied to his appearance like a woman's is.

Doubtless some women are going to disagree with this but they'll be wrong. And ugly. :elol:

19-Feb-2007, 01:52 PM

....wow, what do you say to that?.:confused:

19-Feb-2007, 02:08 PM
Now that's what I call BRUTAL. :lol:

19-Feb-2007, 03:11 PM
Interesting ... fear is a big motivator .

19-Feb-2007, 03:29 PM
Someone needs to really investigate claims of zombififcation before bruning a house to the ground. :rolleyes:

19-Feb-2007, 06:33 PM
Totally. I hear ya, brother. Women depreciate in value appearance-wise as they get older 99% of the time, and the 1% either got great genetics (that will fail them sooner or later, probably sooner, like by the time they hit 40), or else got plastic surgery and probably will end up getting more and more freak-like from one operation to the next.

They also get ugly (and fat) from having babies, getting hideous stretch marks or doughy loose-skin blob bellies that creep me out!! And if you marry them, they butch their hair and get fat and stop doing anything FOR you--they just start doing things TO you, like spending all your money, cutting you off from your friends, nagging and harping and crushing your dreams... So never marry them, just keep them around until a better one comes along.

Men tend to get more attractive as we age not only because we grow more "distinguished" looking, but because we usually gain more power and money, the two qualities women find most attractive in a man for their next-building schemes... A man's success is not tied to his appearance like a woman's is.

Doubtless some women are going to disagree with this but they'll be wrong. And ugly. :elol:
That is ROUGH! Hehe. I am way more optimistic about women but I have had periods after I got crushed when I felt pretty Much the Same, except I likes a Milf. for me, the harsh attitude is tenporary. UI have always managed to find girls with much value as people and otherwise. If a girl is cool there is always something attractive about them, imo. Someone can crush your dreams only if you let them.

" And if you marry them, they butch their hair and get fat and stop doing anything FOR you"
Like Head. Ever notice almost any girl you date gives you head at first. 2 years later forget it. IT only exists in pron for most. They ask "whats with the porn" you say "its the only place I can gets some head, yo". Truly Blessed and treasured are the girls that really dig it. They are not Hoes. They are Godesses.Im not even kidding. I am a clean dude, get on the pipe!

Funny thing about Girls into $$ and white collar dudes. Many are not that hot and low class wth bad manners. If I got big time dough I am not going to bring so sloppy broad to a high power function. They need to get real. Sheeit, I wouldnt do that NOW and Im broke! Its good to shoot for the stars, but honey has to be realistic.

And a lot of dudes look like hell. I see guys my age who look 20 years older. Like people I went to High School with. They look like they git their faces scraped on gravel.

Someone needs to really investigate claims of zombififcation before bruning a house to the ground. :rolleyes:
Why? Hyjinks in Arson is wicked fun
Burn baby burn!

07-Mar-2007, 03:06 AM

I was trying to get with this Dominican Girl with a hot ass I worked with until she told me her grandfather could shape shift at night into different animals like a wolf or a bat and that he could only do it in DR, not here. btw Dominican Republic and Haiti are both on the island of Hispaniola
I asked her if she really believed that
She said"Yeah, don't you?"


What the fark? We went from zombies in Africa to Dominican chicks with hot asses. Wait. My fiancee is dominican. She has a nice ass. But anyway, I can't believe how backwards certain parts of this world are. Guess I should probably release the frankenstein monster from my basement now....

08-Mar-2007, 03:41 AM
She said"Yeah, don't you?"


"You know Makumba? Voodoo?" :rolleyes:

01-Aug-2007, 10:17 PM
The hood rat story is more frightening than any zombie film I ever saw, even when I was a kid and junk like scooby doo was scary.