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10-Feb-2007, 06:33 PM

I've said it before, and I'm saying again, the majority of the changed Lucas made are just pants...

For example, even just stupid stuff where Luke and Ben go into Los Isley and we now have stupid CGI creatures doing stupid things for no reason at all!!

...and the end of Return of the Jedi is just plain aweful!!

The only things I think add to the films are where he's basically take like for like space ship scenes and re-rendered them.

10-Feb-2007, 06:43 PM
I did like him redoing the weird looking Emperor hologram from Empire to Ian. Made more sence no matter which trilogy we're talking about here. That first hologram was just plain weird.

10-Feb-2007, 06:52 PM
The Special Editions never really bothered me that much, but they weren't necessarily needed. My two biggest gripes are the ending of "Jedi"(as Neil mentioned) and the ending to "Empire".

The ending to "Empire" wasn't anything large, but I prefered the original fade to credits with Luke and Leia looking out the window. In the new version, it fades out on their ship flying away and it just didn't have the power that the original had. The original was about the character of Luke and leaving the film with him was much better than the ships being that there really was no climax to "Empire".

10-Feb-2007, 07:06 PM
As much as I appreciate the effort that has gone into the special editions, I will always be a purist. The original versions are better and now you can buy them again, all remastered as well.

In the special edition of Jedi, Sy Snootles sings a new song in Jabba's palace. Truly awful. Very reminiscent of Little Shop Of Horrors, all muppets singing and that.

10-Feb-2007, 07:12 PM
- Greedo shooting first sucks. Why is it even there?

- Lukes pussy scream in "Empire". It was much more powerful when he didn't scream.

- The song number in Jabbas palace blows balls.

- The original Ewok victory song was much cooler.

- As for Hayden... Meh, I don't mind. Nice that they tied them together, I guess, even though the prequels totally suck ass.

Some of the changes are nice. Like the extended snow beast sequence in "Empire". But why oh why didn't Lucas fix the special effects that needed to be fixed? Primarily in the first film. Obi-Wans lightsaber looks like ****e. Fix that, if you're gonna fix something!

10-Feb-2007, 09:09 PM
The original versions are better and now you can buy them again, all remastered as well.

I thought that was the problem... Infact you can't... All you can buy is some half-hearted version of the originals as Lucas went mad and destroyed all the original prints? So we have some half baked version of the originals in not very good quality?

10-Feb-2007, 09:18 PM
i used to love star wars but all these cahnges and rereleases mad eme sick, plus the non-stop 30 odd years of mechandising, i friggin' hate that franchise now, lucas can kiss my ass.

11-Feb-2007, 01:45 AM
aye most of the changes are awful, i think the empire strikes back was probably the least butchered out of the lot (but again, pointless shots of vader leaving his shuttle etc).

some of the more subtle stuff is ok (sandtroopers riding dewbacks, general sound/image polish) but the rest?; awful, unnecessary, and already looks dated(they replaced the 1997 ANH jabba with a new one for the dvd? quelle suprise).

the greedo shooting first thing, easy target i guess (no pun intended), but it just looks so ropey and crap.

i HATED the new sarlacc. the whole point was it was meant to be a big mouth in the ground. really creepy and fairytale-ish. now it's this stupid beak thing, which renders the mouth-pit thing redundant.

revenge of the sith was an enjoyable movie but, same for me really, it's all about the original unedited versions :cool: theyre the ones that made the name etc

11-Feb-2007, 02:13 AM
anyone give a **** 'bout indiana 4?, apparentyl lucas says its "the most eagerly awaited film of the last ten years and a new level in legendary film making"......

11-Feb-2007, 03:54 AM
aye most of the changes are awful, i think the empire strikes back was probably the least butchered out of the lot (but again, pointless shots of vader leaving his shuttle etc).

some of the more subtle stuff is ok (sandtroopers riding dewbacks, general sound/image polish) but the rest?; awful, unnecessary, and already looks dated(they replaced the 1997 ANH jabba with a new one for the dvd? quelle suprise).

the greedo shooting first thing, easy target i guess (no pun intended), but it just looks so ropey and crap.

i HATED the new sarlacc. the whole point was it was meant to be a big mouth in the ground. really creepy and fairytale-ish. now it's this stupid beak thing, which renders the mouth-pit thing redundant.

revenge of the sith was an enjoyable movie but, same for me really, it's all about the original unedited versions :cool: theyre the ones that made the name etc

Agreed. Lucas is a dink
If you want the real Star Wars you have to get Laserdisc bootlegs. Not Cool

btw They mad the death star explosion look like crap

11-Feb-2007, 03:58 AM
yeah, now see that i dont get, they blew up a real scaled down model of the death star with explosives, so why replace an actual explosion with a digital one?!?:rolleyes:

11-Feb-2007, 07:01 AM
anyone give a **** 'bout indiana 4?

No I do not. Raiders of the Lost Ark is the only movie in that series I have any respect for.

I thought that was the problem... Infact you can't... All you can buy is some half-hearted version of the originals as Lucas went mad and destroyed all the original prints? So we have some half baked version of the originals in not very good quality?

Well, I'm glad I didn't go shelling out £40 for those then.

11-Feb-2007, 01:58 PM
I thought that was the problem... Infact you can't... All you can buy is some half-hearted version of the originals as Lucas went mad and destroyed all the original prints? So we have some half baked version of the originals in not very good quality?

Actually, they are the from the same source that they used for the CAV laserdisc set. They are 4:3 letterbox with 2.0 audio. They look better than the laserdisc simply due to the format upgrade, but they are not remastered. Nothing to complain about really, except anamorphic would have been nice. Actually, these are better than the CAV lasers because in that set, one one of the disc flip spots, we miss a few seconds of Lea welding in Empire. The welding has been restored on the DVDs, yea!

11-Feb-2007, 06:41 PM
Actually, they are the from the same source that they used for the CAV laserdisc set. They are 4:3 letterbox with 2.0 audio. They look better than the laserdisc simply due to the format upgrade, but they are not remastered. Nothing to complain about really, except anamorphic would have been nice. Actually, these are better than the CAV lasers because in that set, one one of the disc flip spots, we miss a few seconds of Lea welding in Empire. The welding has been restored on the DVDs, yea!

So the original versions are included on the new box set, but are basically the old laserdisc set?

11-Feb-2007, 07:57 PM
The boxset was released in 2004, and that was the 2nd special editions.

In 2006, Lucas released the same movies as 2004, as individual films (not a box set) and on a 2nd disc in each release, contains the old master from the CAV laserdisc boxset, but look better due to format, and include Lea welding.

11-Feb-2007, 09:25 PM
The sarlaac thing was changed, I believe, due to the fact that Lucas wanted to make clear that Boba Fett died. Alot of fan fics and books brought him back from the dead using various different stories, whereas Lucas wanted the character to die in the sarlaac. So he added a painful looking beaktoungie thing to the sarlaac so that it would be more obvious that Boba had no chance of survival.

12-Feb-2007, 03:02 AM
No I do not. Raiders of the Lost Ark is the only movie in that series I have any respect for.

hey, last crusade was all right.:D

13-Feb-2007, 08:50 AM
The boxset was released in 2004, and that was the 2nd special editions.

In 2006, Lucas released the same movies as 2004, as individual films (not a box set) and on a 2nd disc in each release, contains the old master from the CAV laserdisc boxset, but look better due to format, and include Lea welding.

Jesus Christ I'm confused! So the ONLY way to see the original films (or anything approaching them), and not see all the new mad Lucas changes, is to get one of these? http://www.play.com/DVD/DVD/4-/1011236/Star_Wars_Episode_VI_Return_Of_The_Jedi/Product.html

Which are non-anamorphic and just dolby surround?

And the "special edition" in these versions (on disc 1) is what version? The Lucas mad rehacked version?

Out of interest, do any of the "fan versions" have better sound/visuals? Or have just some of the nicer special effect enhancements included?

13-Feb-2007, 12:43 PM
Yes, those are the editions to get.

Mid 90's = Special Editions
2004 = Revised Special Editions w/ Hayden added in and replaced Emperor hologram

The 2004 versions trump the mid 90's versions by a long shot. For one, they replaced that silly looking Jaba in New Hope with the Phantom Menace CGI model.