View Full Version : Night of the Living Dead

10-Feb-2007, 10:33 PM

My favourite of the original trilogy, here is the full film for you to watch for free, right here.

10-Feb-2007, 10:44 PM
i got it from that internet archive cus my boxest came with that god aweful 30th edition piece of ****.

10-Feb-2007, 10:53 PM
i got it from that internet archive cus my boxest came with that god aweful 30th edition piece of ****.
lol you got the trilogy boxset? i got that too!

god damn the 30th edition is painful to watch.. you should get the special edition one too (in a tin), thats quite good :D

anyway, i thought i would post this here for people's enjoyment!

10-Feb-2007, 11:05 PM
man im poor as hell, so getting a second version of a film is not on my agenda list, i bought a ds a while back and still havent scraped the cash together for a single game.
i think the only dvd i ever bought a second version of was the lord of the rings and hellboy but i was a big fan of each and both came with some kinda big ass statue type thing so it was worth teh 20 quid for the two.

yeah im tight as fook other than that though:lol:

11-Feb-2007, 08:20 AM
Nice one Andy. Yeah, I got that box set as well. NOTLD 30th anniversary edition blows balls big time, you can't beat the original. Even though I'm a major Dawn nut, I regard this as easily the second best or joint first. Night, Martin and Dawn - nothing touches those three.

11-Feb-2007, 04:20 PM
NOTLD 30th anniversary edition blows balls big time

30th anniversary edition is a crime against humanity, those involved in it's creation should be rounded up and taken to Guantanamo.

Years ago, I went to the Pittsbugh Comicon. There were lines around the convention center to shake GAR's hand, and even lines to meet Clayton Hill and his zombie nurse wife, Sharon. Even Savini, who was seated in another part of the center had a long line of well wishers waiting to meet him. Seated nearby GAR's table, though, were a very lonely and bored looking Russo and Hinzman (spelled that wrong, I am sure) and other guys who were promoting the 30th Anniversary edition which had been released a few years prior. NOT ONE PERSON WAS WAITING TO SPEAK WITH THEM! You could almost feel sorry for them since they were suffering the wrath of the diehard GAR fans nearby!

11-Feb-2007, 05:11 PM
I respect Russo, Hinzman and Streiner (and to a lesser extent, Bob Michelucci) for their involvement in the original Romero works, and try not to think about the 30th, or just about anything else they were involved in.

11-Feb-2007, 09:32 PM
I respect Russo, Hinzman and Streiner (and to a lesser extent, Bob Michelucci) for their involvement in the original Romero works, and try not to think about the 30th, or just about anything else they were involved in.

Yeah, they are due some respect, that is certain. But the awful taste left behind by their effort to live off the carcass of Romero's original work is truly hard to wash away. That being said, however, I think they had no clue as to how diehard fans would react to someone screwing with a beloved property, and I am certain that they meant it as an homage, albeit a badly planned one.

What's to stop them from doing it again, I wonder. Or for that matter, others might attempt the same thing since the original has no copyright. Maybe I will make my own version of NOLD. In my reimagining, I will cut myself into the original scenes (like "Golly, Ben, maybe we should listen to Mr. Cooper's idea!" ) and there will be a stripper hiding in the closet the whole time just to up the exploitive quotient of the film.

11-Feb-2007, 09:55 PM
Seated nearby GAR's table, though, were a very lonely and bored looking Russo and Hinzman (spelled that wrong, I am sure) and other guys who were promoting the 30th Anniversary edition which had been released a few years prior.

I find that really sad because both men are legends in my eyes, I hold no grudges at all for NOTLD30.

12-Feb-2007, 06:11 PM
that has to use a lot of bandwidth

thanks tho for the gesture :)

12-Feb-2007, 07:10 PM



They're both cut by around 4 minutes, a shedload of gore/violence/zombies are chopped out and it's HORRIBLE

I was fortunate enough to get my money back, close shave...:eek:

Millennium Edition - that's what you want.

12-Feb-2007, 07:31 PM
that has to use a lot of bandwidth

thanks tho for the gesture :)

Yeah i bet it does... i'll email youtube sometime and ask them how much :lol:

12-Feb-2007, 08:52 PM
I was fortunate enough to get my money back, close shave...:eek:

I thought the extras and the tin box far outweighed the 4 mins of cuts so I kept it anyway.

13-Feb-2007, 01:24 AM
I find that really sad because both men are legends in my eyes, I hold no grudges at all for NOTLD30.

I can respect that, CapnKnut. It is sad, after all, that people tend to be judged by the last thing that they did instead of what good deeds they did in the past.

13-Feb-2007, 09:46 AM
Are you kiddin' me???!!! You freakin' insane???!!!

The Tin Edition is a half-assed R2 version of the Millennium Edition, which has all those extras (and more) plus it doesn't have all the good stuff taken out. Trust me, those four minutes matter a LOT, and they're edited out so badly too, ach, my eyes felt like they'd been felt up ... and not in a good way, but in that post-Prom "no Johnny, I said no ... NO!" kinda way...:eek: