View Full Version : Has the Land of the Dead forum run its course?

11-Feb-2007, 03:00 AM
It takes a bold man to make a bold statement and I am feeling bold tonight. Time for me to start throwing my weight around a little bit here and state the truth, the facts and everything else in between. This forum for Land of the Dead seems to have run its course.

We still have threads from November and December on Page 1. It means even a thread that goes over like a lead balloon, like this one may, will still be seen on the first page for months to come. As activity slows even more in this particular section of the site, those threads will linger on longer and longer. On other subforums here, "bad" or "useless" threads are gone in a few days.

This movie has been out awhile now. Isn't it time to set this space free and combine the activity here into "Dead Discussion"? At best, more people would get to see these threads again and at worst, they will finally slip to their resting place on later pages. Give in and merge the contents of this forum with the other three movies in "Dead Discussion."

Let's move these threads into an active forum!!!

11-Feb-2007, 03:40 AM
well like em or hate em ~(and i dont care for day much) the origional trilogy are classic's, land ,eh, not so much, least not yet anyway, so know ones gonna be too active 'bout it as such.
gotta admit this may be like my 3rd post in the land section so yeah i reckon dead discussions the place for land threads, since i cant see anything happenning to pick up this thread from the brink other than a love/hate land flame war.:bored:

11-Feb-2007, 03:49 AM
Well there is only so much you can talk about when it comes to zombies. I am sure something will happen and the forum will pick up again.

11-Feb-2007, 03:53 AM
Well there is only so much you can talk about when it comes to zombies. I am sure something will happen and the forum will pick up again.

Well, the forums in general are fine. It is just this single subforum I am referring to.

11-Feb-2007, 08:11 AM
Well, the way I see it is this. Land is now in the past. Dawn is in the past also but does it have it's own forum?

11-Feb-2007, 03:33 PM
It seems that you have nothing left to say about LAND, but i do ... just a lack of spare time to post.

I like the idea of a seperate forum for LAND, even one for each of the dead movies would be cool, i mean ... this is an entire site dedicated to those movies, so it is hardly surprising that in between all the off topic forums each movie could, and should, have it's own dedicated forum, so if and when something does get posted about LAND ... it would be easy to find, instead of getting "buried" fast on the combined dead discussion forum, which is the forum i always considered to be for all other things dead related, but non GAR.

In summary, i would vote in favour of FOUR permanently active forums, one dedicated to each of GAR's dead movies (NIGHT, DAWN, DAY, LAND) ... rather than deleting the ones that do actually exist.

11-Feb-2007, 05:49 PM
In summary, i would vote in favour of FOUR permanently active forums, one dedicated to each of GAR's dead movies (NIGHT, DAWN, DAY, LAND) ... rather than deleting the ones that do actually exist.

I posted something suggesting this a while ago, but it's five forums if you include Diary.

12-Feb-2007, 02:51 AM
Fold land in with the normal Dead forum...

Maybe open up a thread for other Romero only projects...

just my 2 buttons and lint worth...

12-Feb-2007, 04:23 AM
I agree with Deadman. I always thought it was insulting to Dawn, which way more than any of the original trilogy dominates the dead discusion, to not have its own forum while Land does.

12-Feb-2007, 11:27 PM
I suppose that is one way to fix the issue. If other movies in the series were to have their own forums, as opposed to just Land. Whatever the case, Land doesn't warrant a forum of its own by itself while other movies share the same thread. Either combine the threads or divide each movie into a different one.

Sadly, this thread is the most activity the Land subforum has seen in weeks.

13-Feb-2007, 12:26 AM
This could become a poll......and my vote would be....:bored: YES. But, we could also have another poll question about whether or not to give each film its own forum, and again my answer would be...:D YES.

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 10:46 PM
i cant see anything happenning to pick up this thread from the brink other than a love/hate land flame war.:bored:

My how times have changed. We don't get too many of those around here anymore do we?

I don't consider land a part of the series so having it here on it's own little island suits me just fine. However it is a gar dead film so it needs to be shown atleast some respect. I think the forum should stay the way it is.

27-Jul-2007, 02:51 AM
all this means is that the majority of us on here are johnny come lately fans who know jack about the later films. i cant speak for the noobs cuz that aint me.

27-Jul-2007, 07:08 AM
The Land forum made sense prior to and just after its release. Now its old news and I think its appropriate to retire the forum. No reason not to fold it into the general dead forums. I think the movie forums should stay like this:

1. General Dead Forum
2. Romero's Latest Project Forum (Land, Diary, etc.)
3. Remakes and Ripoffs Forum

