View Full Version : Italian zombie flicks

11-Feb-2007, 09:41 PM
Hey guys,

I'm gonna write a paper on films soon. Studying at the university, you know. So I figured I wanted to write about zombie flicks. Italian zombieflicks in particular. I haven't decided on a specific theme yet, but right now it's leaning towards "The Rise and Fall of the Italian Zombie Film". I've seen quite alot of them, but I imagine there are some that I haven't.

Here's a list of those I have seen:

Breakfast at the Manchester Morgue (Spain, Italy)
Zombi 2 (ZFE)
Zombi 3 (ZFE 2)
Zombie 4: After Death (ZFE 3)
Zombie Holocaust
Hell of the Living Dead
Zombie Lake (France, Spain)
City of the Living Dead
The Beyond
Nightmare City

Now, anyone have any suggestions for italian/european zombie flicks from the 1970's and 1980's? Or any "homage" film that was later released during the 90's or 00's.

Also, any literature is welcome of course.

12-Feb-2007, 12:47 AM
You forgot Zombie 5 killing Birds.
I like Bits if ItalianZombie movies, but do you not believe they are utter schlock and virtually devoid of skill?

12-Feb-2007, 01:26 AM
But I think Demons and Demons 2 fit into the "zombie" catagorie for Italian zombie movies.

Plus you get to see Asia Argento when she was still "Hot"!

12-Feb-2007, 03:19 AM
Wasn't there some Italian film called Cemetary of the Dead or something?

You forgot Zombie 5 killing Birds.

Oh my GAR, why was that ghastly movie ever made? :confused:

But I think Demons and Demons 2 fit into the "zombie" catagorie for Italian zombie movies.

That's a tough one. Kinda falls into the whole "Is Evil Dead a zombie flick?" category. Great movies though.

triste realtà
12-Feb-2007, 04:19 AM
The Italian films are short on sophistication (and big on plagiarism)when it came to script. But they have good cinematography and atmosphere. Burial Ground is one of the best, don't miss that one. I think they were jumpstarted by Savini's work (in Dawn) coupled with Goblin's music. It struck a chord, so to speak.

12-Feb-2007, 05:09 AM
The Italian films are short on sophistication (and big on plagiarism)when it came to script. But they have good cinematography and atmosphere. Burial Ground is one of the best, don't miss that one. I think they were jumpstarted by Savini's work (in Dawn) coupled with Goblin's music. It struck a chord, so to speak.
Agreed. For me, story and characterization are much of the reason I see a film. Never saw Burial Ground, but I will look for it.
Maybe I did see it. In the 80s I saw A TON of Zombie movies.
Gates of Hell/City OTLD was total cat ass though. I want my 2 hours back, dammit

12-Feb-2007, 09:36 AM
Italian zombie flicks definetly suck most of the time. But that's part of the charm.

I do recommend Zombie 4: After Death to anyone who wants to laugh. It's hilarious.

Thanks for the suggestions, btw.

13-Feb-2007, 04:00 AM
Zomibe 4 is sooo bad its good...I loved it.

17-Feb-2007, 03:55 AM
Yeah, you definately want "Burial Ground" for these purposes...it's gonna fit in w/ what you already have REAL nicely. The "Blind Dead" series would also be appropriate.

NOW, for an entirely DIFFERNENT take on the Italian zombie flick, check out "Dellamorte Dellamore" (aka "Cemetery Man"). A great flick PERIOD. Very existential, delving deep into the meaning of death & life. shold provide a nice contrast to the others

17-Feb-2007, 03:46 PM
NOW, for an entirely DIFFERNENT take on the Italian zombie flick, check out "Dellamorte Dellamore" (aka "Cemetery Man"). A great flick PERIOD. Very existential, delving deep into the meaning of death & life. shold provide a nice contrast to the others

Awesome movie.

17-Feb-2007, 06:15 PM
Yeah, you definately want "Burial Ground" for these purposes...it's gonna fit in w/ what you already have REAL nicely. The "Blind Dead" series would also be appropriate.

Blind ead is spanish and commits the worst sin
BORING. really, really boring. I'll take ultra stupid over boring any day.

17-Feb-2007, 08:07 PM
Burial Grounds I'll have to get ahold off. I think there's a store in town that holds the supposed uncut Vipco release (the one from 2004). The ZFE2 release was uncut, so I don't see why this one can't be.

As for Dellamorte Dellamore it's a bit out of the timeframe. It's a 90's film and came out long after the zombie wave had died down. But I might have to check it out to see where the genre "went" from there.

Blind Dead series I think I'll skip, seeing as they're not true zombie flicks, are they?

19-Feb-2007, 04:38 PM
I watched Killing Birds last night.

Oh god. What WAS that ****? The first zombie cropped up at 55 minutes into the film. And then the zombies didn't really DO anything for another 15 minutes. It was boring and worthless. There's practically no zombies in it whatsoever. It's more like a slasherfilm, but you never ever get to see the killer and he strikes once every half-hour.

19-Feb-2007, 04:58 PM
I feel for ya Ned, that's 90 minutes you're never going to get back. :D

20-Feb-2007, 08:03 PM
Try these ones.

-Erotic Nights Of The Living Dead- There are two versions of this film, one has some graphic sex scenes, and the other just normal horror stuff. I think.

-Oasis of the Zombies- I think the writer of Zombie Lake made this one I could be wrong.

Hit up Burial Ground though it's a good flick.

20-Feb-2007, 08:28 PM
Zombie Lake was written by Jess Franco wh somehow got Jean Rollin of Les Raisins de la Mort fame to direct. Then Jess Franco turned around and remade his own film as Oasis of the Dead the same year.
Both were deriative of Shock Waves and ended the underwater (oasis) Nazi zombie theme. Well, there was also that Night of the Zombies flick with Jamie Gillis although those Nazi zombies weren't underwater and had a tendancy to spontaneously turn into anatomical skeletons.

1981 was a good year...

21-Feb-2007, 01:27 AM
Italian zombie films are great. My favorite is Nights of Terror AKA Burial Ground. The little Eddie Munster look-alike that bites his mother's nipple off is just downright creepy.

Another decent Italian zombie movie is Night of the Zombies. Listen to the soundtrack. It might sound familiar to you Dawn fans!

21-Feb-2007, 06:38 AM
I don't like Italian zombies. They groan with their hands.

27-Feb-2007, 02:27 PM
Wasn't able to eat popcorn for years after watching the pickup truck scene in 'The Gates of Hell' aka 'City of the Living Dead'.