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View Full Version : Behind the scenes pics from Day

11-Feb-2007, 11:20 PM
Scroll down this page http://zombie-nation.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4996&page=54 there are quite a few behind the scenes pics.

11-Feb-2007, 11:35 PM
Man, is it just me or are some of them zombies looking real juicy and colourful?

12-Feb-2007, 01:04 AM
Love the make up job..that looks like real pus on that one zomb:barf:
I am really glad I am not eating right now!LOL

12-Feb-2007, 01:13 AM
Yes, its a good job!. But the maker failed in a thing... The wounds of the first zombie, don't like wounds by bite...

19-Mar-2007, 01:59 AM
does any one know when it comes out this year. also, i would like to see it in this order at the drive-in. first night remake then dawn remake then day. that would be the perfict drive- in night.

19-Mar-2007, 02:14 AM
that just looks bad.:dead:

19-Mar-2007, 07:28 AM
Man, I need to start paying more attention to the news around here..I completely missed that a day remake was going on..time to browse dead discussion and find some news about it..

and the make-up looks fine..I dunno whats with the people on the forum those images are posted on though...I think it looks fine, but whatever, opinions and such

19-Mar-2007, 11:31 AM
Man, this news is as old as my grandma.

20-Mar-2007, 04:21 AM
How old is your grandmom? This movie is ****ing pathetic....

20-Mar-2007, 04:49 AM
86. :D

But damn even she wouldn't fall for this. The first thing she said when she saw Yawn 04 was, "It's alright if you like 6 sugars in yer tea. Nowhere near as good as the first one." :lol:

20-Mar-2007, 05:56 AM
86. :D

But damn even she wouldn't fall for this. The first thing she said when she saw Yawn 04 was, "It's alright if you like 6 sugars in yer tea. Nowhere near as good as the first one." :lol:
For real?
Couldnt imagine my Grandmother liking any of that stuff. Though shem took me to see all those UFO, Bigfoot, bernuda Triangle Movies in thr 70s. In search of...etc.

20-Mar-2007, 05:58 AM
Oh yeah, my grammie has a big thing for Scottie Reiniger. And Alice Cooper funnily enough. :D

20-Mar-2007, 12:32 PM
Why has that first zombie suddenly got really bad teeth? Also, why does it appear to have poo-juice smeared all over it?

Second one - this is supposed to be the beginning of the outbreak? :rockbrow::confused:

3rd - not too bad, still some poo-juice though...

4th - not to sound rude, but that schnozz is MASSIVE in that pic. :) Anyway, that looks like a man who's watching his career stare into the abyss ... I bet he's reliving the Mission Impossible movies when he was hanging out with Tom Cruise, seeing the budget of Day of the Remake spent on merely Craft Service...:lol:

21-Mar-2007, 12:35 AM
What's with the critiszing just to criticize ?

These zombies look rad. After you see them on celluloid and color corrected, you'll be stoked.

For example ?


21-Mar-2007, 12:41 AM
What's with the critiszing just to criticize ?

These zombies look rad. After you see them on celluloid and color corrected, you'll be stoked.
I think the look very good. Its not the FX guys fault the movie is probably a piece of ****.
I would take the gig if offered. Definatley.

And Ving seems like a dick to me in general. Or maybe he just had to take a dump:)

21-Mar-2007, 12:50 AM
coma thats going in my sig:lol:

21-Mar-2007, 12:55 AM
coma thats going in my sig:lol:
I have way too much time to think about zingers, smoke out and beat off:D

21-Mar-2007, 11:45 AM
The effects will be the best part of the movie, but the movie is still gonna chow down on a bucket of balls, teabag city ... Day of the Remake will be sh*t, guaranteed.

While the effects aren't complete poo, they just don't inspire me, nor do they seem like the wounds are 'natural' (e.g. those skanky teeth) - it's like comparing the Leatherface mask in TCM1 and then TCM2. The original looked as if the character had made it, the sequel's looked as if Tom Savini had made it...get my drift?

21-Mar-2007, 05:32 PM
There is no reason for the crazy teeth. Its a case of "I like making dentures, so I will". being a Zombie doesnt mean you need braces. It may look good, but ultimately its stupid and self indulgent

21-Mar-2007, 07:05 PM
It's completely daft, the teeth shouldn't be that wonky nor that dirty for a fresh zombie, hell, even a near-the-end zombie doesn't have wonkey teeth like that. The teeth you had in life are the teeth you have in semi-death or zombie limbo.

While the effects may be technically not bad, and the odd one is quite good, but it's the fact that it looks like an FX guy had so much fun his pockets are filled with jizzy tissues (l'il Top Gear reference fer ya there), not a genuine zombie attacked a person who then revived as a fellow undead.

21-Mar-2007, 09:41 PM
It's completely daft, the teeth shouldn't be that wonky nor that dirty for a fresh zombie, hell, even a near-the-end zombie doesn't have wonkey teeth like that. The teeth you had in life are the teeth you have in semi-death or zombie limbo.

While the effects may be technically not bad, and the odd one is quite good, but it's the fact that it looks like an FX guy had so much fun his pockets are filled with jizzy tissues (l'il Top Gear reference fer ya there), not a genuine zombie attacked a person who then revived as a fellow undead.
O dont think the Brain surgery one make sense either. Why is he covered in blood? He's all stitched up.

I just think the FX guys arent thinking.
Knocked out teeth makes more sense. And is more gross. They are going too much in the direction of those 70s monster masks.

22-Mar-2007, 09:22 AM
Knocked out teeth makes more sense. And is more gross.
Well, when you jump 25 feet in the air and smash through someone's bedroom window, you got to expect to lose a few teeth in the process. :lol:

The effects will be the best part of the movie, but the movie is still gonna chow down on a bucket of balls, teabag city...
As much as we can try our best to ignore Day of the Teabag, I know we'll all buckle when it comes out.

22-Mar-2007, 11:41 AM
Yeah, the brain surgery one didn't make a whole lot of sense to me either, where's the blood come from?

22-Mar-2007, 07:03 PM
Yeah, the brain surgery one didn't make a whole lot of sense to me either, where's the blood come from?
Karo syrup:moon:

Day of the Douchebag with more flying zombies. Oh how we suffer so! Jumping like the hulk over buildings in a single bound.

I'm gona see it and give it a chance. But I suspect I will be enumerating all the plot holes, MacGuffins and jackass red herrings on HPOTD afterwards. No amount of teenage tits can redeem a crap script. And the obvious fact that Ving's career is heading strait to the surreal life:lol:

22-Mar-2007, 07:22 PM
I'll give it a glance, but guaranteed I won't like it and it'll just be sat there teabagging itself cos it has no friends. :lol:

23-Mar-2007, 01:07 PM
Day of the Teabag

Day of the Douchebag

Day of the Ballbag
I see a word game forming here. :D

23-Mar-2007, 08:45 PM
Day of the Bulgarian Zombies Remake

(or simply)

Day of the Remake (my personal favourite that I started pimping a while back, seeking to regain the popularity of my "Yawn04" from a few years back :p)

23-Mar-2007, 09:07 PM
I think it looks good. I mean, I watched Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things yesterday and the make-up totally sucked. But the movie itself was gold. So good/bad makeup doesn't really have to do anything with movie quality.

This picture, however:


Ok, I can buy a cop or street gangster putting firerarms down their belt. But a soldier? Wouldn't that be like one of the first things they tell them NOT to do?

23-Mar-2007, 09:36 PM
And the fact she's holding the shotgun, like, well ... a skinny blonde girl. You fire a shotgun like that, especially her, and you're flying across the room with a busted shoulder. :elol:

"it's a bad day to be a zombie" ... nuff said.

23-Mar-2007, 11:31 PM
And the fact she's holding the shotgun, like, well ... a skinny blonde girl. You fire a shotgun like that, especially her, and you're flying across the room with a busted shoulder. :elol:

That's the exact thing that came to my mind when I saw that pic...

24-Mar-2007, 12:37 AM
And the fact she's holding the shotgun, like, well ... a skinny blonde girl. You fire a shotgun like that, especially her, and you're flying across the room with a busted shoulder. :elol:

It llke when you see a non smoker smoking in a movie. You can tell because they hold it in their fingertips like a nazi

24-Mar-2007, 11:39 AM
It llke when you see a non smoker smoking in a movie. You can tell because they hold it in their fingertips like a nazi

And sometimes they don't inhale at all, it's burning away but it doesn't glow ... and they breathe out and there's nothing ... you'd have thought in this day and age of CGI, they'd add that sort of thing in.

Although it's strange, there's a crackdown on smoking in film and tv at the moment, but I watched Blood Diamond the other day (generally quite a good film, DiCaprio was top notch as was Digimon Hansolo or whatever his name is), and it was FULL of smoking, DiCaprio was huffing on a fag every 5 minutes, it was kinda weird to see ... I guess being a non-smoker you don't really notice how smoking has been getting paired back in popular culture...

Mind you, the whole suggestion of removing smoking from classics like Casablanca is just retarded, it's like removing guns from E.T. ... which they did! :rolleyes:

24-Mar-2007, 01:43 PM
Didi we not tell you to stay away from zombie nation lol

Man, is it just me or are some of them zombies looking real juicy and colourful?

yes the second one looks way too green but i love the one that looks like he had brain surgery. i bet it will look more normal on film.

24-Mar-2007, 06:55 PM

And sometimes they don't inhale at all, it's burning away but it doesn't glow ... and they breathe out and there's nothing ... you'd have thought in this day and age of CGI, they'd add that sort of thing in.

Although it's strange, there's a crackdown on smoking in film and tv at the moment, but I watched Blood Diamond the other day (generally quite a good film, DiCaprio was top notch as was Digimon Hansolo or whatever his name is), and it was FULL of smoking, DiCaprio was huffing on a fag every 5 minutes, it was kinda weird to see ... I guess being a non-smoker you don't really notice how smoking has been getting paired back in popular culture...

Mind you, the whole suggestion of removing smoking from classics like Casablanca is just retarded, it's like removing guns from E.T. ... which they did! :rolleyes:
I saw The 1950s Day of the Triffids a couple of days ago and in the beginning there is a guy in the hospital bed. And a nurse lights a smoke for him. Forgot aboutt hat stuff. My Mom used to smoke in the Drs when I was a kid.
Removing things from Old films is despicable. Face it. People smoke. They still smoke and they used to smoke A LOT. You cant change reality no matter how hard you try.

they removed Guns from ET? Like a UK version or speilberg himself?
I havent seen ET since the 80s and recently wanted to see it again and I am getting upset. I dont want some cheesy Lucasish version:mad::mad:

25-Mar-2007, 04:17 AM
Hell, look at drinking in movies from years ago, its frowned upon now as a negative influence on society. God forbid people see an actual portrayal of reality!

I can not believe they went as far as removing guns from ET? I'll have to pick it up and watch it, of course my recollection from seeing it in its original form in the early 80s isn't much to compare it to.

Political correctness is going to be the death of the United States....everyone who promotes it should have a pointed spear driven up their ass!

25-Mar-2007, 11:15 AM
PC-ness is killing off the UK as well.

As for ET - it was in the 20th Anniversary or whatever edition I believe, they added a bunch of CGI ET shots running around, ponced up the spaceship, added a beating heart that was clearer to see, and most importantly - TOOK THE F*CKING GUNS OUT!!! :eek: wtf?! Even Yosemite Sam carries a gun around, so why not gubment agents in ET?!

hehe, interestingly enough in the UK, this 'drinking in the media' has become a bit of an (albeit small) issue of late, mainly pointing at a serial 'drama' (e.g. load of oddly addictive wank that repeats the same three storylines over and over for years) Hollyoaks, as they feel it promotes drinking, it's just showing drinking for how drinking culture is already.

If you wanna tackle the problem, educate teenagers about alcohol in high school, tell them what happens, how you'll feel, what you'll no doubt end up thinking of alcohol, but just get the message into their head sooner without the experimentation.

We weren't told anything about booze in school, but I wasn't and still am not, a boozer. First got slaughtered at 17 years old, that was my introduction to "Snake Bite", a lethal concoction of any booze to hand ... downing that bitch was a bad idea, the drunken-ness literally hit me like a ton of bricks, just like in a cartoon, it just wooshed up on me like a freight train and I immediately starting slurring, having trouble opening my eyes, and wavering on the spot, haha...my point is, if you're educated about drinking and drinking related issues, you'll know what to do, what to expect, and perhaps drink more responsibly. Same with drugs...experimentation is a dangerous game, at least if you know what you're doing then that's something...

Wow, from talking about the utterly non-serious load of wank that is Day of the Remake, to talking about political correctness, vices in movies and drinking culture ... bonus round!

25-Mar-2007, 05:29 PM
PC-ness is killing off the UK as well.

As for ET - it was in the 20th Anniversary or whatever edition I believe, they added a bunch of CGI ET shots running around, ponced up the spaceship, added a beating heart that was clearer to see, and most importantly - TOOK THE F*CKING GUNS OUT!!! :eek: wtf?! Even Yosemite Sam carries a gun around, so why not gubment agents in ET?!

hehe, interestingly enough in the UK, this 'drinking in the media' has become a bit of an (albeit small) issue of late, mainly pointing at a serial 'drama' (e.g. load of oddly addictive wank that repeats the same three storylines over and over for years) Hollyoaks, as they feel it promotes drinking, it's just showing drinking for how drinking culture is already.

If you wanna tackle the problem, educate teenagers about alcohol in high school, tell them what happens, how you'll feel, what you'll no doubt end up thinking of alcohol, but just get the message into their head sooner without the experimentation.

We weren't told anything about booze in school, but I wasn't and still am not, a boozer. First got slaughtered at 17 years old, that was my introduction to "Snake Bite", a lethal concoction of any booze to hand ... downing that bitch was a bad idea, the drunken-ness literally hit me like a ton of bricks, just like in a cartoon, it just wooshed up on me like a freight train and I immediately starting slurring, having trouble opening my eyes, and wavering on the spot, haha...my point is, if you're educated about drinking and drinking related issues, you'll know what to do, what to expect, and perhaps drink more responsibly. Same with drugs...experimentation is a dangerous game, at least if you know what you're doing then that's something...

Wow, from talking about the utterly non-serious load of wank that is Day of the Remake, to talking about political correctness, vices in movies and drinking culture ... bonus round!
ET....ugggggh. Y'know because Gov agents that act like Gestapo couldnt possibly be armed! That NEVER, EVER happens in America!:(:cool:

Now some dicks are trying to make any movie with smoking R rated. So if I do a movie about being a kid in the seventies and I show my Mom chain smoking Pall Malls its only for adults? The rating system is crap anyway. See this film is not yet rated for more irritating info on that.

The thing about experimenting is that its experimental. As in you dont know what you are doing and dont know what the outcome will be. s**t, thats half the fun! I first drank at 12 (though didnt like it until my 20s) and smoked out at 14. Smoking then was a way different experience than now. More trippy and certainly more hilarity ensuing:D

I knew the dangers etc of drink and drugs and did it anyway. Some (Lots of) people want to party, propaganda, I mean, education be damned!

Day of the Dips**ts
Day of the Dildos
Day of the Dickheads
Day of the retread
Day of the crass exploitation of an under appreciated Master's work that totally misses the point of why it was good in the first place. AKA DOTCEOAUAMWTTMTPOWIWGINFP:)

We got to come up with a good name for it.
Dawn of the Flying Zombies 2:Electric Track Star

Small Chicks, Big Guns
Day of the Teenagers in Nonsensical Danger
Day of the Self indulgent Makeup effects Designer
Day of the Sensitive Vegan Zombie
Day of the Script by Commitee
Day of the soon to be washed up actor having to take a greasy dump aka F**k y'all part deux

25-Mar-2007, 05:39 PM
It's A Bad Day of the Dead To Be A Zombie...:rolleyes::barf:

Day of the Anal Fistf*ck: Yes, that's how comfortable you'll be watching this Trash

Careers of the Dead

25-Mar-2007, 06:10 PM
Careers of the Dead
Day of the option to renew passed on
Day of Career Suicide

25-Mar-2007, 06:19 PM
Careers of the Dead
I gots ta say, I loikes that one. :D

25-Mar-2007, 09:22 PM


*MZ pulls out another classic!* :lol::p:D

26-Mar-2007, 10:37 AM
Another slice of vintage MZ phrase coinery. :D

26-Mar-2007, 10:42 PM
I watched Blood Diamond the other day (generally quite a good film, DiCaprio was top notch as was Digimon Hansolo or whatever his name is)...

Hehe, I just saw this and thought DiCaprio did a decent job, but they didn't give the other guy much to work with...or he botched it...all this screaming and explosive emoting, it was like watching Land again.