View Full Version : Solaris

14-Feb-2007, 12:24 AM
Did anyone see this movie? It is a remake of Andrei Tarkovsky's 1972 movie of the same name and starred George Clooney and Natasha McElhone. I wont give to much away but it's about a psychiatrist (Clooney), who's called to a space station orbiting a recently discovered new planet called Solaris, on a mission to discover whether the crew aboard have gone crazy or not. No spoilers but I totally recommend it, it had me scratching my head for a couple of days until it all dawned on me. Did anyone see this? Thoughts?

14-Feb-2007, 01:28 AM
YES I loved the movie. It moves kinda slow. It is a movie that you have to pay attention to in order to understand the story. It really gets you thinking about the possibilities of life out there. i also recommend it. It is not your typical Alien/Space movie.

14-Feb-2007, 01:31 AM
I have only watched it twice, but it was pretty fair-- sort of atmospheric and surreal-ish...

Either you like or hate it-- at least hat is my experience with other people I have watched it with-- once at the theatre, the other on DVD @ home..

14-Feb-2007, 10:13 AM
I've been meaning to watch the original (and the remake I guess) for quite some time, I am however getting a copy of Tarkovski's 1979 film "Stalker", which looks rather interesting.

14-Feb-2007, 05:07 PM
I've been meaning to watch the original (and the remake I guess) for quite some time, I am however getting a copy of Tarkovski's 1979 film "Stalker", which looks rather interesting.

The orginal Solaris may lack the serenity and beauty of the remake but the scenes of isolation are overwhelming. And boy oh boy is it a talky piece. I've watched it seven times now and it just keeps getting better and better. If you are interested in this version of the movie, I implore you to watch it before the Soderbergh version because it deals with the mystery of the planet more in-depth and kinda gives you an idea of what Soderbergh intentionally left secret. Stalker is also a great movie, I've been waiting for a dvd reh-hash for quite some time now.