View Full Version : Consoles eating cds

14-Feb-2007, 05:04 AM
It just happened to me for the first time. My SEXBOX 369 ate Dead or Alive. Good thing it was a rental. I'm taking it back for another game. Damn, I only played 5 minutes of it.

14-Feb-2007, 05:07 AM
It just happened to me for the first time. My SEXBOX 369 ate Dead or Alive. Good thing it was a rental. I'm taking it back for another game. Damn, I only played 5 minutes of it.

That happens when the drive fails to lift the disk properly from the tray. You may want to get that checked out before it destroys more games.

14-Feb-2007, 05:11 AM
I was just watching a movie on it a while ago and everything was fine. But when I played that game a heard a strange noise that sounded like a loud spring popping.

14-Feb-2007, 05:16 AM
That doesn't sound very good, I would call Microsoft about that, I bet they would fix it for free. I see this problem a lot at work with the 360, but we saw it even more with the older model PS2's.

14-Feb-2007, 05:37 AM
I have a one year replacement plan at GameStop. It would be quicker and easier for me. I also failed to mention that the label used for scanning the cd at the video store came off while it was in the system. I managed to get it out. But it makes me wonder if that was the main cause of the problem to begin with.

14-Feb-2007, 01:21 PM
This would be one of those times when I would feel glad that I bought that extra warranty....

14-Feb-2007, 04:41 PM
This would be one of those times when I would feel glad that I bought that extra warranty...

Ditto. I don't know about anyone else but I've tried to stay away from rental games in particular because that was the cause of my first Xbox conking out. Most of the time, the lens has trouble reading the filthy discs (even when cleaned) and sometimes they don't even work at all. Another thing, I NEVER use a game console to watch dvd's on - shortens the life span of the console considerably.

14-Feb-2007, 05:45 PM
Another thing, I NEVER use a game console to watch dvd's on - shortens the life span of the console considerably.

THIS I did not know. Thanks for the heads up. I've already used my 360 with a few DVDs.:confused:

14-Feb-2007, 06:33 PM
You'll be okay if you just watch a few here and there. But in my experience with consoles (and going by other peoples experiences too), using your console as a regular dvd player does it no favours in the long run. Believe me.

15-Feb-2007, 05:21 AM
funny you should mention this, just the other day playing a copy of gears not only did it lag frame rate wise but around 6 or 7 different glitches occured during the gameplay, plus it signed me out of live once too, side from that my xbox has been fine, cept a bit load, though i just bought a slimline ps2 yesterday and thats pretty load itself.

15-Feb-2007, 05:33 AM
Yeah, I decided to lay the SEXBOX back on its side, instead of facing up. Just to play it safe. I still think the label came off somehow and caused the problem. But who knows.

15-Feb-2007, 05:57 AM
Another thing, I NEVER use a game console to watch dvd's on - shortens the life span of the console considerably.

That is not true at all, if it were then why would 90% of PS2 games be DVD format instead of their propritary blue backed format and all Xbox games use the dvd format for their games. The consoles read the games with the same lasers and spin them constantly like they do DVD's so watching a DVD on a console has absolutly no additional effect on the lifespan other than adding to the normal wear and tear which would be caused by playing games anyway. It is an urban myth that watching DVDs on consoles wears them down.

Proof? My Xbox. 3 years old, countless hours of games played on it and I used it every night for 2 years to watch a movie as I fell asleep so it stayed on all night until I woke up and turned it off. The thing starts up without any problems.

Also I did the same with my PS2 until I got the disk read error, which is caused by a known defective part Sony used in earlier models and is well documented as they were sued over it... and lost.

Now, on to the subject at hand

As for the rental game having a label, I would bet money that it is the label that caused the problem. We had that problem with games in the past at Blockbuster and they completely quit using lables on the games because of it. The label can throw the weight off just enough to cause the disk to improperly seat on the hub wich causes it to rub against the disk tray at odd angles. If you notice, most disk trays have a raised area on them and most likely the ring on that disk was pretty even with the raised area on the disk tray.

15-Feb-2007, 06:22 AM
Your disk read error might have been the result of a dirty eye. Sony wanted to charge me $130 or $150 to send my PS2 to their repair shop in California. They would keep my system for 6 to 8 weeks. I decided to open it up instead. All I needed to do was clean the eye with a Q-tip dampened with rubbing alcohol. It worked like new. I paid around $25 for a can of air and an anti-static mat at Radio Shack. So f#ck Sony!

15-Feb-2007, 02:01 PM
That is not true at all, if it were then why would 90% of PS2 games be DVD format instead of their propritary blue backed format and all Xbox games use the dvd format for their games. The consoles read the games with the same lasers and spin them constantly like they do DVD's so watching a DVD on a console has absolutly no additional effect on the lifespan other than adding to the normal wear and tear which would be caused by playing games anyway. It is an urban myth that watching DVDs on consoles wears them down.

Unnecessary overuse of the system by playing dvd's on a regular basis WILL shorten the life span of the console, fact. The more times that disc tray opens and closes, the more you are effectively wearing out the system. I would say you had a good run out of that Xbox but believe me, you were lucky. If 99.9% us used our Xbox's the same way, there would be a considerably high percentage of failures.

Plus also, everytime I hear of a console screwing up, there's always a dvd movie at the centre of the tale. I got through FOUR Xbox's between 2002 and 2006 and I KNOW that at least one of 'em was down to overuse. With my last Xbox, I have used it for gaming only and so far it has lasted me 2 years and it hasn't even stuttered once. I just think it's better to be safe than sorry.

Your disk read error might have been the result of a dirty eye. Sony wanted to charge me $130 or $150 to send my PS2 to their repair shop in California. They would keep my system for 6 to 8 weeks. I decided to open it up instead. All I needed to do was clean the eye with a Q-tip dampened with rubbing alcohol. It worked like new. I paid around $25 for a can of air and an anti-static mat at Radio Shack. So f#ck Sony!

My first P$2 lasted me just under a year before doing the infamous "click...click...click" routine on me. I telephoned $ony who said that my warranty had run out, when it hadn't, and swiftly asked me for £80 ($160) for a repair. Straight away I told them to f**k off, hung up the phone, traded the albatross at a computer store (:sneaky:) and bought an Xbox. From now on, $ony ain't ever gonna get a penny from me and if I do end up owning a P$3, it will be a 2nd hand knock off.

19-Feb-2007, 04:48 AM
Your disk read error might have been the result of a dirty eye. Sony wanted to charge me $130 or $150 to send my PS2 to their repair shop in California. They would keep my system for 6 to 8 weeks. I decided to open it up instead. All I needed to do was clean the eye with a Q-tip dampened with rubbing alcohol. It worked like new. I paid around $25 for a can of air and an anti-static mat at Radio Shack. So f#ck Sony!

I sent it in to Sony to be fixed once for the same problem, they supposedly fixed it the first time, but it still happens. I have cleaned the eye a few times and I clean it with canned air about once a month now depending on wether I use it or not (the Wii is getting most of my gaming now). It's just another piece of crap Sony product.

Unnecessary overuse of the system by playing dvd's on a regular basis WILL shorten the life span of the console, fact. The more times that disc tray opens and closes, the more you are effectively wearing out the system. I would say you had a good run out of that Xbox but believe me, you were lucky. If 99.9% us used our Xbox's the same way, there would be a considerably high percentage of failures.

I wouldn't call it unnecessary, it is a function of the system and was added to the PS2 to boost dvd sales. The PS2 is said to be directly responsable for the seemingly overnight success of the DVD format as DVD sales increased dramatically after the launch of the system. The point I was making is that it is a function of the system and does not wear it down any more than playing a video game on it would. Sure parts will wear out over time, faster on a Sony product since they are no longer quality products, but honestly, working with games and game systems for over 4 years now, most broken systems that I have come across are from abuse. You would be amazed how a lot of people treat their game consoles, some systems I have refused to take in as a trade just because of their outer appearance alone. Nevermind the amount of people who lack the common sense to not put a broken disk into the system and then result in breaking their system.. or kids. Kids break everything.

19-Feb-2007, 01:37 PM
You would be amazed how a lot of people treat their game consoles, some systems I have refused to take in as a trade just because of their outer appearance alone. Nevermind the amount of people who lack the common sense to not put a broken disk into the system and then result in breaking their system.. or kids.
I hear that, you wanna see the condition of some of the consoles they have for sale in a store near me. And what is it with kids putting stickers on them? :confused:

19-Feb-2007, 04:38 PM
Yeah, I have a Perfect Circle logo on my Dreamcast. My friend put it on before I took it from him. He owed me money.

19-Feb-2007, 04:52 PM
tbh i wouldnt be suprised if playing dvds/cds knackers a console, i used my ps2 as a cd player/dvd for 3 or 4 years (didnt really do much gaming in the end), and it's totally knackered know, will only recognise game discs.

19-Feb-2007, 09:15 PM
Correction, it was not Perfect Circle. It is a Deftones logo.

26-Feb-2007, 12:24 PM
I've had COD2 and R6V chewed in my 360. Im now on my 2nd console (My experience with MS changing the console was excellent btw).
To reduce the risk of overusing the drive i only watch dvds in the HD-DVD drive now. Great solution if you have an extra drive

26-Feb-2007, 01:05 PM
mmm...too bad i'd have to be mad before spending over 100 quid on a console perihperal.

26-Feb-2007, 03:56 PM
mmm...too bad i'd have to be mad before spending over 100 quid on a console perihperal.

Another way to look at is, its better than paying £600 for a HD player.

26-Feb-2007, 05:13 PM
Yeah, I'm gonna get one in a few weeks. 100 notes is too good to pass up.