View Full Version : Happy Valentines Day! post a pic of your sweetie thread.

15-Feb-2007, 02:12 AM
I hear in England it is also national impotence(sp??) day as well:rolleyes: and that some pharmacies are selling viagra without a perscription? At least that is what I saw on the news. I hope you all are having a good day.

I was expecting to be alone today but just very recient me and an ex of mine decided to get back together. Here is a photo. Sorry I do not mean to brag but I am rather thrilled. I know this video sucks for it is from a cell phone. We were goofing off in the parking lot of a casino. lol


15-Feb-2007, 02:31 AM

He makes an awesome tator-tot hotdish. He never gets carded when we buy beer-- due to the cool 'stache. He once let me win at naked leapfrog and I got to drive his '79 Firebird as a prize.

He is my best friend, and he will kick the f*ck out of me if I say anything different.


15-Feb-2007, 03:08 PM
I got two Valentines cards but I have no idea who they are from. I'm sure one is from a girl I've been getting close with at work but the other one... I just don't know. I've asked my mother and my buddies and they all deny sending it. :confused:

16-Feb-2007, 04:32 AM
I got two Valentines cards but I have no idea who they are from. I'm sure one is from a girl I've been getting close with at work but the other one... I just don't know. I've asked my mother and my buddies and they all deny sending it. :confused:



She used to be my ex girlfriend. But for whatever reason I'm not going to complain at, she is still interested, and the flame still burns so strong inside me, I absolutely adore this woman and couldn't get her out of my mind when we were apart. This is the first time I've ever had a girl be my valentine, by hook or crook or just bad timing, it's never happened before. I can only say how pleased I am. No other girl can match upto her. I tried to push her out my mind, tried to be interested in other girls, then she saunters back into my life, and I'm absolutely proud to be completely under her spell. I'd do anything for her.

I love ya Zoe, here's to many happy years together :)

16-Feb-2007, 12:52 PM
She's very pretty. Congrats man.

16-Feb-2007, 05:48 PM
hope everyone had a nice 14th!

here's my long suffering missus amy at xmas

16-Feb-2007, 06:29 PM

Bit of a blurry pic mind!

16-Feb-2007, 06:46 PM
Tricky - I thought you two had broken up? :confused:
Liam - you nabbed that pic from some website, surely? :sneaky:
Dtothe3 - noiiice :thumbsup:


Damn ... I don't have anyone to take a pic of ... ... *waits for sympathy* ... ... *still waiting* ... ... gits...:lol:

16-Feb-2007, 06:50 PM
:lol: me and her break up all the time,we've been seeing each other again recently!only 2 weeks till she goes away in the RAF now though so that will probably be it after that,dont know whether thats a good or a bad thing :confused:

16-Feb-2007, 06:58 PM
Oh I see ... blimey, RAF eh? I guess she'll be flying over things noticing forests in the shape of kitchen utensils and big red/blue/white targets in the middle of random cities. :p

16-Feb-2007, 07:09 PM
Liam - you nabbed that pic from some website, surely? :sneaky:

heh sorta, it's off her website (it's on the gallery, i took the photo :p ), she's like a corset model and stuff ;) it's the 80s throwback hair and doctor who dvds that do it for the laydeez, aii

hpodters get da bitches innit

16-Feb-2007, 07:09 PM
Oh I see ... blimey, RAF eh? I guess she'll be flying over things noticing forests in the shape of kitchen utensils and big red/blue/white targets in the middle of random cities. :p

:lol: Nothing so glamorous,shes going in as a snowdrop (military police) and i dont think she'll like it to be honest and probably wont last long in there!she likes her creature comforts & seems to have the idea that she'll be home every weekend & just working 9-5 hours,she'll be in for a shock!

16-Feb-2007, 08:43 PM

Shannon Hoon? :lol:

16-Feb-2007, 08:54 PM
some say i am the spawn of cantrell

16-Feb-2007, 09:12 PM
some say i am the spawn of cantrell

If you are, tell your dad to get rid of William DuVall. It just aint workin' man. :D

17-Feb-2007, 01:22 AM
Tricky - I thought you two had broken up? :confused:
Liam - you nabbed that pic from some website, surely? :sneaky:
Dtothe3 - noiiice :thumbsup:


Damn ... I don't have anyone to take a pic of ... ... *waits for sympathy* ... ... *still waiting* ... ... gits...:lol:

*Here is your sympathy* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah poor MZ!!!! My heart goes out to you being alone on Valentines day!!!
We all still love ya zombieman!!!!!:skull:

17-Feb-2007, 05:23 AM
wow guys you have some hottie g/f...now debbie i wanna see your hubby :)

17-Feb-2007, 03:05 PM
My heart goes out to you being alone on Valentines day!!! We all still love ya zombieman!!!!!:skull:

It's not ZM who is suffering, he is always baggin' the ladies, it's the director. You'd think that damn creation of his would let him in on a bit of trailer action.

Back to the Valentines thing. Apart from my work colleague there's someone else who's more special to me. I talk to her on the internet quite a bit, she's totally cute and she sent me some photos the other day. How the hell to you insert pics in this thing?

17-Feb-2007, 05:21 PM
It's not ZM who is suffering, he is always baggin' the ladies, it's the director. You'd think that damn creation of his would let him in on a bit of trailer action.

Back to the Valentines thing. Apart from my work colleague there's someone else who's more special to me. I talk to her on the internet quite a bit, she's totally cute and she sent me some photos the other day. How the hell to you insert pics in this thing?

I didnt mean ZM lol...and thanks for saying about photos I dont feel so freaking stupid about how do u insert pics on this this thing?

17-Feb-2007, 07:49 PM
Deb! You've turned into Patricia Tallman! :D

17-Feb-2007, 09:32 PM
Tell me about it, ZM hogs all the good meat ... then hogs the rest! :eek::D

I guess I'm just a loner...*looks all brooding, collar hoisted high, head ducked, hands in pockets ... walks off into the sunset*



Are any chicks looking on sympathetically yet? How far's a guy gotta walk all loner-style down a dirt road?! :lol:

17-Feb-2007, 09:36 PM
Tell me about it, ZM hogs all the good meat ... then hogs the rest! :eek::D

I guess I'm just a loner...*looks all brooding, collar hoisted high, head ducked, hands in pockets ... walks off into the sunset*



Are any chicks looking on sympathetically yet? How far's a guy gotta walk all loner-style down a dirt road?! :lol:

Hell if I was in England I will woo ya. lol That is if i can not get ZM j/k

I didnt mean ZM lol...and thanks for saying about photos I dont feel so freaking stupid about how do u insert pics on this this thing?

Well you can register at photobucket.com. actually my video takes you there. you can upload your photos and when you do they give you a link below the photo that you use to piost a pic here. the link they give you after uploading starts with [img] or something like that. you just copy it and paste it here.

19-Feb-2007, 02:09 AM
Cutie from a pic of her from my newest film:


:dead: Dawg

19-Feb-2007, 03:22 AM
She's very pretty. Congrats man.

Cheers bro :)

Tricky - I thought you two had broken up? :confused:
Liam - you nabbed that pic from some website, surely? :sneaky:
Dtothe3 - noiiice :thumbsup:


Damn ... I don't have anyone to take a pic of ... ... *waits for sympathy* ... ... *still waiting* ... ... gits...:lol:

Excellent description sir :) If you wish to find your way over to us, I'm sure I could ask her to find a friend for ya mate :D

Btw, this is the guy she loves;


Something about that picture says something to me :rockbrow:

21-Feb-2007, 01:09 PM
Heres my sexy hubby

Hope this works.......


Yeh me:D

21-Feb-2007, 04:13 PM
some say i am the spawn of cantrell

Y'know, I was going to mention that quite a while ago, but I never did. I should have, 'cause you're right - ya'll could be brothers. :D

Tell your dad I said hello. :lol:

I'd post a pic of my woman, but if ya'll have seen Deadlands, you already know what she looks like. If you haven't seen it, well, then you need to buy a copy so you can check her out. :lol:


21-Feb-2007, 07:23 PM
MZ, you ain't the only one to spend V-Day alone. Here is my theory on this situation. We are filmmakers doomed to a life of artistic merit and are only satisfaction is to make another film. No woman can fill that void, but we would be happy to fill the void in the woman. :cool: :D

21-Feb-2007, 09:34 PM
Heres my sexy hubby

Hope this works.......


Yeh me:D

Not bad. He is a nice looking dude :)

21-Feb-2007, 09:48 PM
MZ, you ain't the only one to spend V-Day alone. Here is my theory on this situation. We are filmmakers doomed to a life of artistic merit and are only satisfaction is to make another film. No woman can fill that void, but we would be happy to fill the void in the woman. :cool: :D
More than happy:D

21-Feb-2007, 10:09 PM
MZ, you ain't the only one to spend V-Day alone. Here is my theory on this situation. We are filmmakers doomed to a life of artistic merit and are only satisfaction is to make another film. No woman can fill that void, but we would be happy to fill the void in the woman. :cool: :D
Now that, Sir, is spot-on.

In a kinda self-masochistic-ish kinda way I always got really creative when I was really lonely, now I'm just horny all the time...:lol:...so I'm, say, half as creative these days.

Women, at least the one's I've encountered, are freakin' nuts and I can't be arsed ... or was too confused to make a decision and thus was a total male and lost out as a result ... ... I've never celebrated V-Day, why bother? It's like a day when the card companies officially say "ladies, you have to f*ck your men tonight" ... ... maybe it was invented by a dude not getting any minge? :D

Ya damn straight though, filmmakers get to look, but not touch - that's where actors come in. :p

21-Feb-2007, 11:46 PM
Now that, Sir, is spot-on.

In a kinda self-masochistic-ish kinda way I always got really creative when I was really lonely, now I'm just horny all the time...:lol:...so I'm, say, half as creative these days.

Women, at least the one's I've encountered, are freakin' nuts and I can't be arsed ... or was too confused to make a decision and thus was a total male and lost out as a result ... ... I've never celebrated V-Day, why bother? It's like a day when the card companies officially say "ladies, you have to f*ck your men tonight" ... ... maybe it was invented by a dude not getting any minge? :D

Ya damn straight though, filmmakers get to look, but not touch - that's where actors come in. :p

:( aaaaaah MZ your breaking my heart!!! You too Dj... there is a woman out there for you...right when you arent looking there she will be the one you were looking for all the time! Ok, I am the romantic!

22-Feb-2007, 10:03 AM
You're right as well Deb. While the romantic in me is locked away behind the manly manliness (:lol:), I decided to flat out stop looking and not be bothered, because like you say, you stop looking and there you go - bingo.

Mind you, that still takes a while, but it does work - I stopped waiting for my free DVD from Total Film to arrive, and I come downstairs today and there it is! :p

22-Feb-2007, 10:19 AM
You're right as well Deb. While the romantic in me is locked away behind the manly manliness (:lol:), I decided to flat out stop looking and not be bothered, because like you say, you stop looking and there you go - bingo.

Mind you, that still takes a while, but it does work - I stopped waiting for my free DVD from Total Film to arrive, and I come downstairs today and there it is! :p

Remember "Men live in hope and die in despair"...


22-Feb-2007, 06:25 PM
You're right as well Deb. While the romantic in me is locked away behind the manly manliness (:lol:), I decided to flat out stop looking and not be bothered, because like you say, you stop looking and there you go - bingo.
That has always been my experience. Your a man beyond your years, MZ.

22-Feb-2007, 09:06 PM
That has always been my experience. Your a man beyond your years, MZ.
My teachers all used to say the same thing too. :)

22-Feb-2007, 09:10 PM
hope everyone had a nice 14th!

here's my long suffering missus amy at xmas

No offense, my friend, but I would like to introduce your old lady to my yankee doodle noodle. Seriously though, your better half is a sexy beast. You're a lucky fella!

22-Feb-2007, 09:46 PM
;) :cool:
cheers bro